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Class DocumentAnalysisClient

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A client for interacting with the Form Recognizer service's analysis features.


The Form Recognizer service and clients support two means of authentication:

Azure Active Directory

import { DocumentAnalysisClient } from "@azure/ai-form-recognizer";
import { DefaultAzureCredential } from "@azure/identity";

const endpoint = "https://<resource name>.cognitiveservices.azure.com";
const credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();

const client = new DocumentAnalysisClient(endpoint, credential);

API Key (Subscription Key)

import { DocumentAnalysisClient, AzureKeyCredential } from "@azure/ai-form-recognizer";

const endpoint = "https://<resource name>.cognitiveservices.azure.com";
const credential = new AzureKeyCredential("<api key>");

const client = new DocumentAnalysisClient(endpoint, credential);


  • DocumentAnalysisClient




  • Extract data from an input using a model given by its unique ID.

    This operation supports custom as well as prebuilt models. For example, to use the prebuilt invoice model, provide the model ID "prebuilt-invoice", or to use the simpler prebuilt layout model, provide the model ID "prebuilt-layout".

    The fields produced in the AnalyzeResult depend on the model that is used for analysis, and the values in any extracted documents' fields depend on the document types in the model (if any) and their corresponding field schemas.


    This method supports streamable request bodies (FormRecognizerRequestBody) such as Node.JS ReadableStream objects, browser Blobs, and ArrayBuffers. The contents of the body will be uploaded to the service for analysis.

    import * as fs from "fs";
    const file = fs.createReadStream("path/to/receipt.pdf");
    // The model that is passed to the following function call determines the type of the eventual result. In the
    // example, we will use the prebuilt receipt model, but you could use a custom model ID/name instead.
    const poller = await client.beginAnalyzeDocument("prebuilt-receipt", file);
    // The result is a long-running operation (poller), which must itself be polled until the operation completes
    const {
      pages, // pages extracted from the document, which contain lines and words
      tables, // extracted tables, organized into cells that contain their contents
      styles, // text styles (ex. handwriting) that were observed in the document
      keyValuePairs, // extracted pairs of elements  (directed associations from one element in the input to another)
      entities, // extracted entities in the input's content, which are categorized (ex. "Location" or "Organization")
      documents // extracted documents (instances of one of the model's document types and its field schema)
    } = await poller.pollUntilDone();
    // Extract the fields of the first document. These fields constitute a receipt, because we used the receipt model
    const [{ fields: receipt }] = documents;
    // The fields correspond to the model's document types and their field schemas. Refer to the Form Recognizer
    // documentation for information about the document types and field schemas within a model, or use the `getModel`
    // operation to view this information programmatically.
    console.log("The type of this receipt is:", receipt?.["ReceiptType"]?.value);


    Returns Promise<AnalysisPoller>

    a long-running operation (poller) that will eventually produce an AnalyzeResult

  • Extract data from an input using a model that has a known, strongly-typed document schema (a DocumentModel).

    The fields produced in the AnalyzeResult depend on the model that is used for analysis. In TypeScript, the type of the result for this method overload is inferred from the type of the input DocumentModel.


    This method supports streamable request bodies (FormRecognizerRequestBody) such as Node.JS ReadableStream objects, browser Blobs, and ArrayBuffers. The contents of the body will be uploaded to the service for analysis.

    import * as fs from "fs";
    // See the `prebuilt` folder in the SDK samples (http://aka.ms/azsdk/formrecognizer/js/samples) for examples of
    // DocumentModels for known prebuilts.
    import { PrebuiltReceiptModel } from "./prebuilt-receipt.ts";
    const file = fs.createReadStream("path/to/receipt.pdf");
    // The model that is passed to the following function call determines the type of the eventual result. In the
    // example, we will use the prebuilt receipt model.
    const poller = await client.beginAnalyzeDocument(PrebuiltReceiptModel, file);
    // The result is a long-running operation (poller), which must itself be polled until the operation completes
    const {
      pages, // pages extracted from the document, which contain lines and words
      tables, // extracted tables, organized into cells that contain their contents
      styles, // text styles (ex. handwriting) that were observed in the document
      keyValuePairs, // extracted pairs of elements  (directed associations from one element in the input to another)
      documents // extracted documents (instances of one of the model's document types and its field schema)
    } = await poller.pollUntilDone();
    // Extract the fields of the first document. These fields constitute a receipt, because we used the receipt model
    const [{ fields: receipt }] = documents;
    // Since we used the strongly-typed PrebuiltReceiptModel object instead of the "prebuilt-receipt" model ID
    // string, the fields of the receipt are strongly-typed and have camelCase names (as opposed to PascalCase).
    console.log("The type of this receipt is:", receipt.receiptType?.value);

    Type parameters

    • Result


    Returns Promise<AnalysisPoller<Result>>

    a long-running operation (poller) that will eventually produce an AnalyzeResult with documents that have the result type associated with the input model


  • Extract data from an input using a model given by its unique ID.

    This operation supports custom as well as prebuilt models. For example, to use the prebuilt invoice model, provide the model ID "prebuilt-invoice", or to use the simpler prebuilt layout model, provide the model ID "prebuilt-layout".

    The fields produced in the AnalyzeResult depend on the model that is used for analysis, and the values in any extracted documents' fields depend on the document types in the model (if any) and their corresponding field schemas.


    This method supports extracting data from a file at a given URL. The Form Recognizer service will attempt to download a file using the submitted URL, so the URL must be accessible from the public internet. For example, a SAS token can be used to grant read access to a blob in Azure Storage, and the service will use the SAS-encoded URL to request the file.

    // the URL must be publicly accessible
    const url = "<receipt document url>";
    // The model that is passed to the following function call determines the type of the eventual result. In the
    // example, we will use the prebuilt receipt model, but you could use a custom model ID/name instead.
    const poller = await client.beginAnalyzeDocument("prebuilt-receipt", url);
    // The result is a long-running operation (poller), which must itself be polled until the operation completes
    const {
      pages, // pages extracted from the document, which contain lines and words
      tables, // extracted tables, organized into cells that contain their contents
      styles, // text styles (ex. handwriting) that were observed in the document
      keyValuePairs, // extracted pairs of elements  (directed associations from one element in the input to another)
      documents // extracted documents (instances of one of the model's document types and its field schema)
    } = await poller.pollUntilDone();
    // Extract the fields of the first document. These fields constitute a receipt, because we used the receipt model
    const [{ fields: receipt }] = documents;
    // The fields correspond to the model's document types and their field schemas. Refer to the Form Recognizer
    // documentation for information about the document types and field schemas within a model, or use the `getModel`
    // operation to view this information programmatically.
    console.log("The type of this receipt is:", receipt?.["ReceiptType"]?.value);


    • modelId: string

      the unique ID (name) of the model within this client's resource

    • documentUrl: string

      a URL (string) to an input document accessible from the public internet

    • Optional options: AnalyzeDocumentOptions

      optional settings for the analysis operation and poller

    Returns Promise<AnalysisPoller>

    a long-running operation (poller) that will eventually produce an AnalyzeResult

  • Extract data from an input using a model that has a known, strongly-typed document schema (a DocumentModel).

    The fields produced in the AnalyzeResult depend on the model that is used for analysis. In TypeScript, the type of the result for this method overload is inferred from the type of the input DocumentModel.


    This method supports extracting data from a file at a given URL. The Form Recognizer service will attempt to download a file using the submitted URL, so the URL must be accessible from the public internet. For example, a SAS token can be used to grant read access to a blob in Azure Storage, and the service will use the SAS-encoded URL to request the file.

    // See the `prebuilt` folder in the SDK samples (http://aka.ms/azsdk/formrecognizer/js/samples) for examples of
    // DocumentModels for known prebuilts.
    import { PrebuiltReceiptModel } from "./prebuilt-receipt.ts";
    // the URL must be publicly accessible
    const url = "<receipt document url>";
    // The model that is passed to the following function call determines the type of the eventual result. In the
    // example, we will use the prebuilt receipt model.
    const poller = await client.beginAnalyzeDocument(PrebuiltReceiptModel, url);
    // The result is a long-running operation (poller), which must itself be polled until the operation completes
    const {
      pages, // pages extracted from the document, which contain lines and words
      tables, // extracted tables, organized into cells that contain their contents
      styles, // text styles (ex. handwriting) that were observed in the document
      keyValuePairs, // extracted pairs of elements  (directed associations from one element in the input to another)
      documents // extracted documents (instances of one of the model's document types and its field schema)
    } = await poller.pollUntilDone();
    // Extract the fields of the first document. These fields constitute a receipt, because we used the receipt model
    const [{ fields: receipt }] = documents;
    // Since we used the strongly-typed PrebuiltReceiptModel object instead of the "prebuilt-receipt" model ID
    // string, the fields of the receipt are strongly-typed and have camelCase names (as opposed to PascalCase).
    console.log("The type of this receipt is:", receipt.receiptType?.value);

    Type parameters

    • Result


    • model: DocumentModel<Result>

      a DocumentModel representing the model to use for analysis and the expected output type

    • documentUrl: string

      a URL (string) to an input document accessible from the public internet

    • Optional options: AnalyzeDocumentOptions<Result>

      optional settings for the analysis operation and poller

    Returns Promise<AnalysisPoller<Result>>

    a long-running operation (poller) that will eventually produce an AnalyzeResult

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