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Interface ScheduleFragment

Package version

A schedule.




Optional dailyRecurrence

dailyRecurrence: DayDetailsFragment

If the schedule will occur once each day of the week, specify the daily recurrence.

Optional hourlyRecurrence

hourlyRecurrence: HourDetailsFragment

If the schedule will occur multiple times a day, specify the hourly recurrence.

Optional notificationSettings

notificationSettings: NotificationSettingsFragment

Notification settings.

Optional status

status: EnableStatus

The status of the schedule (i.e. Enabled, Disabled). Possible values include: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'

Optional tags

tags: undefined | object

The tags of the resource.

Optional targetResourceId

targetResourceId: undefined | string

The resource ID to which the schedule belongs

Optional taskType

taskType: undefined | string

The task type of the schedule (e.g. LabVmsShutdownTask, LabVmAutoStart).

Optional timeZoneId

timeZoneId: undefined | string

The time zone ID (e.g. Pacific Standard time).

Optional weeklyRecurrence

weeklyRecurrence: WeekDetailsFragment

If the schedule will occur only some days of the week, specify the weekly recurrence.

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