Class ArtifactSourcePropertiesAutoGenerated

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ArtifactSourcePropertiesAutoGenerated extends Object
The properties that define the source location where the artifacts are located.
  • Constructor Details

    • ArtifactSourcePropertiesAutoGenerated

      public ArtifactSourcePropertiesAutoGenerated()
      Creates an instance of ArtifactSourcePropertiesAutoGenerated class.
  • Method Details

    • sourceType

      public String sourceType()
      Get the sourceType property: The type of artifact source used.
      the sourceType value.
    • withSourceType

      public ArtifactSourcePropertiesAutoGenerated withSourceType(String sourceType)
      Set the sourceType property: The type of artifact source used.
      sourceType - the sourceType value to set.
      the ArtifactSourcePropertiesAutoGenerated object itself.
    • artifactRoot

      public String artifactRoot()
      Get the artifactRoot property: The path from the location that the 'authentication' property [say, a SAS URI to the blob container] refers to, to the location of the artifacts. This can be used to differentiate different versions of the artifacts. Or, different types of artifacts like binaries or templates. The location referenced by the authentication property concatenated with this optional artifactRoot path forms the artifact source location where the artifacts are expected to be found.
      the artifactRoot value.
    • withArtifactRoot

      public ArtifactSourcePropertiesAutoGenerated withArtifactRoot(String artifactRoot)
      Set the artifactRoot property: The path from the location that the 'authentication' property [say, a SAS URI to the blob container] refers to, to the location of the artifacts. This can be used to differentiate different versions of the artifacts. Or, different types of artifacts like binaries or templates. The location referenced by the authentication property concatenated with this optional artifactRoot path forms the artifact source location where the artifacts are expected to be found.
      artifactRoot - the artifactRoot value to set.
      the ArtifactSourcePropertiesAutoGenerated object itself.
    • authentication

      public Authentication authentication()
      Get the authentication property: The authentication method to use to access the artifact source.
      the authentication value.
    • withAuthentication

      public ArtifactSourcePropertiesAutoGenerated withAuthentication(Authentication authentication)
      Set the authentication property: The authentication method to use to access the artifact source.
      authentication - the authentication value to set.
      the ArtifactSourcePropertiesAutoGenerated object itself.
    • validate

      public void validate()
      Validates the instance.
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the instance is not valid.