All Classes and Interfaces

An immutable client-side representation of DnsForwardingRuleset.
The entirety of the DnsForwardingRuleset definition.
The DnsForwardingRuleset definition stages.
The first stage of the DnsForwardingRuleset definition.
The stage of the DnsForwardingRuleset definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
The stage of the DnsForwardingRuleset definition allowing to specify dnsResolverOutboundEndpoints.
The stage of the DnsForwardingRuleset definition allowing to specify ifMatch.
The stage of the DnsForwardingRuleset definition allowing to specify ifNoneMatch.
The stage of the DnsForwardingRuleset definition allowing to specify location.
The stage of the DnsForwardingRuleset definition allowing to specify parent resource.
The stage of the DnsForwardingRuleset definition allowing to specify tags.
The template for DnsForwardingRuleset update.
The DnsForwardingRuleset update stages.
The stage of the DnsForwardingRuleset update allowing to specify dnsResolverOutboundEndpoints.
The stage of the DnsForwardingRuleset update allowing to specify ifMatch.
The stage of the DnsForwardingRuleset update allowing to specify tags.
Describes a DNS forwarding ruleset.
The response to an enumeration operation on DNS forwarding rulesets.
Describes a DNS forwarding ruleset PATCH operation.
Represents the properties of a DNS forwarding ruleset.
Resource collection API of DnsForwardingRulesets.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in DnsForwardingRulesetsClient.
An immutable client-side representation of DnsResolver.
The entirety of the DnsResolver definition.
The DnsResolver definition stages.
The first stage of the DnsResolver definition.
The stage of the DnsResolver definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
The stage of the DnsResolver definition allowing to specify ifMatch.
The stage of the DnsResolver definition allowing to specify ifNoneMatch.
The stage of the DnsResolver definition allowing to specify location.
The stage of the DnsResolver definition allowing to specify parent resource.
The stage of the DnsResolver definition allowing to specify tags.
The stage of the DnsResolver definition allowing to specify virtualNetwork.
The template for DnsResolver update.
The DnsResolver update stages.
The stage of the DnsResolver update allowing to specify ifMatch.
The stage of the DnsResolver update allowing to specify tags.
Describes a DNS resolver.
The response to an enumeration operation on DNS resolvers.
The interface for DnsResolverManagementClient class.
Entry point to DnsResolverManager.
The Configurable allowing configurations to be set.
Describes a DNS resolver for PATCH operation.
Represents the properties of a DNS resolver.
Resource collection API of DnsResolvers.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in DnsResolversClient.
The current status of the DNS resolver.
An immutable client-side representation of ForwardingRule.
The entirety of the ForwardingRule definition.
The ForwardingRule definition stages.
The first stage of the ForwardingRule definition.
The stage of the ForwardingRule definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
The stage of the ForwardingRule definition allowing to specify domainName.
The stage of the ForwardingRule definition allowing to specify forwardingRuleState.
The stage of the ForwardingRule definition allowing to specify ifMatch.
The stage of the ForwardingRule definition allowing to specify ifNoneMatch.
The stage of the ForwardingRule definition allowing to specify metadata.
The stage of the ForwardingRule definition allowing to specify parent resource.
The stage of the ForwardingRule definition allowing to specify targetDnsServers.
The template for ForwardingRule update.
The ForwardingRule update stages.
The stage of the ForwardingRule update allowing to specify forwardingRuleState.
The stage of the ForwardingRule update allowing to specify ifMatch.
The stage of the ForwardingRule update allowing to specify metadata.
The stage of the ForwardingRule update allowing to specify targetDnsServers.
Describes a forwarding rule within a DNS forwarding ruleset.
The response to an enumeration operation on forwarding rules within a DNS forwarding ruleset.
Describes a forwarding rule for PATCH operation.
Represents the updatable properties of a forwarding rule within a DNS forwarding ruleset.
Represents the properties of a forwarding rule within a DNS forwarding ruleset.
Resource collection API of ForwardingRules.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ForwardingRulesClient.
The state of forwarding rule.
An immutable client-side representation of InboundEndpoint.
The entirety of the InboundEndpoint definition.
The InboundEndpoint definition stages.
The first stage of the InboundEndpoint definition.
The stage of the InboundEndpoint definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
The stage of the InboundEndpoint definition allowing to specify ifMatch.
The stage of the InboundEndpoint definition allowing to specify ifNoneMatch.
The stage of the InboundEndpoint definition allowing to specify ipConfigurations.
The stage of the InboundEndpoint definition allowing to specify location.
The stage of the InboundEndpoint definition allowing to specify parent resource.
The stage of the InboundEndpoint definition allowing to specify tags.
The template for InboundEndpoint update.
The InboundEndpoint update stages.
The stage of the InboundEndpoint update allowing to specify ifMatch.
The stage of the InboundEndpoint update allowing to specify tags.
Describes an inbound endpoint for a DNS resolver.
The response to an enumeration operation on inbound endpoints for a DNS resolver.
Describes an inbound endpoint for a DNS resolver for PATCH operation.
Represents the properties of an inbound endpoint for a DNS resolver.
Resource collection API of InboundEndpoints.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in InboundEndpointsClient.
Private IP address allocation method.
IP configuration.
An immutable client-side representation of OutboundEndpoint.
The entirety of the OutboundEndpoint definition.
The OutboundEndpoint definition stages.
The first stage of the OutboundEndpoint definition.
The stage of the OutboundEndpoint definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
The stage of the OutboundEndpoint definition allowing to specify ifMatch.
The stage of the OutboundEndpoint definition allowing to specify ifNoneMatch.
The stage of the OutboundEndpoint definition allowing to specify location.
The stage of the OutboundEndpoint definition allowing to specify parent resource.
The stage of the OutboundEndpoint definition allowing to specify subnet.
The stage of the OutboundEndpoint definition allowing to specify tags.
The template for OutboundEndpoint update.
The OutboundEndpoint update stages.
The stage of the OutboundEndpoint update allowing to specify ifMatch.
The stage of the OutboundEndpoint update allowing to specify tags.
Describes an outbound endpoint for a DNS resolver.
The response to an enumeration operation on outbound endpoints for a DNS resolver.
Describes an outbound endpoint for a DNS resolver for PATCH operation.
Represents the properties of an outbound endpoint for a DNS resolver.
Resource collection API of OutboundEndpoints.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in OutboundEndpointsClient.
The current provisioning state of the resource.
The response to an enumeration operation on sub-resources.
Describes a server to forward the DNS queries to.
An immutable client-side representation of VirtualNetworkDnsForwardingRuleset.
Reference to DNS forwarding ruleset and associated virtual network link.
The response to an enumeration operation on Virtual Network DNS Forwarding Ruleset.
An immutable client-side representation of VirtualNetworkLink.
The entirety of the VirtualNetworkLink definition.
The VirtualNetworkLink definition stages.
The first stage of the VirtualNetworkLink definition.
The stage of the VirtualNetworkLink definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
The stage of the VirtualNetworkLink definition allowing to specify ifMatch.
The stage of the VirtualNetworkLink definition allowing to specify ifNoneMatch.
The stage of the VirtualNetworkLink definition allowing to specify metadata.
The stage of the VirtualNetworkLink definition allowing to specify parent resource.
The stage of the VirtualNetworkLink definition allowing to specify virtualNetwork.
The template for VirtualNetworkLink update.
The VirtualNetworkLink update stages.
The stage of the VirtualNetworkLink update allowing to specify ifMatch.
The stage of the VirtualNetworkLink update allowing to specify metadata.
Describes a virtual network link.
The response to an enumeration operation on virtual network links.
Describes a virtual network link for PATCH operation.
Represents the updatable properties of the virtual network link.
Represents the properties of a virtual network link.
Resource collection API of VirtualNetworkLinks.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in VirtualNetworkLinksClient.
The reference to the virtual network link that associates between the DNS forwarding ruleset and virtual network.