Initializes a new instance of the AppConfigurationClient class.
Connection string needed for a client to connect to Azure.
Options for the AppConfigurationClient.
Initializes a new instance of the AppConfigurationClient class using a TokenCredential.
The endpoint of the App Configuration service (ex:
An object that implements the TokenCredential
interface used to authenticate requests to the service. Use the @azure/identity package to create a credential that suits your needs.
Options for the AppConfigurationClient.
Add a setting into the Azure App Configuration service, failing if it already exists.
Example usage:
const result = await client.addConfigurationSetting({ key: "MyKey", label: "MyLabel", value: "MyValue" });
A configuration setting.
Optional parameters for the request.
Delete a setting from the Azure App Configuration service
Example usage:
const deletedSetting = await client.deleteConfigurationSetting({ key: "MyKey", label: "MyLabel" });
The id of the configuration setting to delete.
Optional parameters for the request (ex: etag, label)
Gets a setting from the Azure App Configuration service.
Example code:
const setting = await client.getConfigurationSetting({ key: "MyKey", label: "MyLabel" });
The id of the configuration setting to get.
Optional parameters for the request.
Lists settings from the Azure App Configuration service, optionally filtered by key names, labels and accept datetime.
Example code:
const allSettingsWithLabel = client.listConfigurationSettings({ labels: [ "MyLabel" ] });
Optional parameters for the request.
Lists revisions of a set of keys, optionally filtered by key names, labels and accept datetime.
Example code:
const revisionsIterator = client.listRevisions({ keys: ["MyKey"] });
Optional parameters for the request.
Sets the value of a key in the Azure App Configuration service, allowing for an optional etag.
A configuration value.
Optional parameters for the request.
Example code:
await client.setConfigurationSetting({ key: "MyKey", value: "MyValue" });
Sets or clears a key's read-only status.
The id of the configuration setting to modify.
Generated using TypeDoc
Client for the Azure App Configuration service.