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Interface FormUnknownField

Package version

A catch-all form field variation with an unknown value type.

This interface is provided for type safety and should only be encountered when the valueType of a FormField is undefined, and there is no ordinary reason that should be the case.




Optional confidence

confidence: undefined | number

The sevice's confidence (expressed as a number between zero and one) in the correctness of the field value.

Optional labelData

labelData: FieldData

Contains the recognized field label's text, bounding box, and field elements.

Optional name

name: undefined | string

A user-defined label for the field.

Optional value

value: unknown

If valueType is undefined, then the type of the value is unknown.

Optional valueData

valueData: FieldData

Contains the recognized field value's text, bounding box, and field elements.

Optional valueType

valueType: undefined

The type of this form value value - undefined.

There is no reason this should ordinarily occur, but is provided as a way to hint to the type system that if valueType is not known, then the type of value is unknown.

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