GoogleBigQueryLinkedService |
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService.withAdditionalProjects(Object additionalProjects) |
Set the additionalProjects property: A comma-separated list of public BigQuery projects to access.
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService |
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService.withAnnotations(List<Object> annotations) |
Set the annotations property: List of tags that can be used for describing the linked service.
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService |
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService.withAuthenticationType(GoogleBigQueryAuthenticationType authenticationType) |
Set the authenticationType property: The OAuth 2.0 authentication mechanism used for authentication.
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService |
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService.withClientId(Object clientId) |
Set the clientId property: The client id of the google application used to acquire the refresh token.
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService |
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService.withClientSecret(SecretBase clientSecret) |
Set the clientSecret property: The client secret of the google application used to acquire the refresh token.
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService |
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService.withConnectVia(IntegrationRuntimeReference connectVia) |
Set the connectVia property: The integration runtime reference.
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService |
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService.withDescription(String description) |
Set the description property: Linked service description.
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService |
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService.withEmail(Object email) |
Set the email property: The service account email ID that is used for ServiceAuthentication and can only be used
on self-hosted IR.
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService |
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService.withEncryptedCredential(Object encryptedCredential) |
Set the encryptedCredential property: The encrypted credential used for authentication.
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService |
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService.withKeyFilePath(Object keyFilePath) |
Set the keyFilePath property: The full path to the .p12 key file that is used to authenticate the service account
email address and can only be used on self-hosted IR.
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService |
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService.withParameters(Map<String,ParameterSpecification> parameters) |
Set the parameters property: Parameters for linked service.
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService |
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService.withProject(Object project) |
Set the project property: The default BigQuery project to query against.
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService |
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService.withRefreshToken(SecretBase refreshToken) |
Set the refreshToken property: The refresh token obtained from Google for authorizing access to BigQuery for
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService |
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService.withRequestGoogleDriveScope(Object requestGoogleDriveScope) |
Set the requestGoogleDriveScope property: Whether to request access to Google Drive.
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService |
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService.withTrustedCertPath(Object trustedCertPath) |
Set the trustedCertPath property: The full path of the .pem file containing trusted CA certificates for verifying
the server when connecting over SSL.
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService |
GoogleBigQueryLinkedService.withUseSystemTrustStore(Object useSystemTrustStore) |
Set the useSystemTrustStore property: Specifies whether to use a CA certificate from the system trust store or
from a specified PEM file.