Package version:

Interface SentenceSentiment

The predicted sentiment for a given span of text. For more information regarding text sentiment, see


  • SentenceSentiment


confidenceScores: SentimentConfidenceScores

The sentiment confidence score between 0 and 1 for the sentence for all classes.

length: number

The length of the sentence text.

offset: number

The sentence text offset from the start of the document.

opinions: Object

The list of opinions mined from this sentence. For example in "The food is good, but the service is bad", the following two opinions will be returned: "food is good" and "service is bad".

It is non-empty only returned if includeOpinionMining was set to true.

The predicted Sentiment for the sentence. For a list of possible values, see SentenceSentimentLabel

text: string

The sentence text.

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