Class FailActivity

  • public final class FailActivity
    extends ControlActivity
    This activity will fail within its own scope and output a custom error message and error code. The error message and code can provided either as a string literal or as an expression that can be evaluated to a string at runtime. The activity scope can be the whole pipeline or a control activity (e.g. foreach, switch, until), if the fail activity is contained in it.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FailActivity

        public FailActivity()
    • Method Detail

      • withName

        public FailActivity withName​(String name)
        Set the name property: Activity name.
        withName in class ControlActivity
        name - the name value to set.
        the Activity object itself.
      • withDescription

        public FailActivity withDescription​(String description)
        Set the description property: Activity description.
        withDescription in class ControlActivity
        description - the description value to set.
        the Activity object itself.
      • withUserProperties

        public FailActivity withUserProperties​(List<UserProperty> userProperties)
        Set the userProperties property: Activity user properties.
        withUserProperties in class ControlActivity
        userProperties - the userProperties value to set.
        the Activity object itself.
      • message

        public Object message()
        Get the message property: The error message that surfaced in the Fail activity. It can be dynamic content that's evaluated to a non empty/blank string at runtime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).
        the message value.
      • withMessage

        public FailActivity withMessage​(Object message)
        Set the message property: The error message that surfaced in the Fail activity. It can be dynamic content that's evaluated to a non empty/blank string at runtime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).
        message - the message value to set.
        the FailActivity object itself.
      • errorCode

        public Object errorCode()
        Get the errorCode property: The error code that categorizes the error type of the Fail activity. It can be dynamic content that's evaluated to a non empty/blank string at runtime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).
        the errorCode value.
      • withErrorCode

        public FailActivity withErrorCode​(Object errorCode)
        Set the errorCode property: The error code that categorizes the error type of the Fail activity. It can be dynamic content that's evaluated to a non empty/blank string at runtime. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).
        errorCode - the errorCode value to set.
        the FailActivity object itself.