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Interface DataFeedDetailPatch

Package version


  • DataFeedDetailPatch



Optional actionLinkTemplate

actionLinkTemplate: undefined | string

action link for alert

Optional admins

admins: string[]

data feed administrator

Optional allUpIdentification

allUpIdentification: undefined | string

the identification value for the row of calculated all-up value.

Optional dataFeedDescription

dataFeedDescription: undefined | string

data feed description

Optional dataFeedName

dataFeedName: undefined | string

data feed name


dataSourceType: "AzureApplicationInsights" | "AzureBlob" | "AzureCosmosDB" | "AzureDataExplorer" | "AzureDataLakeStorageGen2" | "AzureTable" | "Elasticsearch" | "HttpRequest" | "InfluxDB" | "MySql" | "PostgreSql" | "SqlServer" | "MongoDB"

Polymorphic discriminator, which specifies the different types this object can be

Optional dataStartFrom

dataStartFrom: Date

ingestion start time

Optional fillMissingPointType

the type of fill missing point for anomaly detection

Optional fillMissingPointValue

fillMissingPointValue: undefined | number

the value of fill missing point for anomaly detection

Optional maxConcurrency

maxConcurrency: undefined | number

the max concurrency of data ingestion queries against user data source. 0 means no limitation.

Optional minRetryIntervalInSeconds

minRetryIntervalInSeconds: undefined | number

the min retry interval for failed data ingestion tasks.

Optional needRollup

mark if the data feed need rollup

Optional rollUpColumns

rollUpColumns: string[]

roll up columns

Optional rollUpMethod

roll up method

Optional startOffsetInSeconds

startOffsetInSeconds: undefined | number

the time that the beginning of data ingestion task will delay for every data slice according to this offset.

Optional status

data feed status

Optional stopRetryAfterInSeconds

stopRetryAfterInSeconds: undefined | number

stop retry data ingestion after the data slice first schedule time in seconds.

Optional timestampColumn

timestampColumn: undefined | string

user-defined timestamp column. if timestampColumn is null, start time of every time slice will be used as default value.

Optional viewMode

data feed access mode, default is Private

Optional viewers

viewers: string[]

data feed viewer

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