Package version:

Defines the observed Arc Agent status that is resourceSynced back to the ARM resource.


  • ArcAgentStatus


agentVersion?: string

Version of the Arc agents currently running on the Provisioned cluster resource.

coreCount?: number

Number of CPU cores present in the Provisioned cluster resource

deploymentState?: string

Observed deployment state of the Arc Agents on the target cluster. Possible values include: 'pending', 'provisioning', 'provisioned', 'deleting', 'failed', 'upgrading'

errorMessage?: string

Error messages while onboarding/upgrading/uninstalling the Arc agents

lastConnectivityTime?: Date

Last connected timestamp of the Provisioned cluster resource.

managedIdentityCertificateExpirationTime?: Date

ManagedIdentity certificate expiration time (ValidUntil).

onboardingPublicKey?: string

Onboarding public key for provisioning the Managed identity for the HybridAKS cluster. Will be used to create the hybridIdentityMetadata proxy resource and will not be persisted.

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