Package version:

Interface ProvisionedClustersResponseProperties

Properties of provisioned clusters without the corresponding secrets



aadProfile?: AADProfileResponse

AAD profile for the provisioned cluster.

addonProfiles?: {
    [propertyName: string]: AddonProfiles;

AddonProfiles - Profile of managed cluster add-on.

Type declaration

agentPoolProfiles?: NamedAgentPoolProfile[]

The agent pools of the cluster.

cloudProviderProfile?: CloudProviderProfile

The underlying cloud infra provider properties.

controlPlane?: ControlPlaneProfile

ControlPlane - ControlPlane Configuration

enableRbac?: boolean

EnableRBAC - Whether to enable Kubernetes Role-Based Access Control.

Additional features specs like Arc Agent Onboarding.

httpProxyConfig?: HttpProxyConfigResponse

HttpProxyConfig - Configurations for provisioning the cluster with HTTP proxy servers.

kubernetesVersion?: string

KubernetesVersion - Version of Kubernetes specified when creating the managed cluster.

linuxProfile?: LinuxProfileProperties

LinuxProfile - The profile for Linux VMs in the Provisioned Cluster.

networkProfile?: NetworkProfile

NetworkProfile - Profile of network configuration.

nodeResourceGroup?: string

NodeResourceGroup - Name of the resource group containing agent pool nodes.

provisioningState?: string

NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

HybridAKSClusterStatus defines the observed state of HybridAKSCluster NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

windowsProfile?: WindowsProfileResponse

WindowsProfile - Profile for Windows VMs in the Provisioned Cluster.

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