
public final class LocalTimestamp extends Object
An object that represents the local timestamp property. It contains the format of local timestamp that needs to be used and the corresponding timezone offset information. If a value isn't specified for localTimestamp, or if null, then the local timestamp will not be ingressed with the events.
  • Constructor Details

    • LocalTimestamp

      public LocalTimestamp()
      Creates an instance of LocalTimestamp class.
  • Method Details

    • format

      public LocalTimestampFormat format()
      Get the format property: An enum that represents the format of the local timestamp property that needs to be set.
      the format value.
    • withFormat

      public LocalTimestamp withFormat(LocalTimestampFormat format)
      Set the format property: An enum that represents the format of the local timestamp property that needs to be set.
      format - the format value to set.
      the LocalTimestamp object itself.
    • timeZoneOffset

      public LocalTimestampTimeZoneOffset timeZoneOffset()
      Get the timeZoneOffset property: An object that represents the offset information for the local timestamp format specified. Should not be specified for LocalTimestampFormat - Embedded.
      the timeZoneOffset value.
    • withTimeZoneOffset

      public LocalTimestamp withTimeZoneOffset(LocalTimestampTimeZoneOffset timeZoneOffset)
      Set the timeZoneOffset property: An object that represents the offset information for the local timestamp format specified. Should not be specified for LocalTimestampFormat - Embedded.
      timeZoneOffset - the timeZoneOffset value to set.
      the LocalTimestamp object itself.
    • validate

      public void validate()
      Validates the instance.
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the instance is not valid.