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Interface Database

Package version

Information about a single database


  • Database



Optional collation

collation: undefined | string

Collation name of the database

Optional compatibilityLevel

compatibilityLevel: DatabaseCompatLevel

SQL Server compatibility level of database. Possible values include: 'CompatLevel80', 'CompatLevel90', 'CompatLevel100', 'CompatLevel110', 'CompatLevel120', 'CompatLevel130', 'CompatLevel140'

Optional databaseState

databaseState: DatabaseState

State of the database. Possible values include: 'Online', 'Restoring', 'Recovering', 'RecoveryPending', 'Suspect', 'Emergency', 'Offline', 'Copying', 'OfflineSecondary'

Optional fqdn

fqdn: undefined | string

Fully qualified name

Optional id

id: undefined | string

Unique identifier for the database

Optional installId

installId: undefined | string

Install id of the database

Optional name

name: undefined | string

Name of the database

Optional serverCoreCount

serverCoreCount: undefined | number

Number of cores on the server

Optional serverDefaultBackupPath

serverDefaultBackupPath: undefined | string

Default path of the backup folder

Optional serverDefaultDataPath

serverDefaultDataPath: undefined | string

Default path of the data files

Optional serverDefaultLogPath

serverDefaultLogPath: undefined | string

Default path of the log files

Optional serverEdition

serverEdition: undefined | string

Edition of the server

Optional serverId

serverId: undefined | string

The unique Server Id

Optional serverLevel

serverLevel: undefined | string

Product level of the server (RTM, SP, CTP).

Optional serverName

serverName: undefined | string

Name of the server

Optional serverVersion

serverVersion: undefined | string

Version of the server

Optional serverVisibleOnlineCoreCount

serverVisibleOnlineCoreCount: undefined | number

Number of cores on the server that have VISIBLE ONLINE status

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