Class FieldMapping

  • public final class FieldMapping
    extends Object
    Defines a mapping between a field in a data source and a target field in an index.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FieldMapping

        public FieldMapping​(String sourceFieldName)
        Creates an instance of FieldMapping class.
        sourceFieldName - the sourceFieldName value to set.
    • Method Detail

      • getSourceFieldName

        public String getSourceFieldName()
        Get the sourceFieldName property: The name of the field in the data source.
        the sourceFieldName value.
      • getTargetFieldName

        public String getTargetFieldName()
        Get the targetFieldName property: The name of the target field in the index. Same as the source field name by default.
        the targetFieldName value.
      • setTargetFieldName

        public FieldMapping setTargetFieldName​(String targetFieldName)
        Set the targetFieldName property: The name of the target field in the index. Same as the source field name by default.
        targetFieldName - the targetFieldName value to set.
        the FieldMapping object itself.
      • getMappingFunction

        public FieldMappingFunction getMappingFunction()
        Get the mappingFunction property: A function to apply to each source field value before indexing.
        the mappingFunction value.
      • setMappingFunction

        public FieldMapping setMappingFunction​(FieldMappingFunction mappingFunction)
        Set the mappingFunction property: A function to apply to each source field value before indexing.
        mappingFunction - the mappingFunction value to set.
        the FieldMapping object itself.