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Interface ImageModelDistributionSettings

Package version

Distribution expressions to sweep over values of model settings. Some examples are: ModelName = "choice('seresnext', 'resnest50')"; LearningRate = "uniform(0.001, 0.01)"; LayersToFreeze = "choice(0, 2)"; All distributions can be specified as distribution_name(min, max) or choice(val1, val2, ..., valn) where distribution name can be: uniform, quniform, loguniform, etc For more details on how to compose distribution expressions please check the documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/machine-learning/how-to-tune-hyperparameters For more information on the available settings please visit the official documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/machine-learning/how-to-auto-train-image-models.


  • ImageModelDistributionSettings



Optional amsGradient

amsGradient: undefined | string

Enable AMSGrad when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'.

Optional augmentations

augmentations: undefined | string

Settings for using Augmentations.

Optional beta1

beta1: undefined | string

Value of 'beta1' when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1].

Optional beta2

beta2: undefined | string

Value of 'beta2' when optimizer is 'adam' or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1].

Optional distributed

distributed: undefined | string

Whether to use distributer training.

Optional earlyStopping

earlyStopping: undefined | string

Enable early stopping logic during training.

Optional earlyStoppingDelay

earlyStoppingDelay: undefined | string

Minimum number of epochs or validation evaluations to wait before primary metric improvement is tracked for early stopping. Must be a positive integer.

Optional earlyStoppingPatience

earlyStoppingPatience: undefined | string

Minimum number of epochs or validation evaluations with no primary metric improvement before the run is stopped. Must be a positive integer.

Optional enableOnnxNormalization

enableOnnxNormalization: undefined | string

Enable normalization when exporting ONNX model.

Optional evaluationFrequency

evaluationFrequency: undefined | string

Frequency to evaluate validation dataset to get metric scores. Must be a positive integer.

Optional gradientAccumulationStep

gradientAccumulationStep: undefined | string

Gradient accumulation means running a configured number of "GradAccumulationStep" steps without updating the model weights while accumulating the gradients of those steps, and then using the accumulated gradients to compute the weight updates. Must be a positive integer.

Optional layersToFreeze

layersToFreeze: undefined | string

Number of layers to freeze for the model. Must be a positive integer. For instance, passing 2 as value for 'seresnext' means freezing layer0 and layer1. For a full list of models supported and details on layer freeze, please see: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/machine-learning/how-to-auto-train-image-models.

Optional learningRate

learningRate: undefined | string

Initial learning rate. Must be a float in the range [0, 1].

Optional learningRateScheduler

learningRateScheduler: undefined | string

Type of learning rate scheduler. Must be 'warmup_cosine' or 'step'.

Optional modelName

modelName: undefined | string

Name of the model to use for training. For more information on the available models please visit the official documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/machine-learning/how-to-auto-train-image-models.

Optional momentum

momentum: undefined | string

Value of momentum when optimizer is 'sgd'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1].

Optional nesterov

nesterov: undefined | string

Enable nesterov when optimizer is 'sgd'.

Optional numberOfEpochs

numberOfEpochs: undefined | string

Number of training epochs. Must be a positive integer.

Optional numberOfWorkers

numberOfWorkers: undefined | string

Number of data loader workers. Must be a non-negative integer.

Optional optimizer

optimizer: undefined | string

Type of optimizer. Must be either 'sgd', 'adam', or 'adamw'.

Optional randomSeed

randomSeed: undefined | string

Random seed to be used when using deterministic training.

Optional splitRatio

splitRatio: undefined | string

If validation data is not defined, this specifies the split ratio for splitting train data into random train and validation subsets. Must be a float in the range [0, 1].

Optional stepLRGamma

stepLRGamma: undefined | string

Value of gamma when learning rate scheduler is 'step'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1].

Optional stepLRStepSize

stepLRStepSize: undefined | string

Value of step size when learning rate scheduler is 'step'. Must be a positive integer.

Optional trainingBatchSize

trainingBatchSize: undefined | string

Training batch size. Must be a positive integer.

Optional validationBatchSize

validationBatchSize: undefined | string

Validation batch size. Must be a positive integer.

Optional warmupCosineLRCycles

warmupCosineLRCycles: undefined | string

Value of cosine cycle when learning rate scheduler is 'warmup_cosine'. Must be a float in the range [0, 1].

Optional warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs

warmupCosineLRWarmupEpochs: undefined | string

Value of warmup epochs when learning rate scheduler is 'warmup_cosine'. Must be a positive integer.

Optional weightDecay

weightDecay: undefined | string

Value of weight decay when optimizer is 'sgd', 'adam', or 'adamw'. Must be a float in the range[0, 1].

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