Class PccRuleConfiguration

  • public final class PccRuleConfiguration
    extends Object
    PCC rule configuration.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PccRuleConfiguration

        public PccRuleConfiguration()
    • Method Detail

      • ruleName

        public String ruleName()
        Get the ruleName property: The name of the rule. This must be unique within the parent Service. You must not use any of the following reserved strings - `default`, `requested` or `service`.
        the ruleName value.
      • withRuleName

        public PccRuleConfiguration withRuleName​(String ruleName)
        Set the ruleName property: The name of the rule. This must be unique within the parent Service. You must not use any of the following reserved strings - `default`, `requested` or `service`.
        ruleName - the ruleName value to set.
        the PccRuleConfiguration object itself.
      • rulePrecedence

        public int rulePrecedence()
        Get the rulePrecedence property: A precedence value that is used to decide between PCC Rules when identifying the QoS values to use for a particular Sim. A lower value means a higher priority. This value should be unique among all PCC Rules configured in the Mobile Network.
        the rulePrecedence value.
      • withRulePrecedence

        public PccRuleConfiguration withRulePrecedence​(int rulePrecedence)
        Set the rulePrecedence property: A precedence value that is used to decide between PCC Rules when identifying the QoS values to use for a particular Sim. A lower value means a higher priority. This value should be unique among all PCC Rules configured in the Mobile Network.
        rulePrecedence - the rulePrecedence value to set.
        the PccRuleConfiguration object itself.
      • ruleQosPolicy

        public PccRuleQosPolicy ruleQosPolicy()
        Get the ruleQosPolicy property: The QoS policy to use for packets matching this rule. If this field is null then the Service will define the QoS settings.
        the ruleQosPolicy value.
      • withRuleQosPolicy

        public PccRuleConfiguration withRuleQosPolicy​(PccRuleQosPolicy ruleQosPolicy)
        Set the ruleQosPolicy property: The QoS policy to use for packets matching this rule. If this field is null then the Service will define the QoS settings.
        ruleQosPolicy - the ruleQosPolicy value to set.
        the PccRuleConfiguration object itself.
      • trafficControl

        public TrafficControlPermission trafficControl()
        Get the trafficControl property: Determines whether flows that match this PCC Rule are permitted.
        the trafficControl value.
      • withTrafficControl

        public PccRuleConfiguration withTrafficControl​(TrafficControlPermission trafficControl)
        Set the trafficControl property: Determines whether flows that match this PCC Rule are permitted.
        trafficControl - the trafficControl value to set.
        the PccRuleConfiguration object itself.
      • serviceDataFlowTemplates

        public List<ServiceDataFlowTemplate> serviceDataFlowTemplates()
        Get the serviceDataFlowTemplates property: The set of service data flow templates to use for this PCC Rule.
        the serviceDataFlowTemplates value.
      • withServiceDataFlowTemplates

        public PccRuleConfiguration withServiceDataFlowTemplates​(List<ServiceDataFlowTemplate> serviceDataFlowTemplates)
        Set the serviceDataFlowTemplates property: The set of service data flow templates to use for this PCC Rule.
        serviceDataFlowTemplates - the serviceDataFlowTemplates value to set.
        the PccRuleConfiguration object itself.
      • validate

        public void validate()
        Validates the instance.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the instance is not valid.