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Interface ForecastingSettings

Package version

Forecasting specific parameters.


  • ForecastingSettings



Optional countryOrRegionForHolidays

countryOrRegionForHolidays: undefined | string

Country or region for holidays for forecasting tasks. These should be ISO 3166 two-letter country/region codes, for example 'US' or 'GB'.

Optional cvStepSize

cvStepSize: undefined | number

Number of periods between the origin time of one CV fold and the next fold. For example, if CVStepSize = 3 for daily data, the origin time for each fold will be three days apart.

Optional featureLags

featureLags: FeatureLags

Flag for generating lags for the numeric features with 'auto' or null.

Optional forecastHorizon

forecastHorizon: ForecastHorizonUnion

The desired maximum forecast horizon in units of time-series frequency.

Optional frequency

frequency: undefined | string

When forecasting, this parameter represents the period with which the forecast is desired, for example daily, weekly, yearly, etc. The forecast frequency is dataset frequency by default.

Optional seasonality

seasonality: SeasonalityUnion

Set time series seasonality as an integer multiple of the series frequency. If seasonality is set to 'auto', it will be inferred.

Optional shortSeriesHandlingConfig

shortSeriesHandlingConfig: ShortSeriesHandlingConfiguration

The parameter defining how if AutoML should handle short time series.

Optional targetAggregateFunction

targetAggregateFunction: TargetAggregationFunction

The function to be used to aggregate the time series target column to conform to a user specified frequency. If the TargetAggregateFunction is set i.e. not 'None', but the freq parameter is not set, the error is raised. The possible target aggregation functions are: "sum", "max", "min" and "mean".

Optional targetLags

targetLags: TargetLagsUnion

The number of past periods to lag from the target column.

Optional targetRollingWindowSize

targetRollingWindowSize: TargetRollingWindowSizeUnion

The number of past periods used to create a rolling window average of the target column.

Optional timeColumnName

timeColumnName: undefined | string

The name of the time column. This parameter is required when forecasting to specify the datetime column in the input data used for building the time series and inferring its frequency.

Optional timeSeriesIdColumnNames

timeSeriesIdColumnNames: string[]

The names of columns used to group a timeseries. It can be used to create multiple series. If grain is not defined, the data set is assumed to be one time-series. This parameter is used with task type forecasting.

Optional useStl

useStl: UseStl

Configure STL Decomposition of the time-series target column.

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