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Interface TracingConfig

Package version

Available configuration options.


  • TracingConfig



Optional exporter

exporter: Exporter

An exporter object

Optional logLevel

logLevel: undefined | number

level of logger - 0:disable, 1: error, 2: warn, 3: info, 4: debug

Optional logger

logger: Logger

An instance of a logger

Optional maximumLabelValueSize

maximumLabelValueSize: undefined | number

The maximum number of characters reported on a label value.

Optional plugins

plugins: PluginNames

A list of trace instrumentations plugins to load. Each key is the name of the module to trace, and its value is the name of the package which has the plugin implementation. Ex.: plugins: { 'http': '@opencensus/opencensus-instrumentation-http', 'mongodb-core': '@opencensus/opencensus-instrumentation-mongodb-core', ... } Any user-provided value will be added to the default list. It will override any default plugin for the same key.

Optional stats

stats: Stats

An instance of a stats

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