AccessPolicyResponse |
An immutable client-side representation of AccessPolicyResponse.
Activity |
A pipeline activity.
ActivityDependency |
Activity dependency information.
ActivityPolicy |
Execution policy for an activity.
ActivityRun |
Information about an activity run in a pipeline.
ActivityRunsQueryResponse |
An immutable client-side representation of ActivityRunsQueryResponse.
AddDataFlowToDebugSessionResponse |
An immutable client-side representation of AddDataFlowToDebugSessionResponse.
AmazonMwsLinkedService |
Amazon Marketplace Web Service linked service.
AmazonMwsObjectDataset |
Amazon Marketplace Web Service dataset.
AmazonMwsSource |
A copy activity Amazon Marketplace Web Service source.
AmazonRdsForOracleLinkedService |
AmazonRdsForOracle database.
AmazonRdsForOraclePartitionSettings |
The settings that will be leveraged for AmazonRdsForOracle source partitioning.
AmazonRdsForOracleSource |
A copy activity AmazonRdsForOracle source.
AmazonRdsForOracleTableDataset |
The AmazonRdsForOracle database dataset.
AmazonRdsForSqlServerLinkedService |
Amazon RDS for SQL Server linked service.
AmazonRdsForSqlServerSource |
A copy activity Amazon RDS for SQL Server source.
AmazonRdsForSqlServerTableDataset |
The Amazon RDS for SQL Server dataset.
AmazonRedshiftLinkedService |
Linked service for Amazon Redshift.
AmazonRedshiftSource |
A copy activity source for Amazon Redshift Source.
AmazonRedshiftTableDataset |
The Amazon Redshift table dataset.
AmazonS3CompatibleLinkedService |
Linked service for Amazon S3 Compatible.
AmazonS3CompatibleLocation |
The location of Amazon S3 Compatible dataset.
AmazonS3CompatibleReadSettings |
Amazon S3 Compatible read settings.
AmazonS3Dataset |
A single Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) object or a set of S3 objects.
AmazonS3LinkedService |
Linked service for Amazon S3.
AmazonS3Location |
The location of amazon S3 dataset.
AmazonS3ReadSettings |
Amazon S3 read settings.
AppendVariableActivity |
Append value for a Variable of type Array.
AppFiguresLinkedService |
Linked service for AppFigures.
ArmIdWrapper |
A wrapper for an ARM resource id.
AsanaLinkedService |
Linked service for Asana.
AvroDataset |
Avro dataset.
AvroFormat |
The data stored in Avro format.
AvroSink |
A copy activity Avro sink.
AvroSource |
A copy activity Avro source.
AvroWriteSettings |
Avro write settings.
AzPowerShellSetup |
The express custom setup of installing Azure PowerShell.
AzureBatchLinkedService |
Azure Batch linked service.
AzureBlobDataset |
The Azure Blob storage.
AzureBlobFSDataset |
The Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 storage.
AzureBlobFSLinkedService |
Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 linked service.
AzureBlobFSLocation |
The location of azure blobFS dataset.
AzureBlobFSReadSettings |
Azure blobFS read settings.
AzureBlobFSSink |
A copy activity Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 sink.
AzureBlobFSSource |
A copy activity Azure BlobFS source.
AzureBlobFSWriteSettings |
Azure blobFS write settings.
AzureBlobStorageLinkedService |
The azure blob storage linked service.
AzureBlobStorageLocation |
The location of azure blob dataset.
AzureBlobStorageReadSettings |
Azure blob read settings.
AzureBlobStorageWriteSettings |
Azure blob write settings.
AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeDataset |
Azure Databricks Delta Lake dataset.
AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeExportCommand |
Azure Databricks Delta Lake export command settings.
AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeImportCommand |
Azure Databricks Delta Lake import command settings.
AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeLinkedService |
Azure Databricks Delta Lake linked service.
AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeSink |
A copy activity Azure Databricks Delta Lake sink.
AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeSource |
A copy activity Azure Databricks Delta Lake source.
AzureDatabricksLinkedService |
Azure Databricks linked service.
AzureDataExplorerCommandActivity |
Azure Data Explorer command activity.
AzureDataExplorerLinkedService |
Azure Data Explorer (Kusto) linked service.
AzureDataExplorerSink |
A copy activity Azure Data Explorer sink.
AzureDataExplorerSource |
A copy activity Azure Data Explorer (Kusto) source.
AzureDataExplorerTableDataset |
The Azure Data Explorer (Kusto) dataset.
AzureDataLakeAnalyticsLinkedService |
Azure Data Lake Analytics linked service.
AzureDataLakeStoreDataset |
Azure Data Lake Store dataset.
AzureDataLakeStoreLinkedService |
Azure Data Lake Store linked service.
AzureDataLakeStoreLocation |
The location of azure data lake store dataset.
AzureDataLakeStoreReadSettings |
Azure data lake store read settings.
AzureDataLakeStoreSink |
A copy activity Azure Data Lake Store sink.
AzureDataLakeStoreSource |
A copy activity Azure Data Lake source.
AzureDataLakeStoreWriteSettings |
Azure data lake store write settings.
AzureFileStorageLinkedService |
Azure File Storage linked service.
AzureFileStorageLocation |
The location of file server dataset.
AzureFileStorageReadSettings |
Azure File Storage read settings.
AzureFileStorageWriteSettings |
Azure File Storage write settings.
AzureFunctionActivity |
Azure Function activity.
AzureFunctionActivityMethod |
Defines values for AzureFunctionActivityMethod.
AzureFunctionLinkedService |
Azure Function linked service.
AzureKeyVaultLinkedService |
Azure Key Vault linked service.
AzureKeyVaultSecretReference |
Azure Key Vault secret reference.
AzureMariaDBLinkedService |
Azure Database for MariaDB linked service.
AzureMariaDBSource |
A copy activity Azure MariaDB source.
AzureMariaDBTableDataset |
Azure Database for MariaDB dataset.
AzureMLBatchExecutionActivity |
Azure ML Batch Execution activity.
AzureMLExecutePipelineActivity |
Azure ML Execute Pipeline activity.
AzureMLLinkedService |
Azure ML Studio Web Service linked service.
AzureMLServiceLinkedService |
Azure ML Service linked service.
AzureMLUpdateResourceActivity |
Azure ML Update Resource management activity.
AzureMLWebServiceFile |
Azure ML WebService Input/Output file.
AzureMySqlLinkedService |
Azure MySQL database linked service.
AzureMySqlSink |
A copy activity Azure MySql sink.
AzureMySqlSource |
A copy activity Azure MySQL source.
AzureMySqlTableDataset |
The Azure MySQL database dataset.
AzurePostgreSqlLinkedService |
Azure PostgreSQL linked service.
AzurePostgreSqlSink |
A copy activity Azure PostgreSQL sink.
AzurePostgreSqlSource |
A copy activity Azure PostgreSQL source.
AzurePostgreSqlTableDataset |
Azure PostgreSQL dataset.
AzureQueueSink |
A copy activity Azure Queue sink.
AzureSearchIndexDataset |
The Azure Search Index.
AzureSearchIndexSink |
A copy activity Azure Search Index sink.
AzureSearchIndexWriteBehaviorType |
Defines values for AzureSearchIndexWriteBehaviorType.
AzureSearchLinkedService |
Linked service for Windows Azure Search Service.
AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService |
Microsoft Azure SQL Database linked service.
AzureSqlDWLinkedService |
Azure SQL Data Warehouse linked service.
AzureSqlDWTableDataset |
The Azure SQL Data Warehouse dataset.
AzureSqlMILinkedService |
Azure SQL Managed Instance linked service.
AzureSqlMITableDataset |
The Azure SQL Managed Instance dataset.
AzureSqlSink |
A copy activity Azure SQL sink.
AzureSqlSource |
A copy activity Azure SQL source.
AzureSqlTableDataset |
The Azure SQL Server database dataset.
AzureStorageLinkedService |
The storage account linked service.
AzureTableDataset |
The Azure Table storage dataset.
AzureTableSink |
A copy activity Azure Table sink.
AzureTableSource |
A copy activity Azure Table source.
AzureTableStorageLinkedService |
The azure table storage linked service.
BinaryDataset |
Binary dataset.
BinaryReadSettings |
Binary read settings.
BinarySink |
A copy activity Binary sink.
BinarySource |
A copy activity Binary source.
BlobEventsTrigger |
Trigger that runs every time a Blob event occurs.
BlobEventTypes |
Defines values for BlobEventTypes.
BlobSink |
A copy activity Azure Blob sink.
BlobSource |
A copy activity Azure Blob source.
BlobTrigger |
Trigger that runs every time the selected Blob container changes.
CassandraLinkedService |
Linked service for Cassandra data source.
CassandraSource |
A copy activity source for a Cassandra database.
CassandraSourceReadConsistencyLevels |
Defines values for CassandraSourceReadConsistencyLevels.
CassandraTableDataset |
The Cassandra database dataset.
ChainingTrigger |
Trigger that allows the referenced pipeline to depend on other pipeline runs based on runDimension Name/Value pairs.
CmdkeySetup |
The custom setup of running cmdkey commands.
CmkIdentityDefinition |
Managed Identity used for CMK.
CommonDataServiceForAppsEntityDataset |
The Common Data Service for Apps entity dataset.
CommonDataServiceForAppsLinkedService |
Common Data Service for Apps linked service.
CommonDataServiceForAppsSink |
A copy activity Common Data Service for Apps sink.
CommonDataServiceForAppsSource |
A copy activity Common Data Service for Apps source.
ComponentSetup |
The custom setup of installing 3rd party components.
CompressionReadSettings |
Compression read settings.
ConcurLinkedService |
Concur Service linked service.
ConcurObjectDataset |
Concur Service dataset.
ConcurSource |
A copy activity Concur Service source.
ConnectionStateProperties |
The connection state of a managed private endpoint.
ControlActivity |
Base class for all control activities like IfCondition, ForEach , Until.
CopyActivity |
Copy activity.
CopyActivityLogSettings |
Settings for copy activity log.
CopySink |
A copy activity sink.
CopySource |
A copy activity source.
CopyTranslator |
A copy activity translator.
CosmosDbConnectionMode |
Defines values for CosmosDbConnectionMode.
CosmosDbLinkedService |
Microsoft Azure Cosmos Database (CosmosDB) linked service.
CosmosDbMongoDbApiCollectionDataset |
The CosmosDB (MongoDB API) database dataset.
CosmosDbMongoDbApiLinkedService |
Linked service for CosmosDB (MongoDB API) data source.
CosmosDbMongoDbApiSink |
A copy activity sink for a CosmosDB (MongoDB API) database.
CosmosDbMongoDbApiSource |
A copy activity source for a CosmosDB (MongoDB API) database.
CosmosDbServicePrincipalCredentialType |
Defines values for CosmosDbServicePrincipalCredentialType.
CosmosDbSqlApiCollectionDataset |
Microsoft Azure CosmosDB (SQL API) Collection dataset.
CosmosDbSqlApiSink |
A copy activity Azure CosmosDB (SQL API) Collection sink.
CosmosDbSqlApiSource |
A copy activity Azure CosmosDB (SQL API) Collection source.
CouchbaseLinkedService |
Couchbase server linked service.
CouchbaseSource |
A copy activity Couchbase server source.
CouchbaseTableDataset |
Couchbase server dataset.
CreateDataFlowDebugSessionRequest |
Request body structure for creating data flow debug session.
CreateDataFlowDebugSessionResponse |
An immutable client-side representation of CreateDataFlowDebugSessionResponse.
CreateLinkedIntegrationRuntimeRequest |
The linked integration runtime information.
CreateRunResponse |
An immutable client-side representation of CreateRunResponse.
Credential |
The Azure Data Factory nested object which contains the information and credential which can be used to connect with
related store or compute resource.
CredentialReference |
Credential reference type.
CredentialReferenceType |
Defines values for CredentialReferenceType.
CustomActivity |
Custom activity type.
CustomActivityReferenceObject |
Reference objects for custom activity.
CustomDataset |
The custom dataset.
CustomDataSourceLinkedService |
Custom linked service.
CustomEventsTrigger |
Trigger that runs every time a custom event is received.
CustomSetupBase |
The base definition of the custom setup.
DatabricksNotebookActivity |
DatabricksNotebook activity.
DatabricksSparkJarActivity |
DatabricksSparkJar activity.
DatabricksSparkPythonActivity |
DatabricksSparkPython activity.
DataFlow |
Azure Data Factory nested object which contains a flow with data movements and transformations.
DataFlowComputeType |
Defines values for DataFlowComputeType.
DataFlowDebugCommandPayload |
Structure of command payload.
DataFlowDebugCommandRequest |
Request body structure for data flow debug command.
DataFlowDebugCommandResponse |
An immutable client-side representation of DataFlowDebugCommandResponse.
DataFlowDebugCommandType |
Defines values for DataFlowDebugCommandType.
DataFlowDebugPackage |
Request body structure for starting data flow debug session.
DataFlowDebugPackageDebugSettings |
Data flow debug settings.
DataFlowDebugResource |
Data flow debug resource.
DataFlowDebugSessionInfo |
An immutable client-side representation of DataFlowDebugSessionInfo.
DataFlowFolder |
The folder that this data flow is in.
DataFlowListResponse |
A list of data flow resources.
DataFlowReference |
Data flow reference type.
DataFlowReferenceType |
Defines values for DataFlowReferenceType.
DataFlowResource |
An immutable client-side representation of DataFlowResource.
DataFlowResource.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of the DataFlowResource definition.
DataFlowResource.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
The stage of the DataFlowResource definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the
resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
DataFlowResource.DefinitionStages.WithIfMatch |
The stage of the DataFlowResource definition allowing to specify ifMatch.
DataFlowResource.DefinitionStages.WithParentResource |
The stage of the DataFlowResource definition allowing to specify parent resource.
DataFlowResource.DefinitionStages.WithProperties |
The stage of the DataFlowResource definition allowing to specify properties.
DataFlowResource.Update |
The template for DataFlowResource update.
DataFlowResource.UpdateStages.WithIfMatch |
The stage of the DataFlowResource update allowing to specify ifMatch.
DataFlowResource.UpdateStages.WithProperties |
The stage of the DataFlowResource update allowing to specify properties.
DataFlowSink |
Transformation for data flow sink.
DataFlowSource |
Transformation for data flow source.
DataFlowSourceSetting |
Definition of data flow source setting for debug.
DataFlowStagingInfo |
Staging info for execute data flow activity.
DataLakeAnalyticsUsqlActivity |
Data Lake Analytics U-SQL activity.
Dataset |
The Azure Data Factory nested object which identifies data within different data stores, such as tables, files,
folders, and documents.
DatasetCompression |
The compression method used on a dataset.
DatasetDebugResource |
Dataset debug resource.
DatasetFolder |
The folder that this Dataset is in.
DatasetListResponse |
A list of dataset resources.
DatasetLocation |
Dataset location.
DatasetReference |
Dataset reference type.
DatasetResource |
An immutable client-side representation of DatasetResource.
DatasetResource.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of the DatasetResource definition.
DatasetResource.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
The stage of the DatasetResource definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the
resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
DatasetResource.DefinitionStages.WithIfMatch |
The stage of the DatasetResource definition allowing to specify ifMatch.
DatasetResource.DefinitionStages.WithParentResource |
The stage of the DatasetResource definition allowing to specify parent resource.
DatasetResource.DefinitionStages.WithProperties |
The stage of the DatasetResource definition allowing to specify properties.
DatasetResource.Update |
The template for DatasetResource update.
DatasetResource.UpdateStages.WithIfMatch |
The stage of the DatasetResource update allowing to specify ifMatch.
DatasetResource.UpdateStages.WithProperties |
The stage of the DatasetResource update allowing to specify properties.
DatasetSchemaDataElement |
Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset.
DatasetStorageFormat |
The format definition of a storage.
DataworldLinkedService |
Linked service for Dataworld.
DayOfWeek |
Defines values for DayOfWeek.
DaysOfWeek |
Defines values for DaysOfWeek.
Db2AuthenticationType |
Defines values for Db2AuthenticationType.
Db2LinkedService |
Linked service for DB2 data source.
Db2Source |
A copy activity source for Db2 databases.
Db2TableDataset |
The Db2 table dataset.
DeleteActivity |
Delete activity.
DeleteDataFlowDebugSessionRequest |
Request body structure for deleting data flow debug session.
DelimitedTextDataset |
Delimited text dataset.
DelimitedTextReadSettings |
Delimited text read settings.
DelimitedTextSink |
A copy activity DelimitedText sink.
DelimitedTextSource |
A copy activity DelimitedText source.
DelimitedTextWriteSettings |
Delimited text write settings.
DependencyCondition |
Defines values for DependencyCondition.
DependencyReference |
Referenced dependency.
DistcpSettings |
Distcp settings.
DocumentDbCollectionDataset |
Microsoft Azure Document Database Collection dataset.
DocumentDbCollectionSink |
A copy activity Document Database Collection sink.
DocumentDbCollectionSource |
A copy activity Document Database Collection source.
DrillLinkedService |
Drill server linked service.
DrillSource |
A copy activity Drill server source.
DrillTableDataset |
Drill server dataset.
DWCopyCommandDefaultValue |
Default value.
DWCopyCommandSettings |
DW Copy Command settings.
DynamicsAXLinkedService |
Dynamics AX linked service.
DynamicsAXResourceDataset |
The path of the Dynamics AX OData entity.
DynamicsAXSource |
A copy activity Dynamics AX source.
DynamicsCrmEntityDataset |
The Dynamics CRM entity dataset.
DynamicsCrmLinkedService |
Dynamics CRM linked service.
DynamicsCrmSink |
A copy activity Dynamics CRM sink.
DynamicsCrmSource |
A copy activity Dynamics CRM source.
DynamicsEntityDataset |
The Dynamics entity dataset.
DynamicsLinkedService |
Dynamics linked service.
DynamicsSink |
A copy activity Dynamics sink.
DynamicsSinkWriteBehavior |
Defines values for DynamicsSinkWriteBehavior.
DynamicsSource |
A copy activity Dynamics source.
EloquaLinkedService |
Eloqua server linked service.
EloquaObjectDataset |
Eloqua server dataset.
EloquaSource |
A copy activity Eloqua server source.
EncryptionConfiguration |
Definition of CMK for the factory.
EntityReference |
The entity reference.
EnvironmentVariableSetup |
The custom setup of setting environment variable.
EventSubscriptionStatus |
Defines values for EventSubscriptionStatus.
ExcelDataset |
Excel dataset.
ExcelSource |
A copy activity excel source.
ExecuteDataFlowActivity |
Execute data flow activity.
ExecuteDataFlowActivityTypePropertiesCompute |
Compute properties for data flow activity.
ExecutePipelineActivity |
Execute pipeline activity.
ExecutePipelineActivityPolicy |
Execution policy for an execute pipeline activity.
ExecuteSsisPackageActivity |
Execute SSIS package activity.
ExecuteWranglingDataflowActivity |
Execute power query activity.
ExecutionActivity |
Base class for all execution activities.
ExportSettings |
Export command settings.
ExposureControlBatchRequest |
A list of exposure control features.
ExposureControlBatchResponse |
An immutable client-side representation of ExposureControlBatchResponse.
ExposureControlRequest |
The exposure control request.
ExposureControlResponse |
An immutable client-side representation of ExposureControlResponse.
Expression |
Azure Data Factory expression definition.
Factory |
An immutable client-side representation of Factory.
Factory.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of the Factory definition.
Factory.DefinitionStages.WithAdditionalProperties |
The stage of the Factory definition allowing to specify additionalProperties.
Factory.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
The stage of the Factory definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be
created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
Factory.DefinitionStages.WithEncryption |
The stage of the Factory definition allowing to specify encryption.
Factory.DefinitionStages.WithGlobalParameters |
The stage of the Factory definition allowing to specify globalParameters.
Factory.DefinitionStages.WithIdentity |
The stage of the Factory definition allowing to specify identity.
Factory.DefinitionStages.WithIfMatch |
The stage of the Factory definition allowing to specify ifMatch.
Factory.DefinitionStages.WithLocation |
The stage of the Factory definition allowing to specify location.
Factory.DefinitionStages.WithPublicNetworkAccess |
The stage of the Factory definition allowing to specify publicNetworkAccess.
Factory.DefinitionStages.WithRepoConfiguration |
The stage of the Factory definition allowing to specify repoConfiguration.
Factory.DefinitionStages.WithResourceGroup |
The stage of the Factory definition allowing to specify parent resource.
Factory.DefinitionStages.WithTags |
The stage of the Factory definition allowing to specify tags.
Factory.Update |
The template for Factory update.
Factory.UpdateStages.WithIdentity |
The stage of the Factory update allowing to specify identity.
Factory.UpdateStages.WithPublicNetworkAccess |
The stage of the Factory update allowing to specify publicNetworkAccess.
Factory.UpdateStages.WithTags |
The stage of the Factory update allowing to specify tags.
FactoryGitHubConfiguration |
Factory's GitHub repo information.
FactoryIdentity |
Identity properties of the factory resource.
FactoryIdentityType |
Defines values for FactoryIdentityType.
FactoryListResponse |
A list of factory resources.
FactoryRepoConfiguration |
Factory's git repo information.
FactoryRepoUpdate |
Factory's git repo information.
FactoryUpdateParameters |
Parameters for updating a factory resource.
FactoryVstsConfiguration |
Factory's VSTS repo information.
FailActivity |
This activity will fail within its own scope and output a custom error message and error code.
FileServerLinkedService |
File system linked service.
FileServerLocation |
The location of file server dataset.
FileServerReadSettings |
File server read settings.
FileServerWriteSettings |
File server write settings.
FileShareDataset |
An on-premises file system dataset.
FileSystemSink |
A copy activity file system sink.
FileSystemSource |
A copy activity file system source.
FilterActivity |
Filter and return results from input array based on the conditions.
Flowlet |
Data flow flowlet.
ForEachActivity |
This activity is used for iterating over a collection and execute given activities.
FormatReadSettings |
Format read settings.
FormatWriteSettings |
Format write settings.
FtpAuthenticationType |
Defines values for FtpAuthenticationType.
FtpReadSettings |
Ftp read settings.
FtpServerLinkedService |
A FTP server Linked Service.
FtpServerLocation |
The location of ftp server dataset.
GetDataFactoryOperationStatusResponse |
Response body structure for get data factory operation status.
GetMetadataActivity |
Activity to get metadata of dataset.
GetSsisObjectMetadataRequest |
The request payload of get SSIS object metadata.
GitHubAccessTokenRequest |
Get GitHub access token request definition.
GitHubAccessTokenResponse |
An immutable client-side representation of GitHubAccessTokenResponse.
GitHubClientSecret |
Client secret information for factory's bring your own app repository configuration.
GlobalParameterSpecification |
Definition of a single parameter for an entity.
GlobalParameterType |
Defines values for GlobalParameterType.
GoogleAdWordsAuthenticationType |
Defines values for GoogleAdWordsAuthenticationType.
GoogleAdWordsLinkedService |
Google AdWords service linked service.
GoogleAdWordsObjectDataset |
Google AdWords service dataset.
GoogleAdWordsSource |
A copy activity Google AdWords service source.
GoogleBigQueryAuthenticationType |
Defines values for GoogleBigQueryAuthenticationType.
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService |
Google BigQuery service linked service.
GoogleBigQueryObjectDataset |
Google BigQuery service dataset.
GoogleBigQuerySource |
A copy activity Google BigQuery service source.
GoogleCloudStorageLinkedService |
Linked service for Google Cloud Storage.
GoogleCloudStorageLocation |
The location of Google Cloud Storage dataset.
GoogleCloudStorageReadSettings |
Google Cloud Storage read settings.
GreenplumLinkedService |
Greenplum Database linked service.
GreenplumSource |
A copy activity Greenplum Database source.
GreenplumTableDataset |
Greenplum Database dataset.
HBaseAuthenticationType |
Defines values for HBaseAuthenticationType.
HBaseLinkedService |
HBase server linked service.
HBaseObjectDataset |
HBase server dataset.
HBaseSource |
A copy activity HBase server source.
HdfsLinkedService |
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) linked service.
HdfsLocation |
The location of HDFS.
HdfsReadSettings |
HDFS read settings.
HdfsSource |
A copy activity HDFS source.
HDInsightActivityDebugInfoOption |
Defines values for HDInsightActivityDebugInfoOption.
HDInsightHiveActivity |
HDInsight Hive activity type.
HDInsightLinkedService |
HDInsight linked service.
HDInsightMapReduceActivity |
HDInsight MapReduce activity type.
HDInsightOnDemandLinkedService |
HDInsight ondemand linked service.
HDInsightPigActivity |
HDInsight Pig activity type.
HDInsightSparkActivity |
HDInsight Spark activity.
HDInsightStreamingActivity |
HDInsight streaming activity type.
HiveAuthenticationType |
Defines values for HiveAuthenticationType.
HiveLinkedService |
Hive Server linked service.
HiveObjectDataset |
Hive Server dataset.
HiveServerType |
Defines values for HiveServerType.
HiveSource |
A copy activity Hive Server source.
HiveThriftTransportProtocol |
Defines values for HiveThriftTransportProtocol.
HttpAuthenticationType |
Defines values for HttpAuthenticationType.
HttpDataset |
A file in an HTTP web server.
HttpLinkedService |
Linked service for an HTTP source.
HttpReadSettings |
Sftp read settings.
HttpServerLocation |
The location of http server.
HttpSource |
A copy activity source for an HTTP file.
HubspotLinkedService |
Hubspot Service linked service.
HubspotObjectDataset |
Hubspot Service dataset.
HubspotSource |
A copy activity Hubspot Service source.
IfConditionActivity |
This activity evaluates a boolean expression and executes either the activities under the ifTrueActivities property
or the ifFalseActivities property depending on the result of the expression.
ImpalaAuthenticationType |
Defines values for ImpalaAuthenticationType.
ImpalaLinkedService |
Impala server linked service.
ImpalaObjectDataset |
Impala server dataset.
ImpalaSource |
A copy activity Impala server source.
ImportSettings |
Import command settings.
InformixLinkedService |
Informix linked service.
InformixSink |
A copy activity Informix sink.
InformixSource |
A copy activity source for Informix.
InformixTableDataset |
The Informix table dataset.
IntegrationRuntime |
Azure Data Factory nested object which serves as a compute resource for activities.
IntegrationRuntimeAuthKeyName |
Defines values for IntegrationRuntimeAuthKeyName.
IntegrationRuntimeAuthKeys |
An immutable client-side representation of IntegrationRuntimeAuthKeys.
IntegrationRuntimeAutoUpdate |
Defines values for IntegrationRuntimeAutoUpdate.
IntegrationRuntimeComputeProperties |
The compute resource properties for managed integration runtime.
IntegrationRuntimeConnectionInfo |
An immutable client-side representation of IntegrationRuntimeConnectionInfo.
IntegrationRuntimeCustomerVirtualNetwork |
The definition and properties of virtual network to which Azure-SSIS integration runtime will join.
IntegrationRuntimeCustomSetupScriptProperties |
Custom setup script properties for a managed dedicated integration runtime.
IntegrationRuntimeDataFlowProperties |
Data flow properties for managed integration runtime.
IntegrationRuntimeDataProxyProperties |
Data proxy properties for a managed dedicated integration runtime.
IntegrationRuntimeDebugResource |
Integration runtime debug resource.
IntegrationRuntimeEdition |
Defines values for IntegrationRuntimeEdition.
IntegrationRuntimeEntityReferenceType |
Defines values for IntegrationRuntimeEntityReferenceType.
IntegrationRuntimeInternalChannelEncryptionMode |
Defines values for IntegrationRuntimeInternalChannelEncryptionMode.
IntegrationRuntimeLicenseType |
Defines values for IntegrationRuntimeLicenseType.
IntegrationRuntimeListResponse |
A list of integration runtime resources.
IntegrationRuntimeMonitoringData |
An immutable client-side representation of IntegrationRuntimeMonitoringData.
IntegrationRuntimeNodeIpAddress |
An immutable client-side representation of IntegrationRuntimeNodeIpAddress.
IntegrationRuntimeNodeMonitoringData |
Monitoring data for integration runtime node.
IntegrationRuntimeOutboundNetworkDependenciesCategoryEndpoint |
Azure-SSIS integration runtime outbound network dependency endpoints for one category.
IntegrationRuntimeOutboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoint |
The endpoint for Azure-SSIS integration runtime outbound network dependency.
IntegrationRuntimeOutboundNetworkDependenciesEndpointDetails |
The details of Azure-SSIS integration runtime outbound network dependency endpoint.
IntegrationRuntimeOutboundNetworkDependenciesEndpointsResponse |
An immutable client-side representation of IntegrationRuntimeOutboundNetworkDependenciesEndpointsResponse.
IntegrationRuntimeReference |
Integration runtime reference type.
IntegrationRuntimeRegenerateKeyParameters |
Parameters to regenerate the authentication key.
IntegrationRuntimeResource |
An immutable client-side representation of IntegrationRuntimeResource.
IntegrationRuntimeResource.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of the IntegrationRuntimeResource definition.
IntegrationRuntimeResource.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
The stage of the IntegrationRuntimeResource definition which contains all the minimum required properties for
the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
IntegrationRuntimeResource.DefinitionStages.WithIfMatch |
The stage of the IntegrationRuntimeResource definition allowing to specify ifMatch.
IntegrationRuntimeResource.DefinitionStages.WithParentResource |
The stage of the IntegrationRuntimeResource definition allowing to specify parent resource.
IntegrationRuntimeResource.DefinitionStages.WithProperties |
The stage of the IntegrationRuntimeResource definition allowing to specify properties.
IntegrationRuntimeResource.Update |
The template for IntegrationRuntimeResource update.
IntegrationRuntimeResource.UpdateStages.WithAutoUpdate |
The stage of the IntegrationRuntimeResource update allowing to specify autoUpdate.
IntegrationRuntimeResource.UpdateStages.WithUpdateDelayOffset |
The stage of the IntegrationRuntimeResource update allowing to specify updateDelayOffset.
IntegrationRuntimeSsisCatalogInfo |
Catalog information for managed dedicated integration runtime.
IntegrationRuntimeSsisCatalogPricingTier |
Defines values for IntegrationRuntimeSsisCatalogPricingTier.
IntegrationRuntimeSsisProperties |
SSIS properties for managed integration runtime.
IntegrationRuntimeState |
Defines values for IntegrationRuntimeState.
IntegrationRuntimeStatus |
Integration runtime status.
IntegrationRuntimeStatusResponse |
An immutable client-side representation of IntegrationRuntimeStatusResponse.
IntegrationRuntimeType |
Defines values for IntegrationRuntimeType.
IntegrationRuntimeUpdateResult |
Defines values for IntegrationRuntimeUpdateResult.
IntegrationRuntimeVNetProperties |
VNet properties for managed integration runtime.
JiraLinkedService |
Jira Service linked service.
JiraObjectDataset |
Jira Service dataset.
JiraSource |
A copy activity Jira Service source.
JsonDataset |
Json dataset.
JsonFormat |
The data stored in JSON format.
JsonReadSettings |
Json read settings.
JsonSink |
A copy activity Json sink.
JsonSource |
A copy activity Json source.
JsonWriteSettings |
Json write settings.
LinkedIntegrationRuntime |
The linked integration runtime information.
LinkedIntegrationRuntimeKeyAuthorization |
The key authorization type integration runtime.
LinkedIntegrationRuntimeRbacAuthorization |
The role based access control (RBAC) authorization type integration runtime.
LinkedIntegrationRuntimeRequest |
Data factory name for linked integration runtime request.
LinkedIntegrationRuntimeType |
The base definition of a linked integration runtime.
LinkedService |
The Azure Data Factory nested object which contains the information and credential which can be used to connect with
related store or compute resource.
LinkedServiceDebugResource |
Linked service debug resource.
LinkedServiceListResponse |
A list of linked service resources.
LinkedServiceReference |
Linked service reference type.
LinkedServiceResource |
An immutable client-side representation of LinkedServiceResource.
LinkedServiceResource.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of the LinkedServiceResource definition.
LinkedServiceResource.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
The stage of the LinkedServiceResource definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the
resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
LinkedServiceResource.DefinitionStages.WithIfMatch |
The stage of the LinkedServiceResource definition allowing to specify ifMatch.
LinkedServiceResource.DefinitionStages.WithParentResource |
The stage of the LinkedServiceResource definition allowing to specify parent resource.
LinkedServiceResource.DefinitionStages.WithProperties |
The stage of the LinkedServiceResource definition allowing to specify properties.
LinkedServiceResource.Update |
The template for LinkedServiceResource update.
LinkedServiceResource.UpdateStages.WithIfMatch |
The stage of the LinkedServiceResource update allowing to specify ifMatch.
LinkedServiceResource.UpdateStages.WithProperties |
The stage of the LinkedServiceResource update allowing to specify properties.
LogLocationSettings |
Log location settings.
LogSettings |
Log settings.
LogStorageSettings |
LookupActivity |
Lookup activity.
MagentoLinkedService |
Magento server linked service.
MagentoObjectDataset |
Magento server dataset.
MagentoSource |
A copy activity Magento server source.
ManagedIdentityCredential |
Managed identity credential.
ManagedIntegrationRuntime |
Managed integration runtime, including managed elastic and managed dedicated integration runtimes.
ManagedIntegrationRuntimeError |
Error definition for managed integration runtime.
ManagedIntegrationRuntimeNode |
Properties of integration runtime node.
ManagedIntegrationRuntimeNodeStatus |
Defines values for ManagedIntegrationRuntimeNodeStatus.
ManagedIntegrationRuntimeOperationResult |
Properties of managed integration runtime operation result.
ManagedPrivateEndpoint |
Properties of a managed private endpoint.
ManagedPrivateEndpointListResponse |
A list of managed private endpoint resources.
ManagedPrivateEndpointResource |
An immutable client-side representation of ManagedPrivateEndpointResource.
ManagedPrivateEndpointResource.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of the ManagedPrivateEndpointResource definition.
ManagedPrivateEndpointResource.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
The stage of the ManagedPrivateEndpointResource definition which contains all the minimum required properties
for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
ManagedPrivateEndpointResource.DefinitionStages.WithIfMatch |
The stage of the ManagedPrivateEndpointResource definition allowing to specify ifMatch.
ManagedPrivateEndpointResource.DefinitionStages.WithParentResource |
The stage of the ManagedPrivateEndpointResource definition allowing to specify parent resource.
ManagedPrivateEndpointResource.DefinitionStages.WithProperties |
The stage of the ManagedPrivateEndpointResource definition allowing to specify properties.
ManagedPrivateEndpointResource.Update |
The template for ManagedPrivateEndpointResource update.
ManagedPrivateEndpointResource.UpdateStages.WithIfMatch |
The stage of the ManagedPrivateEndpointResource update allowing to specify ifMatch.
ManagedPrivateEndpointResource.UpdateStages.WithProperties |
The stage of the ManagedPrivateEndpointResource update allowing to specify properties.
ManagedVirtualNetwork |
A managed Virtual Network associated with the Azure Data Factory.
ManagedVirtualNetworkListResponse |
A list of managed Virtual Network resources.
ManagedVirtualNetworkReference |
Managed Virtual Network reference type.
ManagedVirtualNetworkReferenceType |
Defines values for ManagedVirtualNetworkReferenceType.
ManagedVirtualNetworkResource |
An immutable client-side representation of ManagedVirtualNetworkResource.
ManagedVirtualNetworkResource.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of the ManagedVirtualNetworkResource definition.
ManagedVirtualNetworkResource.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
The stage of the ManagedVirtualNetworkResource definition which contains all the minimum required properties
for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
ManagedVirtualNetworkResource.DefinitionStages.WithIfMatch |
The stage of the ManagedVirtualNetworkResource definition allowing to specify ifMatch.
ManagedVirtualNetworkResource.DefinitionStages.WithParentResource |
The stage of the ManagedVirtualNetworkResource definition allowing to specify parent resource.
ManagedVirtualNetworkResource.DefinitionStages.WithProperties |
The stage of the ManagedVirtualNetworkResource definition allowing to specify properties.
ManagedVirtualNetworkResource.Update |
The template for ManagedVirtualNetworkResource update.
ManagedVirtualNetworkResource.UpdateStages.WithIfMatch |
The stage of the ManagedVirtualNetworkResource update allowing to specify ifMatch.
ManagedVirtualNetworkResource.UpdateStages.WithProperties |
The stage of the ManagedVirtualNetworkResource update allowing to specify properties.
MappingDataFlow |
Mapping data flow.
MariaDBLinkedService |
MariaDB server linked service.
MariaDBSource |
A copy activity MariaDB server source.
MariaDBTableDataset |
MariaDB server dataset.
MarketoLinkedService |
Marketo server linked service.
MarketoObjectDataset |
Marketo server dataset.
MarketoSource |
A copy activity Marketo server source.
MetadataItem |
Specify the name and value of custom metadata item.
MicrosoftAccessLinkedService |
Microsoft Access linked service.
MicrosoftAccessSink |
A copy activity Microsoft Access sink.
MicrosoftAccessSource |
A copy activity source for Microsoft Access.
MicrosoftAccessTableDataset |
The Microsoft Access table dataset.
MongoDbAtlasCollectionDataset |
The MongoDB Atlas database dataset.
MongoDbAtlasLinkedService |
Linked service for MongoDB Atlas data source.
MongoDbAtlasSink |
A copy activity MongoDB Atlas sink.
MongoDbAtlasSource |
A copy activity source for a MongoDB Atlas database.
MongoDbAuthenticationType |
Defines values for MongoDbAuthenticationType.
MongoDbCollectionDataset |
The MongoDB database dataset.
MongoDbCursorMethodsProperties |
Cursor methods for Mongodb query.
MongoDbLinkedService |
Linked service for MongoDb data source.
MongoDbSource |
A copy activity source for a MongoDB database.
MongoDbV2CollectionDataset |
The MongoDB database dataset.
MongoDbV2LinkedService |
Linked service for MongoDB data source.
MongoDbV2Sink |
A copy activity MongoDB sink.
MongoDbV2Source |
A copy activity source for a MongoDB database.
MultiplePipelineTrigger |
Base class for all triggers that support one to many model for trigger to pipeline.
MySqlLinkedService |
Linked service for MySQL data source.
MySqlSource |
A copy activity source for MySQL databases.
MySqlTableDataset |
The MySQL table dataset.
NetezzaLinkedService |
Netezza linked service.
NetezzaPartitionSettings |
The settings that will be leveraged for Netezza source partitioning.
NetezzaSource |
A copy activity Netezza source.
NetezzaTableDataset |
Netezza dataset.
ODataAadServicePrincipalCredentialType |
Defines values for ODataAadServicePrincipalCredentialType.
ODataAuthenticationType |
Defines values for ODataAuthenticationType.
ODataLinkedService |
Open Data Protocol (OData) linked service.
ODataResourceDataset |
The Open Data Protocol (OData) resource dataset.
ODataSource |
A copy activity source for OData source.
OdbcLinkedService |
Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) linked service.
OdbcSink |
A copy activity ODBC sink.
OdbcSource |
A copy activity source for ODBC databases.
OdbcTableDataset |
The ODBC table dataset.
Office365Dataset |
The Office365 account.
Office365LinkedService |
Office365 linked service.
Office365Source |
A copy activity source for an Office 365 service.
Operation |
An immutable client-side representation of Operation.
OperationDisplay |
Metadata associated with the operation.
OperationListResponse |
A list of operations that can be performed by the Data Factory service.
OperationLogSpecification |
Details about an operation related to logs.
OperationMetricAvailability |
Defines how often data for a metric becomes available.
OperationMetricDimension |
Defines the metric dimension.
OperationMetricSpecification |
Details about an operation related to metrics.
OperationServiceSpecification |
Details about a service operation.
OracleCloudStorageLinkedService |
Linked service for Oracle Cloud Storage.
OracleCloudStorageLocation |
The location of Oracle Cloud Storage dataset.
OracleCloudStorageReadSettings |
Oracle Cloud Storage read settings.
OracleLinkedService |
Oracle database.
OraclePartitionSettings |
The settings that will be leveraged for Oracle source partitioning.
OracleServiceCloudLinkedService |
Oracle Service Cloud linked service.
OracleServiceCloudObjectDataset |
Oracle Service Cloud dataset.
OracleServiceCloudSource |
A copy activity Oracle Service Cloud source.
OracleSink |
A copy activity Oracle sink.
OracleSource |
A copy activity Oracle source.
OracleTableDataset |
The on-premises Oracle database dataset.
OrcDataset |
ORC dataset.
OrcFormat |
The data stored in Optimized Row Columnar (ORC) format.
OrcSink |
A copy activity ORC sink.
OrcSource |
A copy activity ORC source.
OrcWriteSettings |
Orc write settings.
PackageStore |
Package store for the SSIS integration runtime.
ParameterSpecification |
Definition of a single parameter for an entity.
ParameterType |
Defines values for ParameterType.
ParquetDataset |
Parquet dataset.
ParquetFormat |
The data stored in Parquet format.
ParquetSink |
A copy activity Parquet sink.
ParquetSource |
A copy activity Parquet source.
ParquetWriteSettings |
Parquet write settings.
PaypalLinkedService |
Paypal Service linked service.
PaypalObjectDataset |
Paypal Service dataset.
PaypalSource |
A copy activity Paypal Service source.
PhoenixAuthenticationType |
Defines values for PhoenixAuthenticationType.
PhoenixLinkedService |
Phoenix server linked service.
PhoenixObjectDataset |
Phoenix server dataset.
PhoenixSource |
A copy activity Phoenix server source.
PipelineElapsedTimeMetricPolicy |
Pipeline ElapsedTime Metric Policy.
PipelineFolder |
The folder that this Pipeline is in.
PipelineListResponse |
A list of pipeline resources.
PipelinePolicy |
Pipeline Policy.
PipelineReference |
Pipeline reference type.
PipelineResource |
An immutable client-side representation of PipelineResource.
PipelineResource.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of the PipelineResource definition.
PipelineResource.DefinitionStages.WithActivities |
The stage of the PipelineResource definition allowing to specify activities.
PipelineResource.DefinitionStages.WithAdditionalProperties |
The stage of the PipelineResource definition allowing to specify additionalProperties.
PipelineResource.DefinitionStages.WithAnnotations |
The stage of the PipelineResource definition allowing to specify annotations.
PipelineResource.DefinitionStages.WithConcurrency |
The stage of the PipelineResource definition allowing to specify concurrency.
PipelineResource.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
The stage of the PipelineResource definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the
resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
PipelineResource.DefinitionStages.WithDescription |
The stage of the PipelineResource definition allowing to specify description.
PipelineResource.DefinitionStages.WithFolder |
The stage of the PipelineResource definition allowing to specify folder.
PipelineResource.DefinitionStages.WithIfMatch |
The stage of the PipelineResource definition allowing to specify ifMatch.
PipelineResource.DefinitionStages.WithParameters |
The stage of the PipelineResource definition allowing to specify parameters.
PipelineResource.DefinitionStages.WithParentResource |
The stage of the PipelineResource definition allowing to specify parent resource.
PipelineResource.DefinitionStages.WithPolicy |
The stage of the PipelineResource definition allowing to specify policy.
PipelineResource.DefinitionStages.WithRunDimensions |
The stage of the PipelineResource definition allowing to specify runDimensions.
PipelineResource.DefinitionStages.WithVariables |
The stage of the PipelineResource definition allowing to specify variables.
PipelineResource.Update |
The template for PipelineResource update.
PipelineResource.UpdateStages.WithActivities |
The stage of the PipelineResource update allowing to specify activities.
PipelineResource.UpdateStages.WithAdditionalProperties |
The stage of the PipelineResource update allowing to specify additionalProperties.
PipelineResource.UpdateStages.WithAnnotations |
The stage of the PipelineResource update allowing to specify annotations.
PipelineResource.UpdateStages.WithConcurrency |
The stage of the PipelineResource update allowing to specify concurrency.
PipelineResource.UpdateStages.WithDescription |
The stage of the PipelineResource update allowing to specify description.
PipelineResource.UpdateStages.WithFolder |
The stage of the PipelineResource update allowing to specify folder.
PipelineResource.UpdateStages.WithIfMatch |
The stage of the PipelineResource update allowing to specify ifMatch.
PipelineResource.UpdateStages.WithParameters |
The stage of the PipelineResource update allowing to specify parameters.
PipelineResource.UpdateStages.WithPolicy |
The stage of the PipelineResource update allowing to specify policy.
PipelineResource.UpdateStages.WithRunDimensions |
The stage of the PipelineResource update allowing to specify runDimensions.
PipelineResource.UpdateStages.WithVariables |
The stage of the PipelineResource update allowing to specify variables.
PipelineRun |
An immutable client-side representation of PipelineRun.
PipelineRunInvokedBy |
Provides entity name and id that started the pipeline run.
PipelineRunsQueryResponse |
An immutable client-side representation of PipelineRunsQueryResponse.
PolybaseSettings |
PolyBase settings.
PolybaseSettingsRejectType |
Defines values for PolybaseSettingsRejectType.
PostgreSqlLinkedService |
Linked service for PostgreSQL data source.
PostgreSqlSource |
A copy activity source for PostgreSQL databases.
PostgreSqlTableDataset |
The PostgreSQL table dataset.
PowerQuerySink |
Power query sink.
PowerQuerySinkMapping |
Map Power Query mashup query to sink dataset(s).
PowerQuerySource |
Power query source.
PrestoAuthenticationType |
Defines values for PrestoAuthenticationType.
PrestoLinkedService |
Presto server linked service.
PrestoObjectDataset |
Presto server dataset.
PrestoSource |
A copy activity Presto server source.
PrivateEndpoint |
Private endpoint which a connection belongs to.
PrivateEndpointConnectionListResponse |
A list of linked service resources.
PrivateEndpointConnectionResource |
An immutable client-side representation of PrivateEndpointConnectionResource.
PrivateEndpointConnectionResource.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of the PrivateEndpointConnectionResource definition.
PrivateEndpointConnectionResource.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
The stage of the PrivateEndpointConnectionResource definition which contains all the minimum required
properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
PrivateEndpointConnectionResource.DefinitionStages.WithIfMatch |
The stage of the PrivateEndpointConnectionResource definition allowing to specify ifMatch.
PrivateEndpointConnectionResource.DefinitionStages.WithParentResource |
The stage of the PrivateEndpointConnectionResource definition allowing to specify parent resource.
PrivateEndpointConnectionResource.DefinitionStages.WithProperties |
The stage of the PrivateEndpointConnectionResource definition allowing to specify properties.
PrivateEndpointConnectionResource.Update |
The template for PrivateEndpointConnectionResource update.
PrivateEndpointConnectionResource.UpdateStages.WithIfMatch |
The stage of the PrivateEndpointConnectionResource update allowing to specify ifMatch.
PrivateEndpointConnectionResource.UpdateStages.WithProperties |
The stage of the PrivateEndpointConnectionResource update allowing to specify properties.
PrivateLinkConnectionApprovalRequest |
A request to approve or reject a private endpoint connection.
PrivateLinkConnectionApprovalRequestResource |
Private Endpoint Connection Approval ARM resource.
PrivateLinkConnectionState |
The state of a private link connection.
PrivateLinkResource |
A private link resource.
PrivateLinkResourceProperties |
Properties of a private link resource.
PrivateLinkResourcesWrapper |
An immutable client-side representation of PrivateLinkResourcesWrapper.
PublicNetworkAccess |
Defines values for PublicNetworkAccess.
QueryDataFlowDebugSessionsResponse |
A list of active debug sessions.
QuickbaseLinkedService |
Linked service for Quickbase.
QuickBooksLinkedService |
QuickBooks server linked service.
QuickBooksObjectDataset |
QuickBooks server dataset.
QuickBooksSource |
A copy activity QuickBooks server source.
RecurrenceFrequency |
Defines values for RecurrenceFrequency.
RecurrenceSchedule |
The recurrence schedule.
RecurrenceScheduleOccurrence |
The recurrence schedule occurrence.
RedirectIncompatibleRowSettings |
Redirect incompatible row settings.
RedshiftUnloadSettings |
The Amazon S3 settings needed for the interim Amazon S3 when copying from Amazon Redshift with unload.
RelationalSource |
A copy activity source for various relational databases.
RelationalTableDataset |
The relational table dataset.
RemotePrivateEndpointConnection |
A remote private endpoint connection.
RerunTumblingWindowTrigger |
Trigger that schedules pipeline reruns for all fixed time interval windows from a requested start time to requested
end time.
ResponsysLinkedService |
Responsys linked service.
ResponsysObjectDataset |
Responsys dataset.
ResponsysSource |
A copy activity Responsys source.
RestResourceDataset |
A Rest service dataset.
RestServiceAuthenticationType |
Defines values for RestServiceAuthenticationType.
RestServiceLinkedService |
Rest Service linked service.
RestSink |
A copy activity Rest service Sink.
RestSource |
A copy activity Rest service source.
RetryPolicy |
Execution policy for an activity.
RunFilterParameters |
Query parameters for listing runs.
RunQueryFilter |
Query filter option for listing runs.
RunQueryFilterOperand |
Defines values for RunQueryFilterOperand.
RunQueryFilterOperator |
Defines values for RunQueryFilterOperator.
RunQueryOrder |
Defines values for RunQueryOrder.
RunQueryOrderBy |
An object to provide order by options for listing runs.
RunQueryOrderByField |
Defines values for RunQueryOrderByField.
SalesforceLinkedService |
Linked service for Salesforce.
SalesforceMarketingCloudLinkedService |
Salesforce Marketing Cloud linked service.
SalesforceMarketingCloudObjectDataset |
Salesforce Marketing Cloud dataset.
SalesforceMarketingCloudSource |
A copy activity Salesforce Marketing Cloud source.
SalesforceObjectDataset |
The Salesforce object dataset.
SalesforceServiceCloudLinkedService |
Linked service for Salesforce Service Cloud.
SalesforceServiceCloudObjectDataset |
The Salesforce Service Cloud object dataset.
SalesforceServiceCloudSink |
A copy activity Salesforce Service Cloud sink.
SalesforceServiceCloudSource |
A copy activity Salesforce Service Cloud source.
SalesforceSink |
A copy activity Salesforce sink.
SalesforceSinkWriteBehavior |
Defines values for SalesforceSinkWriteBehavior.
SalesforceSource |
A copy activity Salesforce source.
SalesforceSourceReadBehavior |
Defines values for SalesforceSourceReadBehavior.
SapBwCubeDataset |
The SAP BW cube dataset.
SapBWLinkedService |
SAP Business Warehouse Linked Service.
SapBwSource |
A copy activity source for SapBW server via MDX.
SapCloudForCustomerLinkedService |
Linked service for SAP Cloud for Customer.
SapCloudForCustomerResourceDataset |
The path of the SAP Cloud for Customer OData entity.
SapCloudForCustomerSink |
A copy activity SAP Cloud for Customer sink.
SapCloudForCustomerSinkWriteBehavior |
Defines values for SapCloudForCustomerSinkWriteBehavior.
SapCloudForCustomerSource |
A copy activity source for SAP Cloud for Customer source.
SapEccLinkedService |
Linked service for SAP ERP Central Component(SAP ECC).
SapEccResourceDataset |
The path of the SAP ECC OData entity.
SapEccSource |
A copy activity source for SAP ECC source.
SapHanaAuthenticationType |
Defines values for SapHanaAuthenticationType.
SapHanaLinkedService |
SAP HANA Linked Service.
SapHanaPartitionSettings |
The settings that will be leveraged for SAP HANA source partitioning.
SapHanaSource |
A copy activity source for SAP HANA source.
SapHanaTableDataset |
SAP HANA Table properties.
SapOpenHubLinkedService |
SAP Business Warehouse Open Hub Destination Linked Service.
SapOpenHubSource |
A copy activity source for SAP Business Warehouse Open Hub Destination source.
SapOpenHubTableDataset |
Sap Business Warehouse Open Hub Destination Table properties.
SapTableLinkedService |
SAP Table Linked Service.
SapTablePartitionSettings |
The settings that will be leveraged for SAP table source partitioning.
SapTableResourceDataset |
SAP Table Resource properties.
SapTableSource |
A copy activity source for SAP Table source.
ScheduleTrigger |
Trigger that creates pipeline runs periodically, on schedule.
ScheduleTriggerRecurrence |
The workflow trigger recurrence.
ScriptAction |
Custom script action to run on HDI ondemand cluster once it's up.
ScriptActivity |
Script activity type.
ScriptActivityLogDestination |
Defines values for ScriptActivityLogDestination.
ScriptActivityParameter |
Parameters of a script block.
ScriptActivityParameterDirection |
Defines values for ScriptActivityParameterDirection.
ScriptActivityParameterType |
Defines values for ScriptActivityParameterType.
ScriptActivityScriptBlock |
Script block of scripts.
ScriptActivityTypePropertiesLogSettings |
Log settings of script activity.
ScriptType |
Defines values for ScriptType.
SecretBase |
The base definition of a secret type.
SecureString |
Azure Data Factory secure string definition.
SelfDependencyTumblingWindowTriggerReference |
Self referenced tumbling window trigger dependency.
SelfHostedIntegrationRuntime |
Self-hosted integration runtime.
SelfHostedIntegrationRuntimeNode |
An immutable client-side representation of SelfHostedIntegrationRuntimeNode.
SelfHostedIntegrationRuntimeNodeStatus |
Defines values for SelfHostedIntegrationRuntimeNodeStatus.
SelfHostedIntegrationRuntimeStatus |
Self-hosted integration runtime status.
ServiceNowAuthenticationType |
Defines values for ServiceNowAuthenticationType.
ServiceNowLinkedService |
ServiceNow server linked service.
ServiceNowObjectDataset |
ServiceNow server dataset.
ServiceNowSource |
A copy activity ServiceNow server source.
ServicePrincipalCredential |
Service principal credential.
SetVariableActivity |
Set value for a Variable.
SftpAuthenticationType |
Defines values for SftpAuthenticationType.
SftpLocation |
The location of SFTP dataset.
SftpReadSettings |
Sftp read settings.
SftpServerLinkedService |
A linked service for an SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) server.
SftpWriteSettings |
Sftp write settings.
SharePointOnlineListLinkedService |
SharePoint Online List linked service.
SharePointOnlineListResourceDataset |
The sharepoint online list resource dataset.
SharePointOnlineListSource |
A copy activity source for sharePoint online list source.
ShopifyLinkedService |
Shopify Service linked service.
ShopifyObjectDataset |
Shopify Service dataset.
ShopifySource |
A copy activity Shopify Service source.
SkipErrorFile |
Skip error file.
SmartsheetLinkedService |
Linked service for Smartsheet.
SnowflakeDataset |
The snowflake dataset.
SnowflakeExportCopyCommand |
Snowflake export command settings.
SnowflakeImportCopyCommand |
Snowflake import command settings.
SnowflakeLinkedService |
Snowflake linked service.
SnowflakeSink |
A copy activity snowflake sink.
SnowflakeSource |
A copy activity snowflake source.
SparkAuthenticationType |
Defines values for SparkAuthenticationType.
SparkLinkedService |
Spark Server linked service.
SparkObjectDataset |
Spark Server dataset.
SparkServerType |
Defines values for SparkServerType.
SparkSource |
A copy activity Spark Server source.
SparkThriftTransportProtocol |
Defines values for SparkThriftTransportProtocol.
SqlAlwaysEncryptedAkvAuthType |
Defines values for SqlAlwaysEncryptedAkvAuthType.
SqlAlwaysEncryptedProperties |
Sql always encrypted properties.
SqlDWSink |
A copy activity SQL Data Warehouse sink.
SqlDWSource |
A copy activity SQL Data Warehouse source.
SqlDWUpsertSettings |
Sql DW upsert option settings.
SqlMISink |
A copy activity Azure SQL Managed Instance sink.
SqlMISource |
A copy activity Azure SQL Managed Instance source.
SqlPartitionSettings |
The settings that will be leveraged for Sql source partitioning.
SqlServerLinkedService |
SQL Server linked service.
SqlServerSink |
A copy activity SQL server sink.
SqlServerSource |
A copy activity SQL server source.
SqlServerStoredProcedureActivity |
SQL stored procedure activity type.
SqlServerTableDataset |
The on-premises SQL Server dataset.
SqlSink |
A copy activity SQL sink.
SqlSource |
A copy activity SQL source.
SqlUpsertSettings |
Sql upsert option settings.
SquareLinkedService |
Square Service linked service.
SquareObjectDataset |
Square Service dataset.
SquareSource |
A copy activity Square Service source.
SsisAccessCredential |
SSIS access credential.
SsisChildPackage |
SSIS embedded child package.
SsisEnvironment |
Ssis environment.
SsisEnvironmentReference |
Ssis environment reference.
SsisExecutionCredential |
SSIS package execution credential.
SsisExecutionParameter |
SSIS execution parameter.
SsisFolder |
Ssis folder.
SsisLogLocation |
SSIS package execution log location.
SsisLogLocationType |
Defines values for SsisLogLocationType.
SsisObjectMetadata |
SSIS object metadata.
SsisObjectMetadataListResponse |
An immutable client-side representation of SsisObjectMetadataListResponse.
SsisObjectMetadataStatusResponse |
An immutable client-side representation of SsisObjectMetadataStatusResponse.
SsisObjectMetadataType |
Defines values for SsisObjectMetadataType.
SsisPackage |
Ssis Package.
SsisPackageLocation |
SSIS package location.
SsisPackageLocationType |
Defines values for SsisPackageLocationType.
SsisParameter |
Ssis parameter.
SsisProject |
Ssis project.
SsisPropertyOverride |
SSIS property override.
SsisVariable |
Ssis variable.
StagingSettings |
Staging settings.
StoredProcedureParameter |
SQL stored procedure parameter.
StoredProcedureParameterType |
Defines values for StoredProcedureParameterType.
StoreReadSettings |
Connector read setting.
StoreWriteSettings |
Connector write settings.
SubResourceDebugResource |
Azure Data Factory nested debug resource.
SwitchActivity |
This activity evaluates an expression and executes activities under the cases property that correspond to the
expression evaluation expected in the equals property.
SwitchCase |
Switch cases with have a value and corresponding activities.
SybaseAuthenticationType |
Defines values for SybaseAuthenticationType.
SybaseLinkedService |
Linked service for Sybase data source.
SybaseSource |
A copy activity source for Sybase databases.
SybaseTableDataset |
The Sybase table dataset.
TabularSource |
Copy activity sources of tabular type.
TabularTranslator |
A copy activity tabular translator.
TarGZipReadSettings |
The TarGZip compression read settings.
TarReadSettings |
The Tar compression read settings.
TeamDeskAuthenticationType |
Defines values for TeamDeskAuthenticationType.
TeamDeskLinkedService |
Linked service for TeamDesk.
TeradataAuthenticationType |
Defines values for TeradataAuthenticationType.
TeradataLinkedService |
Linked service for Teradata data source.
TeradataPartitionSettings |
The settings that will be leveraged for teradata source partitioning.
TeradataSource |
A copy activity Teradata source.
TeradataTableDataset |
The Teradata database dataset.
TextFormat |
The data stored in text format.
Transformation |
A data flow transformation.
Trigger |
Azure data factory nested object which contains information about creating pipeline run.
TriggerDependencyReference |
Trigger referenced dependency.
TriggerFilterParameters |
Query parameters for triggers.
TriggerListResponse |
A list of trigger resources.
TriggerPipelineReference |
Pipeline that needs to be triggered with the given parameters.
TriggerQueryResponse |
An immutable client-side representation of TriggerQueryResponse.
TriggerReference |
Trigger reference type.
TriggerReferenceType |
Defines values for TriggerReferenceType.
TriggerResource |
An immutable client-side representation of TriggerResource.
TriggerResource.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of the TriggerResource definition.
TriggerResource.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
The stage of the TriggerResource definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the
resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
TriggerResource.DefinitionStages.WithIfMatch |
The stage of the TriggerResource definition allowing to specify ifMatch.
TriggerResource.DefinitionStages.WithParentResource |
The stage of the TriggerResource definition allowing to specify parent resource.
TriggerResource.DefinitionStages.WithProperties |
The stage of the TriggerResource definition allowing to specify properties.
TriggerResource.Update |
The template for TriggerResource update.
TriggerResource.UpdateStages.WithIfMatch |
The stage of the TriggerResource update allowing to specify ifMatch.
TriggerResource.UpdateStages.WithProperties |
The stage of the TriggerResource update allowing to specify properties.
TriggerRun |
Trigger runs.
TriggerRunsQueryResponse |
An immutable client-side representation of TriggerRunsQueryResponse.
TriggerRunStatus |
Defines values for TriggerRunStatus.
TriggerRuntimeState |
Defines values for TriggerRuntimeState.
TriggerSubscriptionOperationStatus |
An immutable client-side representation of TriggerSubscriptionOperationStatus.
TumblingWindowFrequency |
Defines values for TumblingWindowFrequency.
TumblingWindowTrigger |
Trigger that schedules pipeline runs for all fixed time interval windows from a start time without gaps and also
supports backfill scenarios (when start time is in the past).
TumblingWindowTriggerDependencyReference |
Referenced tumbling window trigger dependency.
TwilioLinkedService |
Linked service for Twilio.
TypeConversionSettings |
Type conversion settings.
UntilActivity |
This activity executes inner activities until the specified boolean expression results to true or timeout is reached,
whichever is earlier.
UpdateIntegrationRuntimeNodeRequest |
Update integration runtime node request.
UpdateIntegrationRuntimeRequest |
Update integration runtime request.
UserAccessPolicy |
Get Data Plane read only token request definition.
UserProperty |
User property.
ValidationActivity |
This activity verifies that an external resource exists.
VariableSpecification |
Definition of a single variable for a Pipeline.
VariableType |
Defines values for VariableType.
VerticaLinkedService |
Vertica linked service.
VerticaSource |
A copy activity Vertica source.
VerticaTableDataset |
Vertica dataset.
WaitActivity |
This activity suspends pipeline execution for the specified interval.
WebActivity |
Web activity.
WebActivityAuthentication |
Web activity authentication properties.
WebActivityMethod |
Defines values for WebActivityMethod.
WebAnonymousAuthentication |
A WebLinkedService that uses anonymous authentication to communicate with an HTTP endpoint.
WebAuthenticationType |
Defines values for WebAuthenticationType.
WebBasicAuthentication |
A WebLinkedService that uses basic authentication to communicate with an HTTP endpoint.
WebClientCertificateAuthentication |
A WebLinkedService that uses client certificate based authentication to communicate with an HTTP endpoint.
WebhookActivity |
WebHook activity.
WebhookActivityMethod |
Defines values for WebhookActivityMethod.
WebLinkedService |
Web linked service.
WebLinkedServiceTypeProperties |
Base definition of WebLinkedServiceTypeProperties, this typeProperties is polymorphic based on authenticationType, so
not flattened in SDK models.
WebSource |
A copy activity source for web page table.
WebTableDataset |
The dataset points to a HTML table in the web page.
WranglingDataFlow |
Power Query data flow.
XeroLinkedService |
Xero Service linked service.
XeroObjectDataset |
Xero Service dataset.
XeroSource |
A copy activity Xero Service source.
XmlDataset |
Xml dataset.
XmlReadSettings |
Xml read settings.
XmlSource |
A copy activity Xml source.
ZendeskAuthenticationType |
Defines values for ZendeskAuthenticationType.
ZendeskLinkedService |
Linked service for Zendesk.
ZipDeflateReadSettings |
The ZipDeflate compression read settings.
ZohoLinkedService |
Zoho server linked service.
ZohoObjectDataset |
Zoho server dataset.
ZohoSource |
A copy activity Zoho server source.