Class ShareClient

  • public class ShareClient
    extends Object
    This class provides a client that contains all the operations for interacting with a share in Azure Storage Share. Operations allowed by the client are creating and deleting the share, creating snapshots for the share, creating and deleting directories in the share and retrieving and updating properties metadata and access policies of the share.

    Instantiating a Synchronous Share Client

     ShareClient client = new ShareClientBuilder()

    View this for additional ways to construct the client.

    See Also:
    ShareClientBuilder, ShareAsyncClient, StorageSharedKeyCredential
    • Method Detail

      • getAccountUrl

        public String getAccountUrl()
        Get the url of the storage account.
        the URL of the storage account
      • getShareUrl

        public String getShareUrl()
        Get the url of the storage share client.
        the url of the Storage Share.
      • getServiceVersion

        public ShareServiceVersion getServiceVersion()
        Gets the service version the client is using.
        the service version the client is using.
      • getRootDirectoryClient

        public ShareDirectoryClient getRootDirectoryClient()
        Constructs a ShareDirectoryClient that interacts with the root directory in the share.

        If the directory doesn't exist in the share create in the client will need to be called before interaction with the directory can happen.

        a ShareDirectoryClient that interacts with the root directory in the share
      • getDirectoryClient

        public ShareDirectoryClient getDirectoryClient​(String directoryName)
        Constructs a ShareDirectoryClient that interacts with the specified directory.

        If the directory doesn't exist in the share create in the client will need to be called before interaction with the directory can happen.

        directoryName - Name of the directory
        a ShareDirectoryClient that interacts with the directory in the share
      • getFileClient

        public ShareFileClient getFileClient​(String filePath)
        Constructs a ShareFileClient that interacts with the specified file.

        If the file doesn't exist in the share ShareFileClient.create(long) ) create} in the client will need to be called before interaction with the file can happen.

        filePath - Name of the file
        a ShareFileClient that interacts with the file in the share
      • getSnapshotClient

        public ShareClient getSnapshotClient​(String snapshot)
        Creates a new ShareAsyncClient linked to the snapshot of this share resource.
        snapshot - the identifier for a specific snapshot of this share
        a ShareClient used to interact with the specific snapshot.
      • exists

        public Boolean exists()
        Determines if the share this client represents exists in the cloud.

        Code Samples

         System.out.printf("Exists? %b%n", client.exists());
        Flag indicating existence of the share.
      • existsWithResponse

        public<Boolean> existsWithResponse​(Duration timeout,
        Determines if the share this client represents exists in the cloud.

        Code Samples

         Context context = new Context("Key", "Value");
         System.out.printf("Exists? %b%n", client.existsWithResponse(timeout, context).getValue());
        timeout - An optional timeout value beyond which a RuntimeException will be raised.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        Flag indicating existence of the share.
      • create

        public ShareInfo create()
        Creates the share in the storage account.

        Code Samples

        Create the share

         ShareInfo response = shareClient.create();
         System.out.println("Complete creating the shares with status code: " + response);

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        The information about the share.
        ShareStorageException - If the share already exists with different metadata
      • createWithResponse

        public<ShareInfo> createWithResponse​(Map<String,​String> metadata,
                                                                               Integer quotaInGB,
                                                                               Duration timeout,
        Creates the share in the storage account with the specified metadata and quota.

        Code Samples

        Create the share with metadata "share:metadata"

         Response<ShareInfo> response = shareClient.createWithResponse(Collections.singletonMap("share", "metadata"),
             null, Duration.ofSeconds(1), new Context(key1, value1));
         System.out.println("Complete creating the shares with status code: " + response.getStatusCode());

        Create the share with a quota of 10 GB

         Response<ShareInfo> response = shareClient.createWithResponse(null, 10,
             Duration.ofSeconds(1), new Context(key1, value1));
         System.out.println("Complete creating the shares with status code: " + response.getStatusCode());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        metadata - Optional metadata to associate with the share
        quotaInGB - Optional maximum size the share is allowed to grow to in GB. This must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 5120. The default value is 5120.
        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response containing the information about the share and the status its creation.
        ShareStorageException - If the share already exists with different metadata or quotaInGB is outside the allowed range.
        RuntimeException - if the operation doesn't complete before the timeout concludes.
      • createWithResponse

        public<ShareInfo> createWithResponse​(ShareCreateOptions options,
                                                                               Duration timeout,
        Creates the share in the storage account with the specified options.

        Code Samples

         Response<ShareInfo> response = shareClient.createWithResponse(new ShareCreateOptions()
                 .setMetadata(Collections.singletonMap("share", "metadata")).setQuotaInGb(1)
                 .setAccessTier(ShareAccessTier.HOT), Duration.ofSeconds(1), new Context(key1, value1));
         System.out.println("Complete creating the shares with status code: " + response.getStatusCode());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        options - ShareCreateOptions
        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response containing the information about the share and the status its creation.
        ShareStorageException - If the share already exists with different metadata or quotaInGB is outside the allowed range.
        RuntimeException - if the operation doesn't complete before the timeout concludes.
      • createIfNotExists

        public ShareInfo createIfNotExists()
        Creates the share in the storage account if it does not exist.

        Code Samples

        Create the share

         System.out.println("Completed creating the share.");

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        ShareInfo that contains information about the created resource.
      • createIfNotExistsWithResponse

        public<ShareInfo> createIfNotExistsWithResponse​(ShareCreateOptions options,
                                                                                          Duration timeout,
        Creates the share in the storage account with the specified options if it does not exist.

        Code Samples

         Response<ShareInfo> response = shareClient.createIfNotExistsWithResponse(new ShareCreateOptions()
             .setMetadata(Collections.singletonMap("share", "metadata")).setQuotaInGb(1)
             .setAccessTier(ShareAccessTier.HOT), Duration.ofSeconds(1), new Context(key1, value1));
         if (response.getStatusCode() == 409) {
             System.out.println("Already existed.");
         } else {
             System.out.printf("Create completed with status %d%n", response.getStatusCode());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        options - ShareCreateOptions
        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A reactive Response signaling completion, whose value contains a ShareInfo containing information about the share. If Response's status code is 201, a new share was successfully created. If status code is 409, a share already existed at this location.
      • createSnapshot

        public ShareSnapshotInfo createSnapshot()
        Creates a snapshot of the share with the same metadata associated to the share at the time of creation.

        Code Samples

        Create a snapshot

         ShareSnapshotInfo response = shareClient.createSnapshot();
         System.out.println("Complete creating the share snpashot with snapshot id: " + response.getSnapshot());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        The information about snapshot of share
        ShareStorageException - If the share doesn't exist, there are 200 snapshots of the share, or a snapshot is in progress for the share
      • createSnapshotWithResponse

        public<ShareSnapshotInfo> createSnapshotWithResponse​(Map<String,​String> metadata,
                                                                                               Duration timeout,
        Creates a snapshot of the share with the metadata that was passed associated to the snapshot.

        Code Samples

        Create a snapshot with metadata "snapshot:metadata"

         Response<ShareSnapshotInfo> response =
             shareClient.createSnapshotWithResponse(Collections.singletonMap("snpashot", "metadata"),
                 Duration.ofSeconds(1), new Context(key1, value1));
         System.out.println("Complete creating the share snpashot with snapshot id: " + response.getValue().getSnapshot());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        metadata - Optional metadata to associate with the snapshot. If null the metadata of the share will be copied to the snapshot.
        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response containing the information about snapshot of the share and status of creation.
        ShareStorageException - If the share doesn't exist, there are 200 snapshots of the share, or a snapshot is in progress for the share
        RuntimeException - if the operation doesn't complete before the timeout concludes.
      • delete

        public void delete()
        Deletes the share in the storage account

        Code Samples

        Delete the share

         System.out.println("Completed deleting the share.");

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        ShareStorageException - If the share doesn't exist
      • deleteWithResponse

        public<Void> deleteWithResponse​(Duration timeout,
        Deletes the share in the storage account

        Code Samples

        Delete the share

         Response<Void> response = shareClient.deleteWithResponse(Duration.ofSeconds(1), new Context(key1, value1));
         System.out.println("Complete deleting the share with status code: " + response.getStatusCode());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response that only contains headers and response status code
        ShareStorageException - If the share doesn't exist
        RuntimeException - if the operation doesn't complete before the timeout concludes.
      • deleteWithResponse

        public<Void> deleteWithResponse​(ShareDeleteOptions options,
                                                                          Duration timeout,
        Deletes the share in the storage account

        Code Samples

        Delete the share

         Response<Void> response = shareClient.deleteWithResponse(new ShareDeleteOptions()
                 .setRequestConditions(new ShareRequestConditions().setLeaseId(leaseId)),
             Duration.ofSeconds(1), new Context(key1, value1));
         System.out.println("Complete deleting the share with status code: " + response.getStatusCode());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        options - ShareDeleteOptions
        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response that only contains headers and response status code
        ShareStorageException - If the share doesn't exist
        RuntimeException - if the operation doesn't complete before the timeout concludes.
      • deleteIfExists

        public boolean deleteIfExists()
        Deletes the share in the storage account if it exists.

        Code Samples

        Delete the share

         boolean result = shareClient.deleteIfExists();
         System.out.println("Share deleted: " + result);

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        true if the share is successfully deleted, false if the share does not exist.
      • deleteIfExistsWithResponse

        public<Void> deleteIfExistsWithResponse​(Duration timeout,
        Deletes the share in the storage account if it exists.

        Code Samples

        Delete the share

         Response<Void> response = shareClient.deleteIfExistsWithResponse(Duration.ofSeconds(1), new Context(key1, value1));
         if (response.getStatusCode() == 404) {
             System.out.println("Does not exist.");
         } else {
             System.out.printf("Delete completed with status %d%n", response.getStatusCode());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response containing status code and HTTP headers. If Response's status code is 202, the share was successfully deleted. If status code is 404, the share does not exist.
      • deleteIfExistsWithResponse

        public<Void> deleteIfExistsWithResponse​(ShareDeleteOptions options,
                                                                                  Duration timeout,
        Deletes the share in the storage account if it exists.

        Code Samples

        Delete the share

         Response<Void> res = shareClient.deleteIfExistsWithResponse(new ShareDeleteOptions()
                 .setRequestConditions(new ShareRequestConditions().setLeaseId(leaseId)),
             Duration.ofSeconds(1), new Context(key1, value1));
         if (res.getStatusCode() == 404) {
             System.out.println("Does not exist.");
         } else {
             System.out.printf("Delete completed with status %d%n", response.getStatusCode());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        options - ShareDeleteOptions
        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response containing status code and HTTP headers. If Response's status code is 202, the share was successfully deleted. If status code is 404, the share does not exist.
      • getProperties

        public ShareProperties getProperties()
        Retrieves the properties of the share, these include the metadata associated to it and the quota that the share is restricted to.

        Code Samples

        Retrieve the share properties

         ShareProperties properties = shareClient.getProperties();
         System.out.printf("Share quota: %d, Metadata: %s", properties.getQuota(), properties.getMetadata());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        The properties of the share
        ShareStorageException - If the share doesn't exist
      • getPropertiesWithResponse

        public<ShareProperties> getPropertiesWithResponse​(Duration timeout,
        Retrieves the properties of the share, these include the metadata associated to it and the quota that the share is restricted to.

        Code Samples

        Retrieve the share properties

         ShareProperties properties = shareClient.getPropertiesWithResponse(
             Duration.ofSeconds(1), new Context(key1, value1)).getValue();
         System.out.printf("Share quota: %d, Metadata: %s", properties.getQuota(), properties.getMetadata());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response containing properties of the share with response status code
        ShareStorageException - If the share doesn't exist
        RuntimeException - if the operation doesn't complete before the timeout concludes.
      • getPropertiesWithResponse

        public<ShareProperties> getPropertiesWithResponse​(ShareGetPropertiesOptions options,
                                                                                            Duration timeout,
        Retrieves the properties of the share, these include the metadata associated to it and the quota that the share is restricted to.

        Code Samples

        Retrieve the share properties

         ShareProperties properties = shareClient.getPropertiesWithResponse(new ShareGetPropertiesOptions()
             .setRequestConditions(new ShareRequestConditions().setLeaseId(leaseId)),
             Duration.ofSeconds(1), new Context(key1, value1)).getValue();
         System.out.printf("Share quota: %d, Metadata: %s", properties.getQuota(), properties.getMetadata());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        options - ShareGetPropertiesOptions
        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response containing properties of the share with response status code
        ShareStorageException - If the share doesn't exist
        RuntimeException - if the operation doesn't complete before the timeout concludes.
      • setQuota

        public ShareInfo setQuota​(int quotaInGB)
        Sets the maximum size in GB that the share is allowed to grow.

        Code Samples

        Set the quota to 1024 GB

         System.out.println("Setting the share quota completed." + shareClient.setQuota(1024));

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        quotaInGB - Size in GB to limit the share's growth. The quota in GB must be between 1 and 5120.
        The information about the share
        ShareStorageException - If the share doesn't exist or quotaInGB is outside the allowed bounds
      • setQuotaWithResponse

        public<ShareInfo> setQuotaWithResponse​(int quotaInGB,
                                                                                 Duration timeout,
        Sets the maximum size in GB that the share is allowed to grow.

        Code Samples

        Set the quota to 1024 GB

         Response<ShareInfo> response = shareClient.setQuotaWithResponse(1024,
             Duration.ofSeconds(1), new Context(key1, value1));
         System.out.printf("Setting the share quota completed with status code %d", response.getStatusCode());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        quotaInGB - Size in GB to limit the share's growth. The quota in GB must be between 1 and 5120.
        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response containing information about the share with response status code
        ShareStorageException - If the share doesn't exist or quotaInGB is outside the allowed bounds
        RuntimeException - if the operation doesn't complete before the timeout concludes.
      • setPropertiesWithResponse

        public<ShareInfo> setPropertiesWithResponse​(ShareSetPropertiesOptions options,
                                                                                      Duration timeout,
        Sets the share's properties.

        Code Samples

         Response<ShareInfo> response = shareClient.setPropertiesWithResponse(
             new ShareSetPropertiesOptions().setAccessTier(ShareAccessTier.HOT).setQuotaInGb(1024),
             Duration.ofSeconds(1), new Context(key1, value1));
         System.out.printf("Setting the share access tier completed with status code %d", response.getStatusCode());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        options - ShareSetPropertiesOptions
        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response containing information about the share with response status code
      • setMetadata

        public ShareInfo setMetadata​(Map<String,​String> metadata)
        Sets the user-defined metadata to associate to the share.

        If null is passed for the metadata it will clear the metadata associated to the share.

        Code Samples

        Set the metadata to "share:updatedMetadata"

         shareClient.setMetadata(Collections.singletonMap("share", "updatedMetadata"));
         System.out.println("Setting the share metadata.");

        Clear the metadata of the share

         System.out.println("Clear metadata completed.");

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        metadata - Metadata to set on the share, if null is passed the metadata for the share is cleared
        The properties of the share
        ShareStorageException - If the share doesn't exist or the metadata contains invalid keys
      • setMetadataWithResponse

        public<ShareInfo> setMetadataWithResponse​(Map<String,​String> metadata,
                                                                                    Duration timeout,
        Sets the user-defined metadata to associate to the share.

        If null is passed for the metadata it will clear the metadata associated to the share.

        Code Samples

        Set the metadata to "share:updatedMetadata"

         Response<ShareInfo> response = shareClient.setMetadataWithResponse(
             Collections.singletonMap("share", "updatedMetadata"), Duration.ofSeconds(1),
             new Context(key1, value1));
         System.out.printf("Setting the share metadata completed with status code %d", response.getStatusCode());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        metadata - Metadata to set on the share, if null is passed the metadata for the share is cleared
        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response containing properties of the share with response status code
        ShareStorageException - If the share doesn't exist or the metadata contains invalid keys
        RuntimeException - if the operation doesn't complete before the timeout concludes.
      • setMetadataWithResponse

        public<ShareInfo> setMetadataWithResponse​(ShareSetMetadataOptions options,
                                                                                    Duration timeout,
        Sets the user-defined metadata to associate to the share.

        If null is passed for the metadata it will clear the metadata associated to the share.

        Code Samples

        Set the metadata to "share:updatedMetadata"

         Response<ShareInfo> response = shareClient.setMetadataWithResponse(new ShareSetMetadataOptions()
                 .setMetadata(Collections.singletonMap("share", "updatedMetadata"))
                 .setRequestConditions(new ShareRequestConditions().setLeaseId(leaseId)),
             new Context(key1, value1));
         System.out.printf("Setting the share metadata completed with status code %d", response.getStatusCode());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        options - ShareSetMetadataOptions
        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response containing properties of the share with response status code
        ShareStorageException - If the share doesn't exist or the metadata contains invalid keys
        RuntimeException - if the operation doesn't complete before the timeout concludes.
      • getAccessPolicy

        public<ShareSignedIdentifier> getAccessPolicy()
        Retrieves stored access policies specified for the share.

        Code Samples

        List the stored access policies

         for (ShareSignedIdentifier result : shareClient.getAccessPolicy()) {
             System.out.printf("Access policy %s allows these permissions: %s",
                 result.getId(), result.getAccessPolicy().getPermissions());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        The stored access policies specified on the queue.
        ShareStorageException - If the share doesn't exist
      • getAccessPolicy

        public<ShareSignedIdentifier> getAccessPolicy​(ShareGetAccessPolicyOptions options)
        Retrieves stored access policies specified for the share.

        Code Samples

        List the stored access policies

         for (ShareSignedIdentifier result : shareClient
             .getAccessPolicy(new ShareGetAccessPolicyOptions()
                 .setRequestConditions(new ShareRequestConditions().setLeaseId(leaseId)))) {
             System.out.printf("Access policy %s allows these permissions: %s",
                 result.getId(), result.getAccessPolicy().getPermissions());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        options - ShareGetAccessPolicyOptions
        The stored access policies specified on the queue.
        ShareStorageException - If the share doesn't exist
      • setAccessPolicy

        public ShareInfo setAccessPolicy​(List<ShareSignedIdentifier> permissions)
        Sets stored access policies for the share.

        Code Samples

        Set a read only stored access policy

         ShareAccessPolicy accessPolicy = new ShareAccessPolicy().setPermissions("r")
         ShareSignedIdentifier permission = new ShareSignedIdentifier().setId("mypolicy").setAccessPolicy(accessPolicy);
         System.out.println("Setting access policies completed.");

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        permissions - Access policies to set on the queue
        The information of the share
        ShareStorageException - If the share doesn't exist, a stored access policy doesn't have all fields filled out, or the share will have more than five policies.
      • setAccessPolicyWithResponse

        public<ShareInfo> setAccessPolicyWithResponse​(List<ShareSignedIdentifier> permissions,
                                                                                        Duration timeout,
        Sets stored access policies for the share.

        Code Samples

        Set a read only stored access policy

         ShareAccessPolicy accessPolicy = new ShareAccessPolicy().setPermissions("r")
         ShareSignedIdentifier permission = new ShareSignedIdentifier().setId("mypolicy").setAccessPolicy(accessPolicy);
         Response<ShareInfo> response = shareClient.setAccessPolicyWithResponse(Collections.singletonList(permission),
             Duration.ofSeconds(1), new Context(key1, value1));
         System.out.printf("Setting access policies completed with status code %d", response.getStatusCode());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        permissions - Access policies to set on the queue
        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response containing the information of the share with headers and response status code
        ShareStorageException - If the share doesn't exist, a stored access policy doesn't have all fields filled out, or the share will have more than five policies.
        RuntimeException - if the operation doesn't complete before the timeout concludes.
      • setAccessPolicyWithResponse

        public<ShareInfo> setAccessPolicyWithResponse​(ShareSetAccessPolicyOptions options,
                                                                                        Duration timeout,
        Sets stored access policies for the share.

        Code Samples

        Set a read only stored access policy

         ShareAccessPolicy accessPolicy = new ShareAccessPolicy().setPermissions("r")
         ShareSignedIdentifier permission = new ShareSignedIdentifier().setId("mypolicy").setAccessPolicy(accessPolicy);
         Response<ShareInfo> response = shareClient.setAccessPolicyWithResponse(
             new ShareSetAccessPolicyOptions().setPermissions(Collections.singletonList(permission))
                 .setRequestConditions(new ShareRequestConditions().setLeaseId(leaseId)),
             Duration.ofSeconds(1), new Context(key1, value1));
         System.out.printf("Setting access policies completed with status code %d", response.getStatusCode());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        options - ShareSetAccessPolicyOptions
        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response containing the information of the share with headers and response status code
        ShareStorageException - If the share doesn't exist, a stored access policy doesn't have all fields filled out, or the share will have more than five policies.
        RuntimeException - if the operation doesn't complete before the timeout concludes.
      • getStatistics

        public ShareStatistics getStatistics()
        Retrieves storage statistics about the share.

        Code Samples

        Retrieve the storage statistics

         ShareStatistics response = shareClient.getStatistics();
         System.out.printf("The share is using %d GB", response.getShareUsageInGB());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        The storage statistics of the share
      • getStatisticsWithResponse

        public<ShareStatistics> getStatisticsWithResponse​(Duration timeout,
        Retrieves storage statistics about the share.

        Code Samples

        Retrieve the storage statistics

         Response<ShareStatistics> response = shareClient.getStatisticsWithResponse(
             Duration.ofSeconds(1), new Context(key1, value1));
         System.out.printf("The share is using %d GB", response.getValue().getShareUsageInGB());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response containing the statistics of the share
        RuntimeException - if the operation doesn't complete before the timeout concludes.
      • getStatisticsWithResponse

        public<ShareStatistics> getStatisticsWithResponse​(ShareGetStatisticsOptions options,
                                                                                            Duration timeout,
        Retrieves storage statistics about the share.

        Code Samples

        Retrieve the storage statistics

         Response<ShareStatistics> response = shareClient.getStatisticsWithResponse(
             new ShareGetStatisticsOptions().setRequestConditions(new ShareRequestConditions().setLeaseId(leaseId)),
             Duration.ofSeconds(1), new Context(key1, value1));
         System.out.printf("The share is using %d GB", response.getValue().getShareUsageInGB());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        options - ShareGetStatisticsOptions
        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response containing the statistics of the share
        RuntimeException - if the operation doesn't complete before the timeout concludes.
      • createDirectory

        public ShareDirectoryClient createDirectory​(String directoryName)
        Creates the directory in the share with the given name.

        Code Samples

        Create the directory "documents"

         ShareDirectoryClient response = shareClient.createDirectory("mydirectory");
         System.out.println("Complete creating the directory.");

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        directoryName - Name of the directory
        A response containing a ShareDirectoryClient to interact with the created directory.
        ShareStorageException - If the share doesn't exist, the directory already exists or is in the process of being deleted, or the parent directory for the new directory doesn't exist
      • createDirectoryWithResponse

        public<ShareDirectoryClient> createDirectoryWithResponse​(String directoryName,
                                                                                                   FileSmbProperties smbProperties,
                                                                                                   String filePermission,
                                                                                                   Map<String,​String> metadata,
                                                                                                   Duration timeout,
        Creates the directory in the share with the given name and associates the passed metadata to it.

        Code Samples

        Create the directory "documents" with metadata "directory:metadata"

         FileSmbProperties smbProperties = new FileSmbProperties();
         String filePermission = "filePermission";
         Response<ShareDirectoryClient> response = shareClient.createDirectoryWithResponse("documents",
             smbProperties, filePermission, Collections.singletonMap("directory", "metadata"),
             Duration.ofSeconds(1), new Context(key1, value1));
         System.out.printf("Creating the directory completed with status code %d", response.getStatusCode());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        directoryName - Name of the directory
        smbProperties - The SMB properties of the directory.
        filePermission - The file permission of the directory.
        metadata - Optional metadata to associate with the directory
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        A response containing a ShareDirectoryAsyncClient to interact with the created directory and the status of its creation.
        ShareStorageException - If the share doesn't exist, the directory already exists or is in the process of being deleted, the parent directory for the new directory doesn't exist, or the metadata is using an illegal key name
        RuntimeException - if the operation doesn't complete before the timeout concludes.
      • createDirectoryIfNotExists

        public ShareDirectoryClient createDirectoryIfNotExists​(String directoryName)
        Creates the directory in the share with the given name if it does not exist.

        Code Samples

        Create the directory "documents"

         ShareDirectoryClient directoryClient = shareClient.createDirectoryIfNotExists("mydirectory");
         System.out.println("Complete creating the directory.");

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        directoryName - Name of the directory
        The ShareDirectoryClient used to interact with the directory created.
      • createDirectoryIfNotExistsWithResponse

        public<ShareDirectoryClient> createDirectoryIfNotExistsWithResponse​(String directoryName,
                                                                                                              ShareDirectoryCreateOptions options,
                                                                                                              Duration timeout,
        Creates the directory if it does not exist in the share with the given name and associates the passed metadata to it.

        Code Samples

        Create the directory "documents" with metadata "directory:metadata"

         FileSmbProperties smbProperties = new FileSmbProperties();
         String filePermission = "filePermission";
         Map<String, String> metadata = Collections.singletonMap("directory", "metadata");
         ShareDirectoryCreateOptions options = new ShareDirectoryCreateOptions().setSmbProperties(smbProperties).
         Response<ShareDirectoryClient> response = shareClient.createDirectoryIfNotExistsWithResponse("documents",
             options, Duration.ofSeconds(1), new Context(key1, value1));
         if (response.getStatusCode() == 409) {
             System.out.println("Already existed.");
         } else {
             System.out.printf("Create completed with status %d%n", response.getStatusCode());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        directoryName - Name of the directory
        options - ShareDirectoryCreateOptions
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        A Response whose value contains the ShareDirectoryClient used to interact with the directory created. If Response's status code is 201, a new directory was successfully created. If status code is 409, a directory with the same name already existed at this location.
      • createFile

        public ShareFileClient createFile​(String fileName,
                                          long maxSize)
        Creates the file in the share with the given name and file max size.

        Code Samples

        Create the file "myfile" with size of 1024 bytes.

         ShareFileClient response = shareClient.createFile("myfile", 1024);
         System.out.println("Complete creating the file with snapshot Id:" + response.getShareSnapshotId());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        fileName - Name of the file.
        maxSize - The maximum size in bytes for the file.
        A response containing a ShareFileClient to interact with the created file.
        ShareStorageException - If one of the following cases happen:
        • If the share or parent directory does not exist.
        • An attempt to create file on a share snapshot will fail with 400 (InvalidQueryParameterValue).
      • createFileWithResponse

        public<ShareFileClient> createFileWithResponse​(String fileName,
                                                                                         long maxSize,
                                                                                         ShareFileHttpHeaders httpHeaders,
                                                                                         FileSmbProperties smbProperties,
                                                                                         String filePermission,
                                                                                         Map<String,​String> metadata,
                                                                                         Duration timeout,
        Creates the file in the share with the given name, file max size and associates the passed properties to it.

        Code Samples

        Create the file "myfile" with length of 1024 bytes, some headers, file smb properties and metadata

         ShareFileHttpHeaders httpHeaders = new ShareFileHttpHeaders()
         FileSmbProperties smbProperties = new FileSmbProperties()
         String filePermission = "filePermission";
         // NOTE: filePermission and filePermissionKey should never be both set
         Response<ShareFileClient> response = shareClient.createFileWithResponse("myfile", 1024,
             httpHeaders, smbProperties, filePermission, Collections.singletonMap("directory", "metadata"),
             Duration.ofSeconds(1), new Context(key1, value1));
         System.out.printf("Creating the file completed with status code %d", response.getStatusCode());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        fileName - Name of the file.
        maxSize - The maximum size in bytes for the file.
        httpHeaders - Additional parameters for the operation.
        smbProperties - The user settable file smb properties.
        filePermission - The file permission of the file
        metadata - Optional name-value pairs associated with the file as metadata.
        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response containing a ShareFileClient to interact with the created file and the status of its creation.
        ShareStorageException - If one of the following cases happen:
        • If the share or parent directory does not exist.
        • An attempt to create file on a share snapshot will fail with 400 (InvalidQueryParameterValue).
        RuntimeException - if the operation doesn't complete before the timeout concludes.
      • createFileWithResponse

        public<ShareFileClient> createFileWithResponse​(String fileName,
                                                                                         long maxSize,
                                                                                         ShareFileHttpHeaders httpHeaders,
                                                                                         FileSmbProperties smbProperties,
                                                                                         String filePermission,
                                                                                         Map<String,​String> metadata,
                                                                                         ShareRequestConditions requestConditions,
                                                                                         Duration timeout,
        Creates the file in the share with the given name, file max size and associates the passed properties to it.

        Code Samples

        Create the file "myfile" with length of 1024 bytes, some headers, file smb properties and metadata

         ShareFileHttpHeaders httpHeaders = new ShareFileHttpHeaders()
         FileSmbProperties smbProperties = new FileSmbProperties()
         String filePermission = "filePermission";
         // NOTE: filePermission and filePermissionKey should never be both set
         ShareRequestConditions requestConditions = new ShareRequestConditions().setLeaseId(leaseId);
         Response<ShareFileClient> response = shareClient.createFileWithResponse("myfile", 1024,
             httpHeaders, smbProperties, filePermission, Collections.singletonMap("directory", "metadata"),
             requestConditions, Duration.ofSeconds(1), new Context(key1, value1));
         System.out.printf("Creating the file completed with status code %d", response.getStatusCode());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        fileName - Name of the file.
        maxSize - The maximum size in bytes for the file.
        httpHeaders - Additional parameters for the operation.
        smbProperties - The user settable file smb properties.
        filePermission - The file permission of the file
        metadata - Optional name-value pairs associated with the file as metadata.
        requestConditions - ShareRequestConditions
        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response containing a ShareFileClient to interact with the created file and the status of its creation.
        ShareStorageException - If one of the following cases happen:
        • If the share or parent directory does not exist.
        • An attempt to create file on a share snapshot will fail with 400 (InvalidQueryParameterValue).
        RuntimeException - if the operation doesn't complete before the timeout concludes.
      • deleteDirectory

        public void deleteDirectory​(String directoryName)
        Deletes the specified directory in the share.

        Code Samples

        Delete the directory "mydirectory"

         System.out.println("Completed deleting the directory.");

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        directoryName - Name of the directory
        ShareStorageException - If the share doesn't exist or the directory isn't empty
      • deleteDirectoryWithResponse

        public<Void> deleteDirectoryWithResponse​(String directoryName,
                                                                                   Duration timeout,
        Deletes the specified directory in the share.

        Code Samples

        Delete the directory "mydirectory"

         Response<Void> response = shareClient.deleteDirectoryWithResponse("mydirectory",
             Duration.ofSeconds(1), new Context(key1, value1));
         System.out.println("Complete deleting the directory with status code: " + response.getStatusCode());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        directoryName - Name of the directory
        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response that only contains headers and response status code
        ShareStorageException - If the share doesn't exist or the directory isn't empty
        RuntimeException - if the operation doesn't complete before the timeout concludes.
      • deleteDirectoryIfExists

        public boolean deleteDirectoryIfExists​(String directoryName)
        Deletes the specified directory in the share if it exists.

        Code Samples

        Delete the directory "mydirectory"

         boolean result = shareClient.deleteDirectoryIfExists("mydirectory");
         System.out.println("Directory deleted: " + result);

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        directoryName - Name of the directory
        true if the directory is successfully deleted, false if the directory does not exist.
        ShareStorageException - If the directory isn't empty
      • deleteDirectoryIfExistsWithResponse

        public<Void> deleteDirectoryIfExistsWithResponse​(String directoryName,
                                                                                           Duration timeout,
        Deletes the specified directory in the share if it exists.

        Code Samples

        Delete the directory "mydirectory"

         Response<Void> response = shareClient.deleteDirectoryIfExistsWithResponse("mydirectory",
             Duration.ofSeconds(1), new Context(key1, value1));
         if (response.getStatusCode() == 404) {
             System.out.println("Does not exist.");
         } else {
             System.out.printf("Delete completed with status %d%n", response.getStatusCode());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        directoryName - Name of the directory
        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response containing status code and HTTP headers. If Response's status code is 202, the directory was successfully deleted. If status code is 404, the directory does not exist.
        ShareStorageException - If the directory isn't empty
        RuntimeException - if the operation doesn't complete before the timeout concludes.
      • deleteFile

        public void deleteFile​(String fileName)
        Deletes the specified file in the share.

        Code Samples

        Delete the file "myfile"

         System.out.println("Complete deleting the file.");

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        fileName - Name of the file
        ShareStorageException - If the share or the file doesn't exist.
      • deleteFileWithResponse

        public<Void> deleteFileWithResponse​(String fileName,
                                                                              Duration timeout,
        Deletes the specified file in the share.

        Code Samples

        Delete the file "myfile"

         Response<Void> response = shareClient.deleteFileWithResponse("myfile",
             Duration.ofSeconds(1), new Context(key1, value1));
         System.out.println("Complete deleting the file with status code: " + response.getStatusCode());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        fileName - Name of the file
        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response that only contains headers and response status code
        ShareStorageException - If the share or the file doesn't exist.
        RuntimeException - if the operation doesn't complete before the timeout concludes.
      • deleteFileWithResponse

        public<Void> deleteFileWithResponse​(String fileName,
                                                                              ShareRequestConditions requestConditions,
                                                                              Duration timeout,
        Deletes the specified file in the share.

        Code Samples

        Delete the file "myfile"

         ShareRequestConditions requestConditions = new ShareRequestConditions().setLeaseId(leaseId);
         Response<Void> response = shareClient.deleteFileWithResponse("myfile", requestConditions,
             Duration.ofSeconds(1), new Context(key1, value1));
         System.out.println("Complete deleting the file with status code: " + response.getStatusCode());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        fileName - Name of the file
        requestConditions - ShareRequestConditions
        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response that only contains headers and response status code
        ShareStorageException - If the share or the file doesn't exist.
        RuntimeException - if the operation doesn't complete before the timeout concludes.
      • deleteFileIfExists

        public boolean deleteFileIfExists​(String fileName)
        Deletes the specified file in the share if it exists.

        Code Samples

        Delete the file "myfile"

         boolean result = shareClient.deleteFileIfExists("myfile");
         System.out.println("File deleted: " + result);

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        fileName - Name of the file
        true if the file is successfully deleted, false if the file does not exist.
      • deleteFileIfExistsWithResponse

        public<Void> deleteFileIfExistsWithResponse​(String fileName,
                                                                                      Duration timeout,
        Deletes the specified file in the share if it exists.

        Code Samples

        Delete the file "myfile"

         Response<Void> response = shareClient.deleteFileIfExistsWithResponse("myfile",
             Duration.ofSeconds(1), new Context(key1, value1));
         if (response.getStatusCode() == 404) {
             System.out.println("Does not exist.");
         } else {
             System.out.printf("Delete completed with status %d%n", response.getStatusCode());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        fileName - Name of the file
        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response containing status code and HTTP headers. If Response's status code is 202, the file was successfully deleted. If status code is 404, the file does not exist.
        RuntimeException - if the operation doesn't complete before the timeout concludes.
      • deleteFileIfExistsWithResponse

        public<Void> deleteFileIfExistsWithResponse​(String fileName,
                                                                                      ShareDeleteOptions options,
                                                                                      Duration timeout,
        Deletes the specified file in the share if it exists.

        Code Samples

        Delete the file "myfile"

         ShareRequestConditions requestConditions = new ShareRequestConditions().setLeaseId(leaseId);
         ShareDeleteOptions options = new ShareDeleteOptions().setRequestConditions(requestConditions);
         Response<Void> res = shareClient.deleteFileIfExistsWithResponse("myfile", options,
             Duration.ofSeconds(1), new Context(key1, value1));
         if (res.getStatusCode() == 404) {
             System.out.println("Does not exist.");
         } else {
             System.out.printf("Delete completed with status %d%n", response.getStatusCode());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        fileName - Name of the file
        options - ShareDeleteOptions
        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response containing status code and HTTP headers. If Response's status code is 202, the file was successfully deleted. If status code is 404, the file does not exist.
        RuntimeException - if the operation doesn't complete before the timeout concludes.
      • createPermission

        public String createPermission​(String filePermission)
        Creates a permission at the share level. If a permission already exists, it returns the key of it, else creates a new permission and returns the key.

        Code Samples

         String response = shareClient.createPermission("filePermission");
         System.out.printf("The file permission key is %s", response);
        filePermission - The file permission to get/create.
        The file permission key associated with the file permission.
      • createPermissionWithResponse

        public<String> createPermissionWithResponse​(String filePermission,
        Creates a permission t the share level. If a permission already exists, it returns the key of it, else creates a new permission and returns the key.

        Code Samples

         Response<String> response = shareClient.createPermissionWithResponse("filePermission", Context.NONE);
         System.out.printf("The file permission key is %s", response.getValue());
        filePermission - The file permission to get/create.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response that contains the file permission key associated with the file permission.
      • getPermission

        public String getPermission​(String filePermissionKey)
        Gets a permission for a given key

        Code Samples

         String response = shareClient.getPermission("filePermissionKey");
         System.out.printf("The file permission is %s", response);
        filePermissionKey - The file permission key.
        The file permission associated with the file permission key.
      • getPermissionWithResponse

        public<String> getPermissionWithResponse​(String filePermissionKey,
        Gets a permission for a given key.

        Code Samples

         Response<String> response = shareClient.getPermissionWithResponse("filePermissionKey", Context.NONE);
         System.out.printf("The file permission is %s", response.getValue());
        filePermissionKey - The file permission key.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response that contains th file permission associated with the file permission key.
      • getSnapshotId

        public String getSnapshotId()
        Get snapshot id which attached to ShareClient. Return null if no snapshot id attached.

        Code Samples

        Get the share snapshot id.

         OffsetDateTime currentTime = OffsetDateTime.of(, ZoneOffset.UTC);
         ShareClient shareClient = new ShareClientBuilder().endpoint("https://${accountName}")
         System.out.printf("Snapshot ID: %s%n", shareClient.getSnapshotId());
        The snapshot id which is a unique DateTime value that identifies the share snapshot to its base share.
      • getShareName

        public String getShareName()
        Get share name from share client.

        Code Samples

         String shareName = shareClient.getShareName();
         System.out.println("The name of the share is " + shareName);
        The name of the share.
      • getAccountName

        public String getAccountName()
        Get associated account name.
        account name associated with this storage resource.
      • getHttpPipeline

        public getHttpPipeline()
        Gets the HttpPipeline powering this client.
        The pipeline.
      • generateSas

        public String generateSas​(ShareServiceSasSignatureValues shareServiceSasSignatureValues)
        Generates a service sas for the queue using the specified ShareServiceSasSignatureValues

        Note : The client must be authenticated via StorageSharedKeyCredential

        See ShareServiceSasSignatureValues for more information on how to construct a service SAS.

        Code Samples

         OffsetDateTime expiryTime =;
         ShareSasPermission permission = new ShareSasPermission().setReadPermission(true);
         ShareServiceSasSignatureValues values = new ShareServiceSasSignatureValues(expiryTime, permission)
         shareAsyncClient.generateSas(values); // Client must be authenticated via StorageSharedKeyCredential
        shareServiceSasSignatureValues - ShareServiceSasSignatureValues
        A String representing the SAS query parameters.
      • generateSas

        public String generateSas​(ShareServiceSasSignatureValues shareServiceSasSignatureValues,
        Generates a service sas for the queue using the specified ShareServiceSasSignatureValues

        Note : The client must be authenticated via StorageSharedKeyCredential

        See ShareServiceSasSignatureValues for more information on how to construct a service SAS.

        Code Samples

         OffsetDateTime expiryTime =;
         ShareSasPermission permission = new ShareSasPermission().setReadPermission(true);
         ShareServiceSasSignatureValues values = new ShareServiceSasSignatureValues(expiryTime, permission)
         // Client must be authenticated via StorageSharedKeyCredential
         shareAsyncClient.generateSas(values, new Context("key", "value"));
        shareServiceSasSignatureValues - ShareServiceSasSignatureValues
        context - Additional context that is passed through the code when generating a SAS.
        A String representing the SAS query parameters.