Class IpRule

  • public final class IpRule
    extends Object
    A rule governing the accessibility from a specific ip address or ip range.
    • Constructor Detail

      • IpRule

        public IpRule()
    • Method Detail

      • value

        public String value()
        Get the value property: An IPv4 address range in CIDR notation, such as '' (simple IP address) or '' (all addresses that start with 124.56.78).
        the value value.
      • withValue

        public IpRule withValue​(String value)
        Set the value property: An IPv4 address range in CIDR notation, such as '' (simple IP address) or '' (all addresses that start with 124.56.78).
        value - the value value to set.
        the IpRule object itself.
      • validate

        public void validate()
        Validates the instance.
        IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the instance is not valid.