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Interface ModelInfo

Package version

Train result of a model including status, errors and diagnose info for model and variables.


  • ModelInfo



Optional alignPolicy

alignPolicy: AlignPolicy

An optional field, since those multivariate need to be aligned in the same timestamp before starting the detection.

Optional diagnosticsInfo

diagnosticsInfo: DiagnosticsInfo

Used for deep analysis model and variables NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

Optional displayName

displayName: undefined | string

optional field, name of the model


endTime: Date

require field, end time of data be used for generating multivariate anomaly detection model, should be data-time

Optional errors

errors: ErrorResponse[]

Error message when fails to create a model. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

Optional slidingWindow

slidingWindow: undefined | number

An optional field, indicates how many history points will be used to determine the anomaly score of one subsequent point.


source: string

source file link of the input variables, each variable will be a csv with two columns, the first column will be timestamp, the second column will be value.Besides these variable csv files, an extra meta.json can be included in th zip file if you would like to rename a variable.Be default, the file name of the variable will be used as the variable name.


startTime: Date

require field, start time of data be used for generating multivariate anomaly detection model, should be data-time

Optional status

status: ModelStatus

Model training status. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

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