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Interface SiteConfig

Package version

Configuration of an App Service app.


  • SiteConfig



Optional alwaysOn

alwaysOn: undefined | false | true

true if Always On is enabled; otherwise, false.

Optional apiDefinition

apiDefinition: ApiDefinitionInfo

Information about the formal API definition for the app.

Optional appCommandLine

appCommandLine: undefined | string

App command line to launch.

Optional appSettings

appSettings: NameValuePair[]

Application settings.

Optional autoHealEnabled

autoHealEnabled: undefined | false | true

true if Auto Heal is enabled; otherwise, false.

Optional autoHealRules

autoHealRules: AutoHealRules

Auto Heal rules.

Optional autoSwapSlotName

autoSwapSlotName: undefined | string

Auto-swap slot name.

Optional azureStorageAccounts

azureStorageAccounts: undefined | object

User-provided Azure storage accounts.

Optional connectionStrings

connectionStrings: ConnStringInfo[]

Connection strings.

Optional cors

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) settings.

Optional defaultDocuments

defaultDocuments: string[]

Default documents.

Optional detailedErrorLoggingEnabled

detailedErrorLoggingEnabled: undefined | false | true

true if detailed error logging is enabled; otherwise, false.

Optional documentRoot

documentRoot: undefined | string

Document root.

Optional experiments

experiments: Experiments

This is work around for polymorphic types.

Optional ftpsState

ftpsState: FtpsState

State of FTP / FTPS service. Possible values include: 'AllAllowed', 'FtpsOnly', 'Disabled'

Optional handlerMappings

handlerMappings: HandlerMapping[]

Handler mappings.

Optional http20Enabled

http20Enabled: undefined | false | true

Http20Enabled: configures a web site to allow clients to connect over http2.0. Default value: true.

Optional httpLoggingEnabled

httpLoggingEnabled: undefined | false | true

true if HTTP logging is enabled; otherwise, false.

Optional ipSecurityRestrictions

ipSecurityRestrictions: IpSecurityRestriction[]

IP security restrictions for main.

Optional javaContainer

javaContainer: undefined | string

Java container.

Optional javaContainerVersion

javaContainerVersion: undefined | string

Java container version.

Optional javaVersion

javaVersion: undefined | string

Java version.

Optional limits

limits: SiteLimits

Site limits.

Optional linuxFxVersion

linuxFxVersion: undefined | string

Linux App Framework and version

Optional loadBalancing

loadBalancing: SiteLoadBalancing

Site load balancing. Possible values include: 'WeightedRoundRobin', 'LeastRequests', 'LeastResponseTime', 'WeightedTotalTraffic', 'RequestHash'

Optional localMySqlEnabled

localMySqlEnabled: undefined | false | true

true to enable local MySQL; otherwise, false. Default value: false.

Optional logsDirectorySizeLimit

logsDirectorySizeLimit: undefined | number

HTTP logs directory size limit.

Optional machineKey

machineKey: SiteMachineKey

Site MachineKey. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

Optional managedPipelineMode

managedPipelineMode: ManagedPipelineMode

Managed pipeline mode. Possible values include: 'Integrated', 'Classic'

Optional managedServiceIdentityId

managedServiceIdentityId: undefined | number

Managed Service Identity Id

Optional minTlsVersion

minTlsVersion: SupportedTlsVersions

MinTlsVersion: configures the minimum version of TLS required for SSL requests. Possible values include: '1.0', '1.1', '1.2'

Optional netFrameworkVersion

netFrameworkVersion: undefined | string

.NET Framework version. Default value: 'v4.6'.

Optional nodeVersion

nodeVersion: undefined | string

Version of Node.js.

Optional numberOfWorkers

numberOfWorkers: undefined | number

Number of workers.

Optional phpVersion

phpVersion: undefined | string

Version of PHP.

Optional publishingUsername

publishingUsername: undefined | string

Publishing user name.

Optional push

Push endpoint settings.

Optional pythonVersion

pythonVersion: undefined | string

Version of Python.

Optional remoteDebuggingEnabled

remoteDebuggingEnabled: undefined | false | true

true if remote debugging is enabled; otherwise, false.

Optional remoteDebuggingVersion

remoteDebuggingVersion: undefined | string

Remote debugging version.

Optional requestTracingEnabled

requestTracingEnabled: undefined | false | true

true if request tracing is enabled; otherwise, false.

Optional requestTracingExpirationTime

requestTracingExpirationTime: Date

Request tracing expiration time.

Optional reservedInstanceCount

reservedInstanceCount: undefined | number

Number of reserved instances. This setting only applies to the Consumption Plan

Optional scmIpSecurityRestrictions

scmIpSecurityRestrictions: IpSecurityRestriction[]

IP security restrictions for scm.

Optional scmIpSecurityRestrictionsUseMain

scmIpSecurityRestrictionsUseMain: undefined | false | true

IP security restrictions for scm to use main.

Optional scmType

scmType: ScmType

SCM type. Possible values include: 'None', 'Dropbox', 'Tfs', 'LocalGit', 'GitHub', 'CodePlexGit', 'CodePlexHg', 'BitbucketGit', 'BitbucketHg', 'ExternalGit', 'ExternalHg', 'OneDrive', 'VSO'

Optional tracingOptions

tracingOptions: undefined | string

Tracing options.

Optional use32BitWorkerProcess

use32BitWorkerProcess: undefined | false | true

true to use 32-bit worker process; otherwise, false.

Optional virtualApplications

virtualApplications: VirtualApplication[]

Virtual applications.

Optional vnetName

vnetName: undefined | string

Virtual Network name.

Optional webSocketsEnabled

webSocketsEnabled: undefined | false | true

true if WebSocket is enabled; otherwise, false.

Optional windowsFxVersion

windowsFxVersion: undefined | string

Xenon App Framework and version

Optional xManagedServiceIdentityId

xManagedServiceIdentityId: undefined | number

Explicit Managed Service Identity Id

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