Class Gen1EnvironmentCreateOrUpdateParameters

public final class Gen1EnvironmentCreateOrUpdateParameters extends EnvironmentCreateOrUpdateParameters
Parameters supplied to the Create or Update Environment operation for a Gen1 environment.
  • Constructor Details

    • Gen1EnvironmentCreateOrUpdateParameters

      public Gen1EnvironmentCreateOrUpdateParameters()
      Creates an instance of Gen1EnvironmentCreateOrUpdateParameters class.
  • Method Details

    • withSku

      Set the sku property: The sku determines the type of environment, either Gen1 (S1 or S2) or Gen2 (L1). For Gen1 environments the sku determines the capacity of the environment, the ingress rate, and the billing rate.
      withSku in class EnvironmentCreateOrUpdateParameters
      sku - the sku value to set.
      the EnvironmentCreateOrUpdateParameters object itself.
    • withLocation

      public Gen1EnvironmentCreateOrUpdateParameters withLocation(String location)
      Set the location property: The location of the resource.
      withLocation in class EnvironmentCreateOrUpdateParameters
      location - the location value to set.
      the CreateOrUpdateTrackedResourceProperties object itself.
    • withTags

      Set the tags property: Key-value pairs of additional properties for the resource.
      withTags in class EnvironmentCreateOrUpdateParameters
      tags - the tags value to set.
      the CreateOrUpdateTrackedResourceProperties object itself.
    • dataRetentionTime

      public Duration dataRetentionTime()
      Get the dataRetentionTime property: ISO8601 timespan specifying the minimum number of days the environment's events will be available for query.
      the dataRetentionTime value.
    • withDataRetentionTime

      public Gen1EnvironmentCreateOrUpdateParameters withDataRetentionTime(Duration dataRetentionTime)
      Set the dataRetentionTime property: ISO8601 timespan specifying the minimum number of days the environment's events will be available for query.
      dataRetentionTime - the dataRetentionTime value to set.
      the Gen1EnvironmentCreateOrUpdateParameters object itself.
    • storageLimitExceededBehavior

      public StorageLimitExceededBehavior storageLimitExceededBehavior()
      Get the storageLimitExceededBehavior property: The behavior the Time Series Insights service should take when the environment's capacity has been exceeded. If "PauseIngress" is specified, new events will not be read from the event source. If "PurgeOldData" is specified, new events will continue to be read and old events will be deleted from the environment. The default behavior is PurgeOldData.
      the storageLimitExceededBehavior value.
    • withStorageLimitExceededBehavior

      public Gen1EnvironmentCreateOrUpdateParameters withStorageLimitExceededBehavior(StorageLimitExceededBehavior storageLimitExceededBehavior)
      Set the storageLimitExceededBehavior property: The behavior the Time Series Insights service should take when the environment's capacity has been exceeded. If "PauseIngress" is specified, new events will not be read from the event source. If "PurgeOldData" is specified, new events will continue to be read and old events will be deleted from the environment. The default behavior is PurgeOldData.
      storageLimitExceededBehavior - the storageLimitExceededBehavior value to set.
      the Gen1EnvironmentCreateOrUpdateParameters object itself.
    • partitionKeyProperties

      public List<TimeSeriesIdProperty> partitionKeyProperties()
      Get the partitionKeyProperties property: The list of event properties which will be used to partition data in the environment. Currently, only a single partition key property is supported.
      the partitionKeyProperties value.
    • withPartitionKeyProperties

      public Gen1EnvironmentCreateOrUpdateParameters withPartitionKeyProperties(List<TimeSeriesIdProperty> partitionKeyProperties)
      Set the partitionKeyProperties property: The list of event properties which will be used to partition data in the environment. Currently, only a single partition key property is supported.
      partitionKeyProperties - the partitionKeyProperties value to set.
      the Gen1EnvironmentCreateOrUpdateParameters object itself.
    • validate

      public void validate()
      Validates the instance.
      validate in class EnvironmentCreateOrUpdateParameters
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the instance is not valid.