Class AzureSqlReferenceInputDataSource

  • public final class AzureSqlReferenceInputDataSource
    extends ReferenceInputDataSource
    Describes an Azure SQL database reference input data source.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AzureSqlReferenceInputDataSource

        public AzureSqlReferenceInputDataSource()
    • Method Detail

      • server

        public String server()
        Get the server property: This element is associated with the datasource element. This is the name of the server that contains the database that will be written to.
        the server value.
      • withServer

        public AzureSqlReferenceInputDataSource withServer​(String server)
        Set the server property: This element is associated with the datasource element. This is the name of the server that contains the database that will be written to.
        server - the server value to set.
        the AzureSqlReferenceInputDataSource object itself.
      • database

        public String database()
        Get the database property: This element is associated with the datasource element. This is the name of the database that output will be written to.
        the database value.
      • withDatabase

        public AzureSqlReferenceInputDataSource withDatabase​(String database)
        Set the database property: This element is associated with the datasource element. This is the name of the database that output will be written to.
        database - the database value to set.
        the AzureSqlReferenceInputDataSource object itself.
      • user

        public String user()
        Get the user property: This element is associated with the datasource element. This is the user name that will be used to connect to the SQL Database instance.
        the user value.
      • withUser

        public AzureSqlReferenceInputDataSource withUser​(String user)
        Set the user property: This element is associated with the datasource element. This is the user name that will be used to connect to the SQL Database instance.
        user - the user value to set.
        the AzureSqlReferenceInputDataSource object itself.
      • password

        public String password()
        Get the password property: This element is associated with the datasource element. This is the password that will be used to connect to the SQL Database instance.
        the password value.
      • withPassword

        public AzureSqlReferenceInputDataSource withPassword​(String password)
        Set the password property: This element is associated with the datasource element. This is the password that will be used to connect to the SQL Database instance.
        password - the password value to set.
        the AzureSqlReferenceInputDataSource object itself.
      • table

        public String table()
        Get the table property: This element is associated with the datasource element. The name of the table in the Azure SQL database..
        the table value.
      • withTable

        public AzureSqlReferenceInputDataSource withTable​(String table)
        Set the table property: This element is associated with the datasource element. The name of the table in the Azure SQL database..
        table - the table value to set.
        the AzureSqlReferenceInputDataSource object itself.
      • refreshType

        public RefreshType refreshType()
        Get the refreshType property: Indicates the type of data refresh option.
        the refreshType value.
      • withRefreshType

        public AzureSqlReferenceInputDataSource withRefreshType​(RefreshType refreshType)
        Set the refreshType property: Indicates the type of data refresh option.
        refreshType - the refreshType value to set.
        the AzureSqlReferenceInputDataSource object itself.
      • refreshRate

        public String refreshRate()
        Get the refreshRate property: This element is associated with the datasource element. This indicates how frequently the data will be fetched from the database. It is of DateTime format.
        the refreshRate value.
      • withRefreshRate

        public AzureSqlReferenceInputDataSource withRefreshRate​(String refreshRate)
        Set the refreshRate property: This element is associated with the datasource element. This indicates how frequently the data will be fetched from the database. It is of DateTime format.
        refreshRate - the refreshRate value to set.
        the AzureSqlReferenceInputDataSource object itself.
      • fullSnapshotQuery

        public String fullSnapshotQuery()
        Get the fullSnapshotQuery property: This element is associated with the datasource element. This query is used to fetch data from the sql database.
        the fullSnapshotQuery value.
      • withFullSnapshotQuery

        public AzureSqlReferenceInputDataSource withFullSnapshotQuery​(String fullSnapshotQuery)
        Set the fullSnapshotQuery property: This element is associated with the datasource element. This query is used to fetch data from the sql database.
        fullSnapshotQuery - the fullSnapshotQuery value to set.
        the AzureSqlReferenceInputDataSource object itself.
      • deltaSnapshotQuery

        public String deltaSnapshotQuery()
        Get the deltaSnapshotQuery property: This element is associated with the datasource element. This query is used to fetch incremental changes from the SQL database. To use this option, we recommend using temporal tables in Azure SQL Database.
        the deltaSnapshotQuery value.
      • withDeltaSnapshotQuery

        public AzureSqlReferenceInputDataSource withDeltaSnapshotQuery​(String deltaSnapshotQuery)
        Set the deltaSnapshotQuery property: This element is associated with the datasource element. This query is used to fetch incremental changes from the SQL database. To use this option, we recommend using temporal tables in Azure SQL Database.
        deltaSnapshotQuery - the deltaSnapshotQuery value to set.
        the AzureSqlReferenceInputDataSource object itself.