Interface Workflow

public interface Workflow
An immutable client-side representation of Workflow.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static interface 
    The entirety of the Workflow definition.
    static interface 
    The Workflow definition stages.
    static interface 
    The template for Workflow update.
    static interface 
    The Workflow update stages.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the acr property: Information on the azure container registry.
    Gets the aksResourceId property: The Azure Kubernetes Managed Cluster resource.
    Gets the authStatus property: Determines the type of manifests within the repository.
    Gets the branchName property: The name of the branch the workflow is associated with.
    Gets the deploymentProperties property: The deploymentProperties property.
    Gets the dockerBuildContext property: Path to Dockerfile Build Context within the repository.
    Gets the dockerfile property: Path to Dockerfile within the repository.
    Gets the id property: Fully qualified resource Id for the resource.
    Gets the inner object.
    Gets the lastWorkflowRun property: The lastWorkflowRun property.
    Gets the location property: The geo-location where the resource lives.
    Gets the name property: The name of the resource.
    Gets the namespace property: The Kubernetes namespace the application is deployed to
    Gets the oidcCredentials property: The fields needed for OIDC with GitHub.
    Gets the prStatus property: The status of the Pull Request submitted against the users repository.
    Gets the prUrl property: The URL to the Pull Request submitted against the users repository.
    Gets the pullNumber property: The number associated with the submitted pull request.
    Refreshes the resource to sync with Azure.
    refresh( context)
    Refreshes the resource to sync with Azure.
    Gets the region of the resource.
    Gets the name of the resource region.
    Gets the repositoryName property: The name of the repository the workflow is associated with.
    Gets the repositoryOwner property: The owner of the repository the workflow is associated with.
    Gets the name of the resource group.
    Gets the tags property: Resource tags.
    Gets the type property: The type of the resource.
    Begins update for the Workflow resource.
  • Method Details

    • id

      String id()
      Gets the id property: Fully qualified resource Id for the resource.
      the id value.
    • name

      String name()
      Gets the name property: The name of the resource.
      the name value.
    • type

      String type()
      Gets the type property: The type of the resource.
      the type value.
    • location

      String location()
      Gets the location property: The geo-location where the resource lives.
      the location value.
    • tags

      Map<String,String> tags()
      Gets the tags property: Resource tags.
      the tags value.
    • repositoryOwner

      String repositoryOwner()
      Gets the repositoryOwner property: The owner of the repository the workflow is associated with.

      Repository Owner.

      the repositoryOwner value.
    • repositoryName

      String repositoryName()
      Gets the repositoryName property: The name of the repository the workflow is associated with.

      Repository Name.

      the repositoryName value.
    • branchName

      String branchName()
      Gets the branchName property: The name of the branch the workflow is associated with.

      Repository Branch Name.

      the branchName value.
    • dockerfile

      String dockerfile()
      Gets the dockerfile property: Path to Dockerfile within the repository.

      Path to the Dockerfile within the repository.

      the dockerfile value.
    • dockerBuildContext

      String dockerBuildContext()
      Gets the dockerBuildContext property: Path to Dockerfile Build Context within the repository.
      the dockerBuildContext value.
    • deploymentProperties

      DeploymentProperties deploymentProperties()
      Gets the deploymentProperties property: The deploymentProperties property.
      the deploymentProperties value.
    • namespace

      String namespace()
      Gets the namespace property: The Kubernetes namespace the application is deployed to

      Kubernetes namespace the application is deployed to.

      the namespace value.
    • acr

      Acr acr()
      Gets the acr property: Information on the azure container registry.
      the acr value.
    • oidcCredentials

      Gets the oidcCredentials property: The fields needed for OIDC with GitHub.
      the oidcCredentials value.
    • aksResourceId

      String aksResourceId()
      Gets the aksResourceId property: The Azure Kubernetes Managed Cluster resource.

      The Azure Kubernetes Cluster Resource the application will be deployed to.

      the aksResourceId value.
    • prUrl

      String prUrl()
      Gets the prUrl property: The URL to the Pull Request submitted against the users repository.
      the prUrl value.
    • pullNumber

      Integer pullNumber()
      Gets the pullNumber property: The number associated with the submitted pull request.
      the pullNumber value.
    • prStatus

      PullRequestStatus prStatus()
      Gets the prStatus property: The status of the Pull Request submitted against the users repository.
      the prStatus value.
    • lastWorkflowRun

      WorkflowRun lastWorkflowRun()
      Gets the lastWorkflowRun property: The lastWorkflowRun property.
      the lastWorkflowRun value.
    • authStatus

      ManifestType authStatus()
      Gets the authStatus property: Determines the type of manifests within the repository.
      the authStatus value.
    • region region()
      Gets the region of the resource.
      the region of the resource.
    • regionName

      String regionName()
      Gets the name of the resource region.
      the name of the resource region.
    • resourceGroupName

      String resourceGroupName()
      Gets the name of the resource group.
      the name of the resource group.
    • innerModel

      WorkflowInner innerModel()
      Gets the inner object.
      the inner object.
    • update

      Workflow.Update update()
      Begins update for the Workflow resource.
      the stage of resource update.
    • refresh

      Workflow refresh()
      Refreshes the resource to sync with Azure.
      the refreshed resource.
    • refresh

      Workflow refresh( context)
      Refreshes the resource to sync with Azure.
      context - The context to associate with this operation.
      the refreshed resource.