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Interface LabFragment

Package version

A lab.




Optional announcement

The properties of any lab announcement associated with this lab

Optional environmentPermission

environmentPermission: EnvironmentPermission

The access rights to be granted to the user when provisioning an environment. Possible values include: 'Reader', 'Contributor'

Optional extendedProperties

extendedProperties: undefined | object

Extended properties of the lab used for experimental features

Optional labStorageType

labStorageType: StorageType

Type of storage used by the lab. It can be either Premium or Standard. Default is Premium. Possible values include: 'Standard', 'Premium'

Optional mandatoryArtifactsResourceIdsLinux

mandatoryArtifactsResourceIdsLinux: string[]

The ordered list of artifact resource IDs that should be applied on all Linux VM creations by default, prior to the artifacts specified by the user.

Optional mandatoryArtifactsResourceIdsWindows

mandatoryArtifactsResourceIdsWindows: string[]

The ordered list of artifact resource IDs that should be applied on all Windows VM creations by default, prior to the artifacts specified by the user.

Optional premiumDataDisks

premiumDataDisks: PremiumDataDisk

The setting to enable usage of premium data disks. When its value is 'Enabled', creation of standard or premium data disks is allowed. When its value is 'Disabled', only creation of standard data disks is allowed. Possible values include: 'Disabled', 'Enabled'

Optional support

The properties of any lab support message associated with this lab

Optional tags

tags: undefined | object

The tags of the resource.

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