Class RetentionDuration

  • public final class RetentionDuration
    extends Object
    Retention duration.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RetentionDuration

        public RetentionDuration()
    • Method Detail

      • count

        public Integer count()
        Get the count property: Count of duration types. Retention duration is obtained by the counting the duration type Count times. For example, when Count = 3 and DurationType = Weeks, retention duration will be three weeks.
        the count value.
      • withCount

        public RetentionDuration withCount​(Integer count)
        Set the count property: Count of duration types. Retention duration is obtained by the counting the duration type Count times. For example, when Count = 3 and DurationType = Weeks, retention duration will be three weeks.
        count - the count value to set.
        the RetentionDuration object itself.
      • durationType

        public RetentionDurationType durationType()
        Get the durationType property: Retention duration type of retention policy.
        the durationType value.
      • withDurationType

        public RetentionDuration withDurationType​(RetentionDurationType durationType)
        Set the durationType property: Retention duration type of retention policy.
        durationType - the durationType value to set.
        the RetentionDuration object itself.
      • validate

        public void validate()
        Validates the instance.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the instance is not valid.