Class CorsOptions

  • public final class CorsOptions
    extends Object
    Defines options to control Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for an index.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CorsOptions

        public CorsOptions​(List<String> allowedOrigins)
        Creates an instance of CorsOptions class.
        allowedOrigins - the allowedOrigins value to set.
    • Method Detail

      • getAllowedOrigins

        public List<String> getAllowedOrigins()
        Get the allowedOrigins property: The list of origins from which JavaScript code will be granted access to your index. Can contain a list of hosts of the form {protocol}://{fully-qualified-domain-name}[:{port#}], or a single '*' to allow all origins (not recommended).
        the allowedOrigins value.
      • getMaxAgeInSeconds

        public Long getMaxAgeInSeconds()
        Get the maxAgeInSeconds property: The duration for which browsers should cache CORS preflight responses. Defaults to 5 minutes.
        the maxAgeInSeconds value.
      • setMaxAgeInSeconds

        public CorsOptions setMaxAgeInSeconds​(Long maxAgeInSeconds)
        Set the maxAgeInSeconds property: The duration for which browsers should cache CORS preflight responses. Defaults to 5 minutes.
        maxAgeInSeconds - the maxAgeInSeconds value to set.
        the CorsOptions object itself.