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Interface GeneratedClientEntitiesRecognitionPiiOptionalParams

Package version

Optional parameters.


  • any
    • GeneratedClientEntitiesRecognitionPiiOptionalParams



Optional domain

domain: undefined | string

(Optional) if specified, will set the PII domain to include only a subset of the entity categories. Possible values include: 'PHI', 'none'.

Optional includeStatistics

includeStatistics: undefined | false | true

(Optional) if set to true, response will contain request and document level statistics.

Optional modelVersion

modelVersion: undefined | string

(Optional) This value indicates which model will be used for scoring. If a model-version is not specified, the API should default to the latest, non-preview version.

Optional piiCategories

piiCategories: PiiCategory[]

(Optional) describes the PII categories to return

Optional stringIndexType

stringIndexType: StringIndexType

(Optional) Specifies the method used to interpret string offsets. Defaults to Text Elements (Graphemes) according to Unicode v8.0.0. For additional information see https://aka.ms/text-analytics-offsets

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