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Interface DiskFragment

Package version

A Disk.




Optional diskBlobName

diskBlobName: undefined | string

When backed by a blob, the name of the VHD blob without extension.

Optional diskSizeGiB

diskSizeGiB: undefined | number

The size of the disk in Gibibytes.

Optional diskType

diskType: StorageType

The storage type for the disk (i.e. Standard, Premium). Possible values include: 'Standard', 'Premium'

Optional diskUri

diskUri: undefined | string

When backed by a blob, the URI of underlying blob.

Optional hostCaching

hostCaching: undefined | string

The host caching policy of the disk (i.e. None, ReadOnly, ReadWrite).

Optional leasedByLabVmId

leasedByLabVmId: undefined | string

The resource ID of the VM to which this disk is leased.

Optional managedDiskId

managedDiskId: undefined | string

When backed by managed disk, this is the ID of the compute disk resource.

Optional tags

tags: undefined | object

The tags of the resource.

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