Class BlobClientBuilder

  • public final class BlobClientBuilder
    extends Object
    This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of BlobClients and BlobAsyncClients, call buildClient and buildAsyncClient respectively to construct an instance of the desired client.

    The following information must be provided on this builder:

    • the endpoint through .endpoint(), including the container name and blob name, in the format of https://{accountName}{containerName}/{blobName}.
    • the credential through .credential() or .connectionString() if the container is not publicly accessible.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BlobClientBuilder

        public BlobClientBuilder()
        Creates a builder instance that is able to configure and construct BlobClients and BlobAsyncClients.
    • Method Detail

      • buildClient

        public BlobClient buildClient()
        Creates a BlobClient based on options set in the builder. BlobClients are used to perform generic blob methods such as download and get properties, use this when the blob type is unknown.

        Code Samples

         BlobClient client = new BlobClientBuilder()
        a BlobClient created from the configurations in this builder.
        NullPointerException - If endpoint or blobName is null.
        IllegalStateException - If multiple credentials have been specified.
      • encryptionScope

        public BlobClientBuilder encryptionScope​(String encryptionScope)
        Sets the encryption scope that is used to encrypt blob contents on the server.
        encryptionScope - Encryption scope containing the encryption key information.
        the updated BlobClientBuilder object
      • credential

        public BlobClientBuilder credential​( credential)
        Sets the TokenCredential used to authorize requests sent to the service.
        credential - TokenCredential.
        the updated BlobClientBuilder
        NullPointerException - If credential is null.
      • sasToken

        public BlobClientBuilder sasToken​(String sasToken)
        Sets the SAS token used to authorize requests sent to the service.
        sasToken - The SAS token to use for authenticating requests. This string should only be the query parameters (with or without a leading '?') and not a full url.
        the updated BlobClientBuilder
        NullPointerException - If sasToken is null.
      • credential

        public BlobClientBuilder credential​( credential)
        Sets the AzureSasCredential used to authorize requests sent to the service.
        credential - AzureSasCredential used to authorize requests sent to the service.
        the updated BlobClientBuilder
        NullPointerException - If credential is null.
      • setAnonymousAccess

        public BlobClientBuilder setAnonymousAccess()
        Clears the credential used to authorize the request.

        This is for blobs that are publicly accessible.

        the updated BlobClientBuilder
      • connectionString

        public BlobClientBuilder connectionString​(String connectionString)
        Sets the connection string to connect to the service.
        connectionString - Connection string of the storage account.
        the updated BlobClientBuilder
        IllegalArgumentException - If connectionString in invalid.
      • endpoint

        public BlobClientBuilder endpoint​(String endpoint)
        Sets the service endpoint, additionally parses it for information (SAS token, container name, blob name)

        If the blob name contains special characters, pass in the url encoded version of the blob name.

        If the endpoint is to a blob in the root container, this method will fail as it will interpret the blob name as the container name. With only one path element, it is impossible to distinguish between a container name and a blob in the root container, so it is assumed to be the container name as this is much more common. When working with blobs in the root container, it is best to set the endpoint to the account url and specify the blob name separately using the blobName method.

        endpoint - URL of the service
        the updated BlobClientBuilder object
        IllegalArgumentException - If endpoint is null or is a malformed URL.
      • containerName

        public BlobClientBuilder containerName​(String containerName)
        Sets the name of the container that contains the blob.
        containerName - Name of the container. If the value null or empty the root container, $root , will be used.
        the updated BlobClientBuilder object
      • blobName

        public BlobClientBuilder blobName​(String blobName)
        Sets the name of the blob.
        blobName - Name of the blob. If the blob name contains special characters, pass in the url encoded version of the blob name.
        the updated BlobClientBuilder object
        NullPointerException - If blobName is null
      • snapshot

        public BlobClientBuilder snapshot​(String snapshot)
        Sets the snapshot identifier of the blob.
        snapshot - Snapshot identifier for the blob.
        the updated BlobClientBuilder object
      • versionId

        public BlobClientBuilder versionId​(String versionId)
        Sets the version identifier of the blob.
        versionId - Version identifier for the blob, pass null to interact with the latest blob version.
        the updated BlobClientBuilder object
      • httpClient

        public BlobClientBuilder httpClient​( httpClient)
        Sets the HttpClient to use for sending a receiving requests to and from the service.
        httpClient - HttpClient to use for requests.
        the updated BlobClientBuilder object
      • addPolicy

        public BlobClientBuilder addPolicy​( pipelinePolicy)
        Adds a pipeline policy to apply on each request sent. The policy will be added after the retry policy. If the method is called multiple times, all policies will be added and their order preserved.
        pipelinePolicy - a pipeline policy
        the updated BlobClientBuilder object
        NullPointerException - If pipelinePolicy is null.
      • httpLogOptions

        public BlobClientBuilder httpLogOptions​( logOptions)
        Sets the HttpLogOptions for service requests.
        logOptions - The logging configuration to use when sending and receiving HTTP requests/responses.
        the updated BlobClientBuilder object
        NullPointerException - If logOptions is null.
      • getDefaultHttpLogOptions

        public static getDefaultHttpLogOptions()
        Gets the default Storage allowlist log headers and query parameters.
        the default http log options.
      • configuration

        public BlobClientBuilder configuration​( configuration)
        Sets the configuration object used to retrieve environment configuration values during building of the client.
        configuration - Configuration store used to retrieve environment configurations.
        the updated BlobClientBuilder object
      • clientOptions

        public BlobClientBuilder clientOptions​( clientOptions)
        Sets the client options for all the requests made through the client.
        clientOptions - ClientOptions.
        the updated BlobClientBuilder object
        NullPointerException - If clientOptions is null.
      • pipeline

        public BlobClientBuilder pipeline​( httpPipeline)
        Sets the HttpPipeline to use for the service client. If pipeline is set, all other settings are ignored, aside from endpoint.
        httpPipeline - HttpPipeline to use for sending service requests and receiving responses.
        the updated BlobClientBuilder object
      • serviceVersion

        public BlobClientBuilder serviceVersion​(BlobServiceVersion version)
        Sets the BlobServiceVersion that is used when making API requests.

        If a service version is not provided, the service version that will be used will be the latest known service version based on the version of the client library being used. If no service version is specified, updating to a newer version of the client library will have the result of potentially moving to a newer service version.

        Targeting a specific service version may also mean that the service will return an error for newer APIs.

        version - BlobServiceVersion of the service to be used when making requests.
        the updated BlobClientBuilder object