Class ClientScriptForConnect

  • public final class ClientScriptForConnect
    extends Object
    Client script details for file / folder restore.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClientScriptForConnect

        public ClientScriptForConnect()
    • Method Detail

      • scriptContent

        public String scriptContent()
        Get the scriptContent property: File content of the client script for file / folder restore.
        the scriptContent value.
      • withScriptContent

        public ClientScriptForConnect withScriptContent​(String scriptContent)
        Set the scriptContent property: File content of the client script for file / folder restore.
        scriptContent - the scriptContent value to set.
        the ClientScriptForConnect object itself.
      • scriptExtension

        public String scriptExtension()
        Get the scriptExtension property: File extension of the client script for file / folder restore - .ps1 , .sh , etc.
        the scriptExtension value.
      • withScriptExtension

        public ClientScriptForConnect withScriptExtension​(String scriptExtension)
        Set the scriptExtension property: File extension of the client script for file / folder restore - .ps1 , .sh , etc.
        scriptExtension - the scriptExtension value to set.
        the ClientScriptForConnect object itself.
      • osType

        public String osType()
        Get the osType property: OS type - Windows, Linux etc. for which this file / folder restore client script works.
        the osType value.
      • withOsType

        public ClientScriptForConnect withOsType​(String osType)
        Set the osType property: OS type - Windows, Linux etc. for which this file / folder restore client script works.
        osType - the osType value to set.
        the ClientScriptForConnect object itself.
      • url

        public String url()
        Get the url property: URL of Executable from where to source the content. If this is not null then ScriptContent should not be used.
        the url value.
      • withUrl

        public ClientScriptForConnect withUrl​(String url)
        Set the url property: URL of Executable from where to source the content. If this is not null then ScriptContent should not be used.
        url - the url value to set.
        the ClientScriptForConnect object itself.
      • scriptNameSuffix

        public String scriptNameSuffix()
        Get the scriptNameSuffix property: Mandatory suffix that should be added to the name of script that is given for download to user. If its null or empty then , ignore it.
        the scriptNameSuffix value.
      • withScriptNameSuffix

        public ClientScriptForConnect withScriptNameSuffix​(String scriptNameSuffix)
        Set the scriptNameSuffix property: Mandatory suffix that should be added to the name of script that is given for download to user. If its null or empty then , ignore it.
        scriptNameSuffix - the scriptNameSuffix value to set.
        the ClientScriptForConnect object itself.
      • validate

        public void validate()
        Validates the instance.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the instance is not valid.