Class EntityEdges

  • public final class EntityEdges
    extends Object
    The edge that connects the entity to the other entity.
    • Constructor Detail

      • EntityEdges

        public EntityEdges()
    • Method Detail

      • targetEntityId

        public String targetEntityId()
        Get the targetEntityId property: The target entity Id.
        the targetEntityId value.
      • withTargetEntityId

        public EntityEdges withTargetEntityId​(String targetEntityId)
        Set the targetEntityId property: The target entity Id.
        targetEntityId - the targetEntityId value to set.
        the EntityEdges object itself.
      • additionalData

        public Map<String,​Object> additionalData()
        Get the additionalData property: A bag of custom fields that should be part of the entity and will be presented to the user.
        the additionalData value.
      • withAdditionalData

        public EntityEdges withAdditionalData​(Map<String,​Object> additionalData)
        Set the additionalData property: A bag of custom fields that should be part of the entity and will be presented to the user.
        additionalData - the additionalData value to set.
        the EntityEdges object itself.
      • validate

        public void validate()
        Validates the instance.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the instance is not valid.