Class TokenProvider

    • Constructor Detail

      • TokenProvider

        public TokenProvider()
    • Method Detail

      • getSecurityTokenAsync

        public abstract CompletableFuture<SecurityToken> getSecurityTokenAsync​(String audience)
        Asynchronously gets a security token for the given audience. Implementations of this method may choose to create a new token for every call or return a cached token. But the token returned must be valid.
        audience - path of the entity for which this security token is to be presented
        an instance of CompletableFuture which returns a SecurityToken on completion.
      • createSharedAccessSignatureTokenProvider

        public static TokenProvider createSharedAccessSignatureTokenProvider​(String sasKeyName,
                                                                             String sasKey)
        Creates a Shared Access Signature token provider with the given key name and key value. Returned token provider creates tokens with validity of 20 minutes. This is a utility method.
        sasKeyName - SAS key name
        sasKey - SAS key value
        an instance of Shared Access Signature token provider with the given key name, key value.
      • createSharedAccessSignatureTokenProvider

        public static TokenProvider createSharedAccessSignatureTokenProvider​(String sasToken,
                                                                             Instant sasTokenValidUntil)
        Creates a Shared Access Signature token provider that always returns an already created token. This is a utility method.
        sasToken - Already created Shared Access Signature token to be returned by getSecurityTokenAsync(String) method.
        sasTokenValidUntil - Instant when the token expires
        an instance of Shared Access Signature token provider that always returns an already created token.
      • createAzureActiveDirectoryTokenProvider

        public static TokenProvider createAzureActiveDirectoryTokenProvider​(AzureActiveDirectoryTokenProvider.AuthenticationCallback callback,
                                                                            String authority,
                                                                            Object callbackState)
        Creates a Azure Active Directory token provider that creates a token with the user defined AuthenticationCallback. This is a utility method.
        callback - A custom AuthenticationCallback that takes in the target resource and address of the authority to issue token and provides a security token for the target url
        authority - URL of the Azure Active Directory instance
        callbackState - Custom parameter that may be provided to the AuthenticationCallback
        an instance of Azure Active Directory token provider
      • createManagedIdentityTokenProvider

        public static TokenProvider createManagedIdentityTokenProvider()
        Creates a Managed Identity token provider. This is a utility method.
        an instance of Managed Identity token provider