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Interface MetricDefinition

Package version

Metric definition class specifies the metadata for a metric.


  • MetricDefinition



Optional dimensions

dimensions: LocalizableString[]

the name and the display name of the dimension, i.e. it is a localizable string.

Optional id

id: undefined | string

the resource identifier of the metric definition.

Optional isDimensionRequired

isDimensionRequired: undefined | false | true

Flag to indicate whether the dimension is required.

Optional metricAvailabilities

metricAvailabilities: MetricAvailability[]

the collection of what aggregation intervals are available to be queried.

Optional name

the name and the display name of the metric, i.e. it is a localizable string.

Optional namespace

namespace: undefined | string

the namespace the metric belongs to.

Optional primaryAggregationType

primaryAggregationType: AggregationType

the primary aggregation type value defining how to use the values for display. Possible values include: 'None', 'Average', 'Count', 'Minimum', 'Maximum', 'Total'

Optional resourceId

resourceId: undefined | string

the resource identifier of the resource that emitted the metric.

Optional supportedAggregationTypes

supportedAggregationTypes: AggregationType[]

the collection of what aggregation types are supported.

Optional unit

unit: Unit

the unit of the metric. Possible values include: 'Count', 'Bytes', 'Seconds', 'CountPerSecond', 'BytesPerSecond', 'Percent', 'MilliSeconds', 'ByteSeconds', 'Unspecified'

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