Class IotHubLocationDescription

  • public final class IotHubLocationDescription
    extends Object
    Public representation of one of the locations where a resource is provisioned.
    • Constructor Detail

      • IotHubLocationDescription

        public IotHubLocationDescription()
    • Method Detail

      • location

        public String location()
        Get the location property: The name of the Azure region.
        the location value.
      • withLocation

        public IotHubLocationDescription withLocation​(String location)
        Set the location property: The name of the Azure region.
        location - the location value to set.
        the IotHubLocationDescription object itself.
      • role

        public IotHubReplicaRoleType role()
        Get the role property: The role of the region, can be either primary or secondary. The primary region is where the IoT hub is currently provisioned. The secondary region is the Azure disaster recovery (DR) paired region and also the region where the IoT hub can failover to.
        the role value.
      • withRole

        public IotHubLocationDescription withRole​(IotHubReplicaRoleType role)
        Set the role property: The role of the region, can be either primary or secondary. The primary region is where the IoT hub is currently provisioned. The secondary region is the Azure disaster recovery (DR) paired region and also the region where the IoT hub can failover to.
        role - the role value to set.
        the IotHubLocationDescription object itself.
      • validate

        public void validate()
        Validates the instance.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the instance is not valid.