All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary
Class |
Description |
AcquireStorageAccountLock |
Defines values for AcquireStorageAccountLock.
AzureBackupGoalFeatureSupportRequest |
Azure backup goal feature specific request.
AzureBackupServerContainer |
AzureBackupServer (DPMVenus) workload-specific protection container.
AzureBackupServerEngine |
Backup engine type when Azure Backup Server is used to manage the backups.
AzureFileShareBackupRequest |
AzureFileShare workload-specific backup request.
AzureFileShareProtectableItem |
Protectable item for Azure Fileshare workloads.
AzureFileshareProtectedItem |
Azure File Share workload-specific backup item.
AzureFileshareProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
Additional information about Azure File Share backup item.
AzureFileShareProtectionPolicy |
AzureStorage backup policy.
AzureFileShareProvisionIlrRequest |
Update snapshot Uri with the correct friendly Name of the source Azure file share.
AzureFileShareRecoveryPoint |
Azure File Share workload specific backup copy.
AzureFileShareRestoreRequest |
AzureFileShare Restore Request.
AzureFileShareType |
Defines values for AzureFileShareType.
AzureIaaSClassicComputeVMContainer |
IaaS VM workload-specific backup item representing a classic virtual machine.
AzureIaaSClassicComputeVMProtectableItem |
IaaS VM workload-specific backup item representing the Classic Compute VM.
AzureIaaSClassicComputeVMProtectedItem |
IaaS VM workload-specific backup item representing the Classic Compute VM.
AzureIaaSComputeVMContainer |
IaaS VM workload-specific backup item representing an Azure Resource Manager virtual machine.
AzureIaaSComputeVMProtectableItem |
IaaS VM workload-specific backup item representing the Azure Resource Manager VM.
AzureIaaSComputeVMProtectedItem |
IaaS VM workload-specific backup item representing the Azure Resource Manager VM.
AzureIaaSvmErrorInfo |
Azure IaaS VM workload-specific error information.
AzureIaaSvmHealthDetails |
Azure IaaS VM workload-specific Health Details.
AzureIaaSvmJob |
Azure IaaS VM workload-specific job object.
AzureIaaSvmJobExtendedInfo |
Azure IaaS VM workload-specific additional information for job.
AzureIaaSvmJobTaskDetails |
Azure IaaS VM workload-specific job task details.
AzureIaaSvmJobV2 |
Azure IaaS VM workload-specific job object.
AzureIaaSvmProtectedItem |
IaaS VM workload-specific backup item.
AzureIaaSvmProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
Additional information on Azure IaaS VM specific backup item.
AzureIaaSvmProtectionPolicy |
IaaS VM workload-specific backup policy.
AzureRecoveryServiceVaultProtectionIntent |
Azure Recovery Services Vault specific protection intent item.
AzureResourceProtectionIntent |
IaaS VM specific backup protection intent item.
AzureSqlagWorkloadContainerProtectionContainer |
Container for SQL workloads under SQL Availability Group.
AzureSqlContainer |
Azure Sql workload-specific container.
AzureSqlProtectedItem |
Azure SQL workload-specific backup item.
AzureSqlProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
Additional information on Azure Sql specific protected item.
AzureSqlProtectionPolicy |
Azure SQL workload-specific backup policy.
AzureStorageContainer |
Azure Storage Account workload-specific container.
AzureStorageErrorInfo |
Azure storage specific error information.
AzureStorageJob |
Azure storage specific job.
AzureStorageJobExtendedInfo |
Azure Storage workload-specific additional information for job.
AzureStorageJobTaskDetails |
Azure storage workload specific job task details.
AzureStorageProtectableContainer |
Azure Storage-specific protectable containers.
AzureVMAppContainerProtectableContainer |
Azure workload-specific container.
AzureVMAppContainerProtectionContainer |
Container for SQL workloads under Azure Virtual Machines.
AzureVMResourceFeatureSupportRequest |
AzureResource(IaaS VM) Specific feature support request.
AzureVMResourceFeatureSupportResponse |
An immutable client-side representation of AzureVMResourceFeatureSupportResponse.
AzureVMResourceFeatureSupportResponseInner |
Response for feature support requests for Azure IaasVm.
AzureVmWorkloadItem |
Azure VM workload-specific workload item.
AzureVmWorkloadProtectableItem |
Azure VM workload-specific protectable item.
AzureVmWorkloadProtectedItem |
Azure VM workload-specific protected item.
AzureVmWorkloadProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
Additional information on Azure Workload for SQL specific backup item.
AzureVmWorkloadProtectionPolicy |
Azure VM (Mercury) workload-specific backup policy.
AzureVmWorkloadSapAseDatabaseProtectedItem |
Azure VM workload-specific protected item representing SAP ASE Database.
AzureVmWorkloadSapAseDatabaseWorkloadItem |
Azure VM workload-specific workload item representing SAP ASE Database.
AzureVmWorkloadSapAseSystemProtectableItem |
Azure VM workload-specific protectable item representing SAP ASE System.
AzureVmWorkloadSapAseSystemWorkloadItem |
Azure VM workload-specific workload item representing SAP ASE System.
AzureVmWorkloadSapHanaDatabaseProtectableItem |
Azure VM workload-specific protectable item representing SAP HANA Database.
AzureVmWorkloadSapHanaDatabaseProtectedItem |
Azure VM workload-specific protected item representing SAP HANA Database.
AzureVmWorkloadSapHanaDatabaseWorkloadItem |
Azure VM workload-specific workload item representing SAP HANA Database.
AzureVmWorkloadSapHanaSystemProtectableItem |
Azure VM workload-specific protectable item representing SAP HANA System.
AzureVmWorkloadSapHanaSystemWorkloadItem |
Azure VM workload-specific workload item representing SAP HANA System.
AzureVmWorkloadSqlAvailabilityGroupProtectableItem |
Azure VM workload-specific protectable item representing SQL Availability Group.
AzureVmWorkloadSqlDatabaseProtectableItem |
Azure VM workload-specific protectable item representing SQL Database.
AzureVmWorkloadSqlDatabaseProtectedItem |
Azure VM workload-specific protected item representing SQL Database.
AzureVmWorkloadSqlDatabaseWorkloadItem |
Azure VM workload-specific workload item representing SQL Database.
AzureVmWorkloadSqlInstanceProtectableItem |
Azure VM workload-specific protectable item representing SQL Instance.
AzureVmWorkloadSqlInstanceWorkloadItem |
Azure VM workload-specific workload item representing SQL Instance.
AzureWorkloadAutoProtectionIntent |
Azure Recovery Services Vault specific protection intent item.
AzureWorkloadBackupRequest |
AzureWorkload workload-specific backup request.
AzureWorkloadContainer |
Container for the workloads running inside Azure Compute or Classic Compute.
AzureWorkloadContainerAutoProtectionIntent |
Azure workload specific protection intent item.
AzureWorkloadContainerExtendedInfo |
Extended information of the container.
AzureWorkloadErrorInfo |
Azure storage specific error information.
AzureWorkloadJob |
Azure storage specific job.
AzureWorkloadJobExtendedInfo |
Azure VM workload-specific additional information for job.
AzureWorkloadJobTaskDetails |
Azure VM workload specific job task details.
AzureWorkloadPointInTimeRecoveryPoint |
Recovery point specific to PointInTime.
AzureWorkloadPointInTimeRestoreRequest |
AzureWorkload SAP Hana -specific restore.
AzureWorkloadRecoveryPoint |
Workload specific recovery point, specifically encapsulates full/diff recovery point.
AzureWorkloadRestoreRequest |
AzureWorkload-specific restore.
AzureWorkloadSapHanaPointInTimeRecoveryPoint |
Recovery point specific to PointInTime in SAPHana.
AzureWorkloadSapHanaPointInTimeRestoreRequest |
AzureWorkload SAP Hana -specific restore.
AzureWorkloadSapHanaPointInTimeRestoreWithRehydrateRequest |
AzureWorkload SAP Hana-specific restore with integrated rehydration of recovery point.
AzureWorkloadSapHanaRecoveryPoint |
SAPHana specific recoverypoint, specifically encapsulates full/diff recoverypoints.
AzureWorkloadSapHanaRestoreRequest |
AzureWorkload SAP Hana-specific restore.
AzureWorkloadSapHanaRestoreWithRehydrateRequest |
AzureWorkload SAP Hana-specific restore with integrated rehydration of recovery point.
AzureWorkloadSqlAutoProtectionIntent |
Azure Workload SQL Auto Protection intent item.
AzureWorkloadSqlPointInTimeRecoveryPoint |
Recovery point specific to PointInTime.
AzureWorkloadSqlPointInTimeRestoreRequest |
AzureWorkload SQL -specific restore.
AzureWorkloadSqlPointInTimeRestoreWithRehydrateRequest |
AzureWorkload SQL-specific restore with integrated rehydration of recovery point.
AzureWorkloadSqlRecoveryPoint |
SQL specific recoverypoint, specifically encapsulates full/diff recoverypoint along with extended info.
AzureWorkloadSqlRecoveryPointExtendedInfo |
Extended info class details.
AzureWorkloadSqlRestoreRequest |
AzureWorkload SQL -specific restore.
AzureWorkloadSqlRestoreWithRehydrateRequest |
AzureWorkload SQL-specific restore with integrated rehydration of recovery point.
BackupEngineBase |
The base backup engine class.
BackupEngineBaseResource |
An immutable client-side representation of BackupEngineBaseResource.
BackupEngineBaseResourceInner |
The base backup engine class.
BackupEngineBaseResourceList |
List of BackupEngineBase resources.
BackupEngineExtendedInfo |
Additional information on backup engine.
BackupEngines |
Resource collection API of BackupEngines.
BackupEnginesClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in BackupEnginesClient.
BackupEngineType |
Defines values for BackupEngineType.
BackupItemType |
Defines values for BackupItemType.
BackupJobs |
Resource collection API of BackupJobs.
BackupJobsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in BackupJobsClient.
BackupManagementType |
Defines values for BackupManagementType.
BackupManagementUsage |
An immutable client-side representation of BackupManagementUsage.
BackupManagementUsageInner |
Backup management usages of a vault.
BackupManagementUsageList |
Backup management usage for vault.
BackupOperationResults |
Resource collection API of BackupOperationResults.
BackupOperationResultsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in BackupOperationResultsClient.
BackupOperationStatuses |
Resource collection API of BackupOperationStatuses.
BackupOperationStatusesClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in BackupOperationStatusesClient.
BackupPolicies |
Resource collection API of BackupPolicies.
BackupPoliciesClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in BackupPoliciesClient.
BackupProtectableItems |
Resource collection API of BackupProtectableItems.
BackupProtectableItemsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in BackupProtectableItemsClient.
BackupProtectedItems |
Resource collection API of BackupProtectedItems.
BackupProtectedItemsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in BackupProtectedItemsClient.
BackupProtectionContainers |
Resource collection API of BackupProtectionContainers.
BackupProtectionContainersClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in BackupProtectionContainersClient.
BackupProtectionIntents |
Resource collection API of BackupProtectionIntents.
BackupProtectionIntentsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in BackupProtectionIntentsClient.
BackupRequest |
Base class for backup request.
BackupRequestResource |
Base class for backup request.
BackupResourceConfig |
The resource storage details.
BackupResourceConfigResource |
An immutable client-side representation of BackupResourceConfigResource.
BackupResourceConfigResourceInner |
The resource storage details.
BackupResourceEncryptionConfig |
The BackupResourceEncryptionConfig model.
BackupResourceEncryptionConfigExtended |
The BackupResourceEncryptionConfigExtended model.
BackupResourceEncryptionConfigExtendedResource |
An immutable client-side representation of BackupResourceEncryptionConfigExtendedResource.
BackupResourceEncryptionConfigExtendedResourceInner |
The BackupResourceEncryptionConfigExtendedResource model.
BackupResourceEncryptionConfigResource |
The BackupResourceEncryptionConfigResource model.
BackupResourceEncryptionConfigs |
Resource collection API of BackupResourceEncryptionConfigs.
BackupResourceEncryptionConfigsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in BackupResourceEncryptionConfigsClient.
BackupResourceStorageConfigsNonCrrs |
Resource collection API of BackupResourceStorageConfigsNonCrrs.
BackupResourceStorageConfigsNonCrrsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in BackupResourceStorageConfigsNonCrrsClient.
BackupResourceVaultConfig |
Backup resource vault config details.
BackupResourceVaultConfigResource |
An immutable client-side representation of BackupResourceVaultConfigResource.
BackupResourceVaultConfigResourceInner |
Backup resource vault config details.
BackupResourceVaultConfigs |
Resource collection API of BackupResourceVaultConfigs.
BackupResourceVaultConfigsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in BackupResourceVaultConfigsClient.
Backups |
Resource collection API of Backups.
BackupsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in BackupsClient.
BackupStatus |
Resource collection API of BackupStatus.
BackupStatusClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in BackupStatusClient.
BackupStatusRequest |
BackupStatus request.
BackupStatusResponse |
An immutable client-side representation of BackupStatusResponse.
BackupStatusResponseInner |
BackupStatus response.
BackupType |
Defines values for BackupType.
BackupUsageSummaries |
Resource collection API of BackupUsageSummaries.
BackupUsageSummariesClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in BackupUsageSummariesClient.
BackupWorkloadItems |
Resource collection API of BackupWorkloadItems.
BackupWorkloadItemsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in BackupWorkloadItemsClient.
BekDetails |
BEK is bitlocker encryption key.
BmsPrepareDataMoveOperationResults |
Resource collection API of BmsPrepareDataMoveOperationResults.
BmsPrepareDataMoveOperationResultsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in BmsPrepareDataMoveOperationResultsClient.
ClientDiscoveryDisplay |
Localized display information of an operation.
ClientDiscoveryForLogSpecification |
Class to represent shoebox log specification in json client discovery.
ClientDiscoveryForProperties |
Class to represent shoebox properties in json client discovery.
ClientDiscoveryForServiceSpecification |
Class to represent shoebox service specification in json client discovery.
ClientDiscoveryResponse |
Operations List response which contains list of available APIs.
ClientDiscoveryValueForSingleApi |
An immutable client-side representation of ClientDiscoveryValueForSingleApi.
ClientDiscoveryValueForSingleApiInner |
Available operation details.
ClientScriptForConnect |
Client script details for file / folder restore.
ContainerIdentityInfo |
Container identity information.
ContainerType |
Defines values for ContainerType.
CopyOptions |
Defines values for CopyOptions.
CreateMode |
Defines values for CreateMode.
DailyRetentionFormat |
Daily retention format.
DailyRetentionSchedule |
Daily retention schedule.
DailySchedule |
The DailySchedule model.
DataMoveLevel |
Defines values for DataMoveLevel.
DataSourceType |
Defines values for DataSourceType.
Day |
Day of the week.
DayOfWeek |
Defines values for DayOfWeek.
DedupState |
Defines values for DedupState.
DiskExclusionProperties |
The DiskExclusionProperties model.
DiskInformation |
Disk information.
DistributedNodesInfo |
This is used to represent the various nodes of the distributed container.
DpmBackupEngine |
Data Protection Manager (DPM) specific backup engine.
DpmContainer |
DPM workload-specific protection container.
DpmContainerExtendedInfo |
Additional information of the DPMContainer.
DpmErrorInfo |
DPM workload-specific error information.
DpmJob |
DPM workload-specific job object.
DpmJobExtendedInfo |
Additional information on the DPM workload-specific job.
DpmJobTaskDetails |
DPM workload-specific job task details.
DpmProtectedItem |
Additional information on Backup engine specific backup item.
DpmProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
Additional information of DPM Protected item.
EncryptionAtRestType |
Defines values for EncryptionAtRestType.
EncryptionDetails |
Details needed if the VM was encrypted at the time of backup.
EnhancedSecurityState |
Defines values for EnhancedSecurityState.
ErrorDetail |
Error Detail class which encapsulates Code, Message and Recommendations.
ExportJobsOperationResultInfo |
This class is used to send blob details after exporting jobs.
ExportJobsOperationResults |
Resource collection API of ExportJobsOperationResults.
ExportJobsOperationResultsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ExportJobsOperationResultsClient.
ExtendedProperties |
Extended Properties for Azure IaasVM Backup.
FabricName |
Defines values for FabricName.
FeatureSupportRequest |
Base class for feature request.
FeatureSupports |
Resource collection API of FeatureSupports.
FeatureSupportsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in FeatureSupportsClient.
GenericContainer |
Base class for generic container of backup items.
GenericContainerExtendedInfo |
Container extended information.
GenericProtectedItem |
Base class for backup items.
GenericProtectionPolicy |
Azure VM (Mercury) workload-specific backup policy.
GenericRecoveryPoint |
Generic backup copy.
HealthStatus |
Defines values for HealthStatus.
HourlySchedule |
The HourlySchedule model.
HttpStatusCode |
Defines values for HttpStatusCode.
IaasVMBackupRequest |
IaaS VM workload-specific backup request.
IaaSvmContainer |
IaaS VM workload-specific container.
IaasVmilrRegistrationRequest |
Restore files/folders from a backup copy of IaaS VM.
IaasvmPolicyType |
Defines values for IaasvmPolicyType.
IaaSvmProtectableItem |
IaaS VM workload-specific backup item.
IaasVMRecoveryPoint |
IaaS VM workload specific backup copy.
IaasVMRestoreRequest |
IaaS VM workload-specific restore.
IaasVMRestoreWithRehydrationRequest |
IaaS VM workload-specific restore with integrated rehydration of recovery point.
IdentityBasedRestoreDetails |
IaaS VM workload specific restore details for restores using managed identity.
IdentityInfo |
Encapsulates Managed Identity related information.
IlrRequest |
Parameters to Provision ILR API.
IlrRequestResource |
Parameters to Provision ILR API.
InfrastructureEncryptionState |
Defines values for InfrastructureEncryptionState.
InquiryInfo |
Details about inquired protectable items under a given container.
InquiryStatus |
Defines values for InquiryStatus.
InquiryValidation |
Validation for inquired protectable items under a given container.
InstantItemRecoveryTarget |
Target details for file / folder restore.
InstantRPAdditionalDetails |
The InstantRPAdditionalDetails model.
ItemLevelRecoveryConnections |
Resource collection API of ItemLevelRecoveryConnections.
ItemLevelRecoveryConnectionsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ItemLevelRecoveryConnectionsClient.
Job |
Defines workload agnostic properties for a job.
JobCancellations |
Resource collection API of JobCancellations.
JobCancellationsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in JobCancellationsClient.
JobDetails |
Resource collection API of JobDetails.
JobDetailsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in JobDetailsClient.
JobOperationResults |
Resource collection API of JobOperationResults.
JobOperationResultsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in JobOperationResultsClient.
JobResource |
An immutable client-side representation of JobResource.
JobResourceInner |
Defines workload agnostic properties for a job.
JobResourceList |
List of Job resources.
Jobs |
Resource collection API of Jobs.
JobsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in JobsClient.
JobSupportedAction |
Defines values for JobSupportedAction.
KekDetails |
KEK is encryption key for BEK.
KeyAndSecretDetails |
BEK is bitlocker key.
KpiResourceHealthDetails |
KPI Resource Health Details.
LastBackupStatus |
Defines values for LastBackupStatus.
LastUpdateStatus |
Defines values for LastUpdateStatus.
ListRecoveryPointsRecommendedForMoveRequest |
ListRecoveryPointsRecommendedForMoveRequest Request.
LogSchedulePolicy |
Log policy schedule.
LongTermRetentionPolicy |
Long term retention policy.
LongTermSchedulePolicy |
Long term policy schedule.
MabContainer |
Container with items backed up using MAB backup engine.
MabContainerExtendedInfo |
Additional information of the container.
MabContainerHealthDetails |
MAB workload-specific Health Details.
MabErrorInfo |
MAB workload-specific error information.
MabFileFolderProtectedItem |
MAB workload-specific backup item.
MabFileFolderProtectedItemExtendedInfo |
Additional information on the backed up item.
MabJob |
MAB workload-specific job.
MabJobExtendedInfo |
Additional information for the MAB workload-specific job.
MabJobTaskDetails |
MAB workload-specific job task details.
MabProtectionPolicy |
Mab container-specific backup policy.
MabServerType |
Defines values for MabServerType.
MonthlyRetentionSchedule |
Monthly retention schedule.
MonthOfYear |
Defines values for MonthOfYear.
MoveRPAcrossTiersRequest |
The MoveRPAcrossTiersRequest model.
NameInfo |
The name of usage.
OperationOperations |
Resource collection API of OperationOperations.
OperationOperationsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in OperationOperationsClient.
OperationResultInfo |
Operation result info.
OperationResultInfoBase |
Base class for operation result info.
OperationResultInfoBaseResource |
An immutable client-side representation of OperationResultInfoBaseResource.
OperationResultInfoBaseResourceInner |
Base class for operation result info.
Operations |
Resource collection API of Operations.
OperationsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in OperationsClient.
OperationStatus |
An immutable client-side representation of OperationStatus.
OperationStatusError |
Error information associated with operation status call.
OperationStatusExtendedInfo |
Base class for additional information of operation status.
OperationStatusInner |
Operation status.
OperationStatusJobExtendedInfo |
Operation status job extended info.
OperationStatusJobsExtendedInfo |
Operation status extended info for list of jobs.
OperationStatusProvisionIlrExtendedInfo |
Operation status extended info for ILR provision action.
OperationStatusValidateOperationExtendedInfo |
Operation status extended info for ValidateOperation action.
OperationStatusValues |
Defines values for OperationStatusValues.
OperationType |
Defines values for OperationType.
OperationWorkerResponse |
This is the base class for operation result responses.
OverwriteOptions |
Defines values for OverwriteOptions.
PointInTimeRange |
Provides details for log ranges.
PolicyType |
Defines values for PolicyType.
PreBackupValidation |
Pre-backup validation for Azure VM Workload provider.
PrepareDataMoveRequest |
Prepare DataMove Request.
PrepareDataMoveResponse |
Prepare DataMove Response.
PreValidateEnableBackupRequest |
Contract to validate if backup can be enabled on the given resource in a given vault and given configuration.
PreValidateEnableBackupResponse |
An immutable client-side representation of PreValidateEnableBackupResponse.
PreValidateEnableBackupResponseInner |
Response contract for enable backup validation request.
PrivateEndpoint |
The Private Endpoint network resource that is linked to the Private Endpoint connection.
PrivateEndpointConnection |
Private Endpoint Connection Response Properties.
PrivateEndpointConnectionResource |
An immutable client-side representation of PrivateEndpointConnectionResource.
PrivateEndpointConnectionResource.Definition |
The entirety of the PrivateEndpointConnectionResource definition.
PrivateEndpointConnectionResource.DefinitionStages |
The PrivateEndpointConnectionResource definition stages.
PrivateEndpointConnectionResource.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of the PrivateEndpointConnectionResource definition.
PrivateEndpointConnectionResource.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
The stage of the PrivateEndpointConnectionResource definition which contains all the minimum required
properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
PrivateEndpointConnectionResource.DefinitionStages.WithEtag |
The stage of the PrivateEndpointConnectionResource definition allowing to specify etag.
PrivateEndpointConnectionResource.DefinitionStages.WithLocation |
The stage of the PrivateEndpointConnectionResource definition allowing to specify location.
PrivateEndpointConnectionResource.DefinitionStages.WithParentResource |
The stage of the PrivateEndpointConnectionResource definition allowing to specify parent resource.
PrivateEndpointConnectionResource.DefinitionStages.WithProperties |
The stage of the PrivateEndpointConnectionResource definition allowing to specify properties.
PrivateEndpointConnectionResource.DefinitionStages.WithTags |
The stage of the PrivateEndpointConnectionResource definition allowing to specify tags.
PrivateEndpointConnectionResource.Update |
The template for PrivateEndpointConnectionResource update.
PrivateEndpointConnectionResource.UpdateStages |
The PrivateEndpointConnectionResource update stages.
PrivateEndpointConnectionResource.UpdateStages.WithEtag |
The stage of the PrivateEndpointConnectionResource update allowing to specify etag.
PrivateEndpointConnectionResource.UpdateStages.WithProperties |
The stage of the PrivateEndpointConnectionResource update allowing to specify properties.
PrivateEndpointConnectionResource.UpdateStages.WithTags |
The stage of the PrivateEndpointConnectionResource update allowing to specify tags.
PrivateEndpointConnectionResourceInner |
Private Endpoint Connection Response Properties.
PrivateEndpointConnections |
Resource collection API of PrivateEndpointConnections.
PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient.
PrivateEndpointConnectionStatus |
Defines values for PrivateEndpointConnectionStatus.
PrivateEndpoints |
Resource collection API of PrivateEndpoints.
PrivateEndpointsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in PrivateEndpointsClient.
PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState |
Private Link Service Connection State.
ProtectableContainer |
Protectable Container Class.
ProtectableContainerResource |
An immutable client-side representation of ProtectableContainerResource.
ProtectableContainerResourceInner |
Protectable Container Class.
ProtectableContainerResourceList |
List of ProtectableContainer resources.
ProtectableContainers |
Resource collection API of ProtectableContainers.
ProtectableContainersClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ProtectableContainersClient.
ProtectedItem |
Base class for backup items.
ProtectedItemHealthStatus |
Defines values for ProtectedItemHealthStatus.
ProtectedItemOperationResults |
Resource collection API of ProtectedItemOperationResults.
ProtectedItemOperationResultsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ProtectedItemOperationResultsClient.
ProtectedItemOperationStatuses |
Resource collection API of ProtectedItemOperationStatuses.
ProtectedItemOperationStatusesClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ProtectedItemOperationStatusesClient.
ProtectedItemResource |
An immutable client-side representation of ProtectedItemResource.
ProtectedItemResource.Definition |
The entirety of the ProtectedItemResource definition.
ProtectedItemResource.DefinitionStages |
The ProtectedItemResource definition stages.
ProtectedItemResource.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of the ProtectedItemResource definition.
ProtectedItemResource.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
The stage of the ProtectedItemResource definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the
resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
ProtectedItemResource.DefinitionStages.WithEtag |
The stage of the ProtectedItemResource definition allowing to specify etag.
ProtectedItemResource.DefinitionStages.WithLocation |
The stage of the ProtectedItemResource definition allowing to specify location.
ProtectedItemResource.DefinitionStages.WithParentResource |
The stage of the ProtectedItemResource definition allowing to specify parent resource.
ProtectedItemResource.DefinitionStages.WithProperties |
The stage of the ProtectedItemResource definition allowing to specify properties.
ProtectedItemResource.DefinitionStages.WithTags |
The stage of the ProtectedItemResource definition allowing to specify tags.
ProtectedItemResource.Update |
The template for ProtectedItemResource update.
ProtectedItemResource.UpdateStages |
The ProtectedItemResource update stages.
ProtectedItemResource.UpdateStages.WithEtag |
The stage of the ProtectedItemResource update allowing to specify etag.
ProtectedItemResource.UpdateStages.WithProperties |
The stage of the ProtectedItemResource update allowing to specify properties.
ProtectedItemResource.UpdateStages.WithTags |
The stage of the ProtectedItemResource update allowing to specify tags.
ProtectedItemResourceInner |
Base class for backup items.
ProtectedItemResourceList |
List of ProtectedItem resources.
ProtectedItems |
Resource collection API of ProtectedItems.
ProtectedItemsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ProtectedItemsClient.
ProtectedItemState |
Defines values for ProtectedItemState.
ProtectionContainer |
Base class for container with backup items.
ProtectionContainerOperationResults |
Resource collection API of ProtectionContainerOperationResults.
ProtectionContainerOperationResultsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ProtectionContainerOperationResultsClient.
ProtectionContainerRefreshOperationResults |
Resource collection API of ProtectionContainerRefreshOperationResults.
ProtectionContainerRefreshOperationResultsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in
ProtectionContainerResource |
An immutable client-side representation of ProtectionContainerResource.
ProtectionContainerResource.Definition |
The entirety of the ProtectionContainerResource definition.
ProtectionContainerResource.DefinitionStages |
The ProtectionContainerResource definition stages.
ProtectionContainerResource.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of the ProtectionContainerResource definition.
ProtectionContainerResource.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
The stage of the ProtectionContainerResource definition which contains all the minimum required properties
for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
ProtectionContainerResource.DefinitionStages.WithEtag |
The stage of the ProtectionContainerResource definition allowing to specify etag.
ProtectionContainerResource.DefinitionStages.WithLocation |
The stage of the ProtectionContainerResource definition allowing to specify location.
ProtectionContainerResource.DefinitionStages.WithParentResource |
The stage of the ProtectionContainerResource definition allowing to specify parent resource.
ProtectionContainerResource.DefinitionStages.WithProperties |
The stage of the ProtectionContainerResource definition allowing to specify properties.
ProtectionContainerResource.DefinitionStages.WithTags |
The stage of the ProtectionContainerResource definition allowing to specify tags.
ProtectionContainerResource.Update |
The template for ProtectionContainerResource update.
ProtectionContainerResource.UpdateStages |
The ProtectionContainerResource update stages.
ProtectionContainerResource.UpdateStages.WithEtag |
The stage of the ProtectionContainerResource update allowing to specify etag.
ProtectionContainerResource.UpdateStages.WithProperties |
The stage of the ProtectionContainerResource update allowing to specify properties.
ProtectionContainerResource.UpdateStages.WithTags |
The stage of the ProtectionContainerResource update allowing to specify tags.
ProtectionContainerResourceInner |
Base class for container with backup items.
ProtectionContainerResourceList |
List of ProtectionContainer resources.
ProtectionContainers |
Resource collection API of ProtectionContainers.
ProtectionContainersClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ProtectionContainersClient.
ProtectionIntent |
Base class for backup ProtectionIntent.
ProtectionIntentItemType |
Defines values for ProtectionIntentItemType.
ProtectionIntentResource |
An immutable client-side representation of ProtectionIntentResource.
ProtectionIntentResource.Definition |
The entirety of the ProtectionIntentResource definition.
ProtectionIntentResource.DefinitionStages |
The ProtectionIntentResource definition stages.
ProtectionIntentResource.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of the ProtectionIntentResource definition.
ProtectionIntentResource.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
The stage of the ProtectionIntentResource definition which contains all the minimum required properties for
the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
ProtectionIntentResource.DefinitionStages.WithEtag |
The stage of the ProtectionIntentResource definition allowing to specify etag.
ProtectionIntentResource.DefinitionStages.WithLocation |
The stage of the ProtectionIntentResource definition allowing to specify location.
ProtectionIntentResource.DefinitionStages.WithParentResource |
The stage of the ProtectionIntentResource definition allowing to specify parent resource.
ProtectionIntentResource.DefinitionStages.WithProperties |
The stage of the ProtectionIntentResource definition allowing to specify properties.
ProtectionIntentResource.DefinitionStages.WithTags |
The stage of the ProtectionIntentResource definition allowing to specify tags.
ProtectionIntentResource.Update |
The template for ProtectionIntentResource update.
ProtectionIntentResource.UpdateStages |
The ProtectionIntentResource update stages.
ProtectionIntentResource.UpdateStages.WithEtag |
The stage of the ProtectionIntentResource update allowing to specify etag.
ProtectionIntentResource.UpdateStages.WithProperties |
The stage of the ProtectionIntentResource update allowing to specify properties.
ProtectionIntentResource.UpdateStages.WithTags |
The stage of the ProtectionIntentResource update allowing to specify tags.
ProtectionIntentResourceInner |
Base class for backup ProtectionIntent.
ProtectionIntentResourceList |
List of ProtectionIntent resources.
ProtectionIntents |
Resource collection API of ProtectionIntents.
ProtectionIntentsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ProtectionIntentsClient.
ProtectionPolicies |
Resource collection API of ProtectionPolicies.
ProtectionPoliciesClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ProtectionPoliciesClient.
ProtectionPolicy |
Base class for backup policy.
ProtectionPolicyOperationResults |
Resource collection API of ProtectionPolicyOperationResults.
ProtectionPolicyOperationResultsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ProtectionPolicyOperationResultsClient.
ProtectionPolicyOperationStatuses |
Resource collection API of ProtectionPolicyOperationStatuses.
ProtectionPolicyOperationStatusesClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ProtectionPolicyOperationStatusesClient.
ProtectionPolicyResource |
An immutable client-side representation of ProtectionPolicyResource.
ProtectionPolicyResource.Definition |
The entirety of the ProtectionPolicyResource definition.
ProtectionPolicyResource.DefinitionStages |
The ProtectionPolicyResource definition stages.
ProtectionPolicyResource.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of the ProtectionPolicyResource definition.
ProtectionPolicyResource.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
The stage of the ProtectionPolicyResource definition which contains all the minimum required properties for
the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
ProtectionPolicyResource.DefinitionStages.WithEtag |
The stage of the ProtectionPolicyResource definition allowing to specify etag.
ProtectionPolicyResource.DefinitionStages.WithLocation |
The stage of the ProtectionPolicyResource definition allowing to specify location.
ProtectionPolicyResource.DefinitionStages.WithParentResource |
The stage of the ProtectionPolicyResource definition allowing to specify parent resource.
ProtectionPolicyResource.DefinitionStages.WithProperties |
The stage of the ProtectionPolicyResource definition allowing to specify properties.
ProtectionPolicyResource.DefinitionStages.WithTags |
The stage of the ProtectionPolicyResource definition allowing to specify tags.
ProtectionPolicyResource.Update |
The template for ProtectionPolicyResource update.
ProtectionPolicyResource.UpdateStages |
The ProtectionPolicyResource update stages.
ProtectionPolicyResource.UpdateStages.WithEtag |
The stage of the ProtectionPolicyResource update allowing to specify etag.
ProtectionPolicyResource.UpdateStages.WithProperties |
The stage of the ProtectionPolicyResource update allowing to specify properties.
ProtectionPolicyResource.UpdateStages.WithTags |
The stage of the ProtectionPolicyResource update allowing to specify tags.
ProtectionPolicyResourceInner |
Base class for backup policy.
ProtectionPolicyResourceList |
List of ProtectionPolicy resources.
ProtectionState |
Defines values for ProtectionState.
ProtectionStatus |
Defines values for ProtectionStatus.
ProvisioningState |
Defines values for ProvisioningState.
RecoveryMode |
Defines values for RecoveryMode.
RecoveryPoint |
Base class for backup copies.
RecoveryPointDiskConfiguration |
Disk configuration.
RecoveryPointMoveReadinessInfo |
The RecoveryPointMoveReadinessInfo model.
RecoveryPointRehydrationInfo |
RP Rehydration Info.
RecoveryPointResource |
An immutable client-side representation of RecoveryPointResource.
RecoveryPointResourceInner |
Base class for backup copies.
RecoveryPointResourceList |
List of RecoveryPoint resources.
RecoveryPoints |
Resource collection API of RecoveryPoints.
RecoveryPointsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in RecoveryPointsClient.
RecoveryPointsRecommendedForMoves |
Resource collection API of RecoveryPointsRecommendedForMoves.
RecoveryPointsRecommendedForMovesClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in RecoveryPointsRecommendedForMovesClient.
RecoveryPointTierInformation |
Recovery point tier information.
RecoveryPointTierInformationV2 |
RecoveryPoint Tier Information V2.
RecoveryPointTierStatus |
Defines values for RecoveryPointTierStatus.
RecoveryPointTierType |
Defines values for RecoveryPointTierType.
RecoveryServicesBackupClient |
The interface for RecoveryServicesBackupClient class.
RecoveryServicesBackupManager |
Entry point to RecoveryServicesBackupManager.
RecoveryServicesBackupManager.Configurable |
The Configurable allowing configurations to be set.
RecoveryType |
Defines values for RecoveryType.
RehydrationPriority |
Defines values for RehydrationPriority.
ResourceGuardOperationDetail |
The ResourceGuardOperationDetail model.
ResourceGuardProxies |
Resource collection API of ResourceGuardProxies.
ResourceGuardProxiesClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ResourceGuardProxiesClient.
ResourceGuardProxyBase |
The ResourceGuardProxyBase model.
ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource |
An immutable client-side representation of ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource.
ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource.Definition |
The entirety of the ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource definition.
ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource.DefinitionStages |
The ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource definition stages.
ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of the ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource definition.
ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
The stage of the ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource definition which contains all the minimum required properties
for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource.DefinitionStages.WithEtag |
The stage of the ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource definition allowing to specify etag.
ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource.DefinitionStages.WithLocation |
The stage of the ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource definition allowing to specify location.
ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource.DefinitionStages.WithParentResource |
The stage of the ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource definition allowing to specify parent resource.
ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource.DefinitionStages.WithProperties |
The stage of the ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource definition allowing to specify properties.
ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource.DefinitionStages.WithTags |
The stage of the ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource definition allowing to specify tags.
ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource.Update |
The template for ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource update.
ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource.UpdateStages |
The ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource update stages.
ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource.UpdateStages.WithEtag |
The stage of the ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource update allowing to specify etag.
ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource.UpdateStages.WithProperties |
The stage of the ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource update allowing to specify properties.
ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource.UpdateStages.WithTags |
The stage of the ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource update allowing to specify tags.
ResourceGuardProxyBaseResourceInner |
The ResourceGuardProxyBaseResource model.
ResourceGuardProxyBaseResourceList |
List of ResourceGuardProxyBase resources.
ResourceGuardProxyOperations |
Resource collection API of ResourceGuardProxyOperations.
ResourceGuardProxyOperationsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ResourceGuardProxyOperationsClient.
ResourceHealthDetails |
Health Details for backup items.
ResourceHealthStatus |
Defines values for ResourceHealthStatus.
ResourceList |
Base for all lists of resources.
ResourceProviders |
Resource collection API of ResourceProviders.
ResourceProvidersClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ResourceProvidersClient.
RestoreFileSpecs |
Restore file specs like file path, type and target folder path info.
RestorePointType |
Defines values for RestorePointType.
RestoreRequest |
Base class for restore request.
RestoreRequestResource |
Base class for restore request.
RestoreRequestType |
Defines values for RestoreRequestType.
Restores |
Resource collection API of Restores.
RestoresClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in RestoresClient.
RetentionDuration |
Retention duration.
RetentionDurationType |
Defines values for RetentionDurationType.
RetentionPolicy |
Base class for retention policy.
RetentionScheduleFormat |
Defines values for RetentionScheduleFormat.
SchedulePolicy |
Base class for backup schedule.
ScheduleRunType |
Defines values for ScheduleRunType.
SecurityPinBase |
Base class for get security pin request body.
SecurityPINs |
Resource collection API of SecurityPINs.
SecurityPINsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in SecurityPINsClient.
Settings |
Common settings field for backup management.
SimpleRetentionPolicy |
Simple policy retention.
SimpleSchedulePolicy |
Simple policy schedule.
SimpleSchedulePolicyV2 |
The V2 policy schedule for IaaS that supports hourly backups.
SoftDeleteFeatureState |
Defines values for SoftDeleteFeatureState.
SqlDataDirectory |
SQLDataDirectory info.
SqlDataDirectoryMapping |
Encapsulates information regarding data directory.
SqlDataDirectoryType |
Defines values for SqlDataDirectoryType.
StorageType |
Defines values for StorageType.
StorageTypeState |
Defines values for StorageTypeState.
SubProtectionPolicy |
Sub-protection policy which includes schedule and retention.
SupportStatus |
Defines values for SupportStatus.
TargetAfsRestoreInfo |
Target Azure File Share Info.
TargetRestoreInfo |
Details about target workload during restore operation.
TokenInformation |
An immutable client-side representation of TokenInformation.
TokenInformationInner |
The token information details.
TriggerDataMoveRequest |
Trigger DataMove Request.
UnlockDeleteRequest |
Request body of unlock delete API.
UnlockDeleteResponse |
An immutable client-side representation of UnlockDeleteResponse.
UnlockDeleteResponseInner |
Response of Unlock Delete API.
UsagesUnit |
Defines values for UsagesUnit.
ValidateIaasVMRestoreOperationRequest |
AzureRestoreValidation request.
ValidateOperationRequest |
Base class for validate operation request.
ValidateOperationResponse |
Base class for validate operation response.
ValidateOperationResults |
Resource collection API of ValidateOperationResults.
ValidateOperationResultsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ValidateOperationResultsClient.
ValidateOperations |
Resource collection API of ValidateOperations.
ValidateOperationsClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ValidateOperationsClient.
ValidateOperationsResponse |
An immutable client-side representation of ValidateOperationsResponse.
ValidateOperationsResponseInner |
The ValidateOperationsResponse model.
ValidateOperationStatuses |
Resource collection API of ValidateOperationStatuses.
ValidateOperationStatusesClient |
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ValidateOperationStatusesClient.
ValidateRestoreOperationRequest |
AzureRestoreValidation request.
ValidationStatus |
Defines values for ValidationStatus.
VaultJob |
Vault level Job.
VaultJobErrorInfo |
Vault Job specific error information.
VaultJobExtendedInfo |
Vault Job for CMK - has CMK specific info.
VaultStorageConfigOperationResultResponse |
An immutable client-side representation of VaultStorageConfigOperationResultResponse.
VaultStorageConfigOperationResultResponseInner |
Operation result response for Vault Storage Config.
WeeklyRetentionFormat |
Weekly retention format.
WeeklyRetentionSchedule |
Weekly retention schedule.
WeeklySchedule |
The WeeklySchedule model.
WeekOfMonth |
Defines values for WeekOfMonth.
WorkloadInquiryDetails |
Details of an inquired protectable item.
WorkloadItem |
Base class for backup item.
WorkloadItemResource |
An immutable client-side representation of WorkloadItemResource.
WorkloadItemResourceInner |
Base class for backup item.
WorkloadItemResourceList |
List of WorkloadItem resources.
WorkloadItemType |
Defines values for WorkloadItemType.
WorkloadProtectableItem |
Base class for backup item.
WorkloadProtectableItemResource |
An immutable client-side representation of WorkloadProtectableItemResource.
WorkloadProtectableItemResourceInner |
Base class for backup item.
WorkloadProtectableItemResourceList |
List of WorkloadProtectableItem resources.
WorkloadType |
Defines values for WorkloadType.
XcoolState |
Defines values for XcoolState.
YearlyRetentionSchedule |
Yearly retention schedule.