Class TieringPolicy

  • public final class TieringPolicy
    extends Object
    Tiering Policy for a target tier. If the policy is not specified for a given target tier, service retains the existing configured tiering policy for that tier.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TieringPolicy

        public TieringPolicy()
    • Method Detail

      • tieringMode

        public TieringMode tieringMode()
        Get the tieringMode property: Tiering Mode to control automatic tiering of recovery points. Supported values are: 1. TierRecommended: Tier all recovery points recommended to be tiered 2. TierAfter: Tier all recovery points after a fixed period, as specified in duration + durationType below. 3. DoNotTier: Do not tier any recovery points.
        the tieringMode value.
      • withTieringMode

        public TieringPolicy withTieringMode​(TieringMode tieringMode)
        Set the tieringMode property: Tiering Mode to control automatic tiering of recovery points. Supported values are: 1. TierRecommended: Tier all recovery points recommended to be tiered 2. TierAfter: Tier all recovery points after a fixed period, as specified in duration + durationType below. 3. DoNotTier: Do not tier any recovery points.
        tieringMode - the tieringMode value to set.
        the TieringPolicy object itself.
      • duration

        public Integer duration()
        Get the duration property: Number of days/weeks/months/years to retain backups in current tier before tiering. Used only if TieringMode is set to TierAfter.
        the duration value.
      • withDuration

        public TieringPolicy withDuration​(Integer duration)
        Set the duration property: Number of days/weeks/months/years to retain backups in current tier before tiering. Used only if TieringMode is set to TierAfter.
        duration - the duration value to set.
        the TieringPolicy object itself.
      • durationType

        public RetentionDurationType durationType()
        Get the durationType property: Retention duration type: days/weeks/months/years Used only if TieringMode is set to TierAfter.
        the durationType value.
      • withDurationType

        public TieringPolicy withDurationType​(RetentionDurationType durationType)
        Set the durationType property: Retention duration type: days/weeks/months/years Used only if TieringMode is set to TierAfter.
        durationType - the durationType value to set.
        the TieringPolicy object itself.
      • validate

        public void validate()
        Validates the instance.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the instance is not valid.