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Interface ArtifactSourceFragment

Package version

Properties of an artifact source.




Optional armTemplateFolderPath

armTemplateFolderPath: undefined | string

The folder containing Azure Resource Manager templates.

Optional branchRef

branchRef: undefined | string

The artifact source's branch reference.

Optional displayName

displayName: undefined | string

The artifact source's display name.

Optional folderPath

folderPath: undefined | string

The folder containing artifacts.

Optional securityToken

securityToken: undefined | string

The security token to authenticate to the artifact source.

Optional sourceType

sourceType: SourceControlType

The artifact source's type. Possible values include: 'VsoGit', 'GitHub'

Optional status

status: EnableStatus

Indicates if the artifact source is enabled (values: Enabled, Disabled). Possible values include: 'Enabled', 'Disabled'

Optional tags

tags: undefined | object

The tags of the resource.

Optional uri

uri: undefined | string

The artifact source's URI.

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