Class RedirectConfiguration


public final class RedirectConfiguration extends RouteConfiguration
Describes Redirect Route.
  • Constructor Details

    • RedirectConfiguration

      public RedirectConfiguration()
      Creates an instance of RedirectConfiguration class.
  • Method Details

    • redirectType

      public FrontDoorRedirectType redirectType()
      Get the redirectType property: The redirect type the rule will use when redirecting traffic.
      the redirectType value.
    • withRedirectType

      public RedirectConfiguration withRedirectType(FrontDoorRedirectType redirectType)
      Set the redirectType property: The redirect type the rule will use when redirecting traffic.
      redirectType - the redirectType value to set.
      the RedirectConfiguration object itself.
    • redirectProtocol

      public FrontDoorRedirectProtocol redirectProtocol()
      Get the redirectProtocol property: The protocol of the destination to where the traffic is redirected.
      the redirectProtocol value.
    • withRedirectProtocol

      public RedirectConfiguration withRedirectProtocol(FrontDoorRedirectProtocol redirectProtocol)
      Set the redirectProtocol property: The protocol of the destination to where the traffic is redirected.
      redirectProtocol - the redirectProtocol value to set.
      the RedirectConfiguration object itself.
    • customHost

      public String customHost()
      Get the customHost property: Host to redirect. Leave empty to use the incoming host as the destination host.
      the customHost value.
    • withCustomHost

      public RedirectConfiguration withCustomHost(String customHost)
      Set the customHost property: Host to redirect. Leave empty to use the incoming host as the destination host.
      customHost - the customHost value to set.
      the RedirectConfiguration object itself.
    • customPath

      public String customPath()
      Get the customPath property: The full path to redirect. Path cannot be empty and must start with /. Leave empty to use the incoming path as destination path.
      the customPath value.
    • withCustomPath

      public RedirectConfiguration withCustomPath(String customPath)
      Set the customPath property: The full path to redirect. Path cannot be empty and must start with /. Leave empty to use the incoming path as destination path.
      customPath - the customPath value to set.
      the RedirectConfiguration object itself.
    • customFragment

      public String customFragment()
      Get the customFragment property: Fragment to add to the redirect URL. Fragment is the part of the URL that comes after #. Do not include the #.
      the customFragment value.
    • withCustomFragment

      public RedirectConfiguration withCustomFragment(String customFragment)
      Set the customFragment property: Fragment to add to the redirect URL. Fragment is the part of the URL that comes after #. Do not include the #.
      customFragment - the customFragment value to set.
      the RedirectConfiguration object itself.
    • customQueryString

      public String customQueryString()
      Get the customQueryString property: The set of query strings to be placed in the redirect URL. Setting this value would replace any existing query string; leave empty to preserve the incoming query string. Query string must be in <key>=<value> format. The first ? and & will be added automatically so do not include them in the front, but do separate multiple query strings with &.
      the customQueryString value.
    • withCustomQueryString

      public RedirectConfiguration withCustomQueryString(String customQueryString)
      Set the customQueryString property: The set of query strings to be placed in the redirect URL. Setting this value would replace any existing query string; leave empty to preserve the incoming query string. Query string must be in <key>=<value> format. The first ? and & will be added automatically so do not include them in the front, but do separate multiple query strings with &.
      customQueryString - the customQueryString value to set.
      the RedirectConfiguration object itself.
    • validate

      public void validate()
      Validates the instance.
      validate in class RouteConfiguration
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the instance is not valid.