Collation name of the database
SQL Server compatibility level of database. Possible values include: 'CompatLevel80', 'CompatLevel90', 'CompatLevel100', 'CompatLevel110', 'CompatLevel120', 'CompatLevel130', 'CompatLevel140'
State of the database. Possible values include: 'Online', 'Restoring', 'Recovering', 'RecoveryPending', 'Suspect', 'Emergency', 'Offline', 'Copying', 'OfflineSecondary'
Fully qualified name
Unique identifier for the database
Install id of the database
Name of the database
Number of cores on the server
Default path of the backup folder
Default path of the data files
Default path of the log files
Edition of the server
The unique Server Id
Product level of the server (RTM, SP, CTP).
Name of the server
Version of the server
Number of cores on the server that have VISIBLE ONLINE status
Generated using TypeDoc
Information about a single database