Class PathDeletedItem

  • public class PathDeletedItem
    extends Object
    A path that has been soft deleted.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PathDeletedItem

        public PathDeletedItem​(String path,
                               boolean isPrefix,
                               String deletionId,
                               OffsetDateTime deletedOn,
                               Integer remainingRetentionDays)
        Constructs a PathDeletedItem.
        path - The name of the path
        isPrefix - Whether the item is a prefix
        deletionId - The deletion id associated with the deleted path to uniquely identify it from other items deleted at this path
        deletedOn - When the path was deleted
        remainingRetentionDays - The number of days left before the soft deleted path will be permanently deleted
    • Method Detail

      • getPath

        public String getPath()
        Gets the name of the path.
        the name of the path
      • isPrefix

        public boolean isPrefix()
        Gets whether the item is a prefix.
        whether the item is a prefix
      • getDeletionId

        public String getDeletionId()
        Gets the deletion id associated with the deleted path to uniquely identify it from other items deleted at this path.
        the deletion id
      • getDeletedOn

        public OffsetDateTime getDeletedOn()
        Gets when the path was deleted.
        when the path was deleted
      • getRemainingRetentionDays

        public Integer getRemainingRetentionDays()
        Gets the number of days left before the soft deleted path will be permanently deleted.
        the number of days before permanent deletion