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Interface LabVirtualMachineFragment

Package version

A virtual machine.




Optional allowClaim

allowClaim: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether another user can take ownership of the virtual machine

Optional artifactDeploymentStatus

The artifact deployment status for the virtual machine.

Optional artifacts

The artifacts to be installed on the virtual machine.

Optional computeId

computeId: undefined | string

The resource identifier (Microsoft.Compute) of the virtual machine.

Optional createdByUser

createdByUser: undefined | string

The email address of creator of the virtual machine.

Optional createdByUserId

createdByUserId: undefined | string

The object identifier of the creator of the virtual machine.

Optional createdDate

createdDate: Date

The creation date of the virtual machine.

Optional customImageId

customImageId: undefined | string

The custom image identifier of the virtual machine.

Optional dataDiskParameters

dataDiskParameters: DataDiskPropertiesFragment[]

New or existing data disks to attach to the virtual machine after creation

Optional disallowPublicIpAddress

disallowPublicIpAddress: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether the virtual machine is to be created without a public IP address.

Optional environmentId

environmentId: undefined | string

The resource ID of the environment that contains this virtual machine, if any.

Optional expirationDate

expirationDate: Date

The expiration date for VM.

Optional fqdn

fqdn: undefined | string

The fully-qualified domain name of the virtual machine.

Optional galleryImageReference

galleryImageReference: GalleryImageReferenceFragment

The Microsoft Azure Marketplace image reference of the virtual machine.

Optional isAuthenticationWithSshKey

isAuthenticationWithSshKey: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether this virtual machine uses an SSH key for authentication.

Optional labSubnetName

labSubnetName: undefined | string

The lab subnet name of the virtual machine.

Optional labVirtualNetworkId

labVirtualNetworkId: undefined | string

The lab virtual network identifier of the virtual machine.

Optional lastKnownPowerState

lastKnownPowerState: undefined | string

Last known compute power state captured in DTL

Optional networkInterface

The network interface properties.

Optional notes

notes: undefined | string

The notes of the virtual machine.

Optional osType

osType: undefined | string

The OS type of the virtual machine.

Optional ownerObjectId

ownerObjectId: undefined | string

The object identifier of the owner of the virtual machine.

Optional ownerUserPrincipalName

ownerUserPrincipalName: undefined | string

The user principal name of the virtual machine owner.

Optional password

password: undefined | string

The password of the virtual machine administrator.

Optional planId

planId: undefined | string

The id of the plan associated with the virtual machine image

Optional scheduleParameters

scheduleParameters: ScheduleCreationParameterFragment[]

Virtual Machine schedules to be created

Optional size

size: undefined | string

The size of the virtual machine.

Optional sshKey

sshKey: undefined | string

The SSH key of the virtual machine administrator.

Optional storageType

storageType: undefined | string

Storage type to use for virtual machine (i.e. Standard, Premium).

Optional tags

tags: undefined | object

The tags of the resource.

Optional userName

userName: undefined | string

The user name of the virtual machine.

Optional virtualMachineCreationSource

virtualMachineCreationSource: VirtualMachineCreationSource

Tells source of creation of lab virtual machine. Output property only. Possible values include: 'FromCustomImage', 'FromGalleryImage'

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