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Interface ShutdownNotificationContent

Package version

The contents of a shutdown notification. Webhooks can use this type to deserialize the request body when they get notified of an imminent shutdown.


  • ShutdownNotificationContent



Optional delayUrl120

delayUrl120: undefined | string

The URL to delay shutdown by 2 hours.

Optional delayUrl60

delayUrl60: undefined | string

The URL to delay shutdown by 60 minutes.

Optional eventType

eventType: undefined | string

The event for which a notification will be sent.

Optional guid

guid: undefined | string

The GUID for the virtual machine to be shut down.

Optional labName

labName: undefined | string

The lab for the schedule.

Optional minutesUntilShutdown

minutesUntilShutdown: undefined | string

Minutes remaining until shutdown

Optional owner

owner: undefined | string

The owner of the virtual machine.

Optional resourceGroupName

resourceGroupName: undefined | string

The resource group name for the schedule.

Optional skipUrl

skipUrl: undefined | string

The URL to skip auto-shutdown.

Optional subscriptionId

subscriptionId: undefined | string

The subscription ID for the schedule.

Optional text

text: undefined | string

The text for the notification.

Optional vmName

vmName: undefined | string

The virtual machine to be shut down.

Optional vmUrl

vmUrl: undefined | string

The URL of the virtual machine.

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