Class IfConditionActivity

  • public final class IfConditionActivity
    extends ControlActivity
    This activity evaluates a boolean expression and executes either the activities under the ifTrueActivities property or the ifFalseActivities property depending on the result of the expression.
    • Constructor Detail

      • IfConditionActivity

        public IfConditionActivity()
    • Method Detail

      • withDescription

        public IfConditionActivity withDescription​(String description)
        Set the description property: Activity description.
        withDescription in class ControlActivity
        description - the description value to set.
        the Activity object itself.
      • expression

        public Expression expression()
        Get the expression property: An expression that would evaluate to Boolean. This is used to determine the block of activities (ifTrueActivities or ifFalseActivities) that will be executed.
        the expression value.
      • withExpression

        public IfConditionActivity withExpression​(Expression expression)
        Set the expression property: An expression that would evaluate to Boolean. This is used to determine the block of activities (ifTrueActivities or ifFalseActivities) that will be executed.
        expression - the expression value to set.
        the IfConditionActivity object itself.
      • ifTrueActivities

        public List<Activity> ifTrueActivities()
        Get the ifTrueActivities property: List of activities to execute if expression is evaluated to true. This is an optional property and if not provided, the activity will exit without any action.
        the ifTrueActivities value.
      • withIfTrueActivities

        public IfConditionActivity withIfTrueActivities​(List<Activity> ifTrueActivities)
        Set the ifTrueActivities property: List of activities to execute if expression is evaluated to true. This is an optional property and if not provided, the activity will exit without any action.
        ifTrueActivities - the ifTrueActivities value to set.
        the IfConditionActivity object itself.
      • ifFalseActivities

        public List<Activity> ifFalseActivities()
        Get the ifFalseActivities property: List of activities to execute if expression is evaluated to false. This is an optional property and if not provided, the activity will exit without any action.
        the ifFalseActivities value.
      • withIfFalseActivities

        public IfConditionActivity withIfFalseActivities​(List<Activity> ifFalseActivities)
        Set the ifFalseActivities property: List of activities to execute if expression is evaluated to false. This is an optional property and if not provided, the activity will exit without any action.
        ifFalseActivities - the ifFalseActivities value to set.
        the IfConditionActivity object itself.