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Interface BeginAnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesOptions

Package version

Options for the begin analyze healthcare operation.




Optional includeStatistics

includeStatistics: undefined | false | true

If set to true, response will contain input and document level statistics.

Optional modelVersion

modelVersion: undefined | string

This value indicates which model will be used for scoring. If a model-version is not specified, the API should default to the latest, non-preview version. For supported model versions, see operation-specific documentation, for example: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cognitive-services/text-analytics/how-tos/text-analytics-how-to-sentiment-analysis#model-versioning

Optional resumeFrom

resumeFrom: undefined | string

A serialized poller which can be used to resume an existing paused Long-Running-Operation.

Optional stringIndexType

stringIndexType: StringIndexType

Delay to wait until next poll, in milliseconds.

Optional updateIntervalInMs

updateIntervalInMs: undefined | number

Delay to wait until next poll, in milliseconds.

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