Class MicrosoftGraphCalendarPermission

  • public final class MicrosoftGraphCalendarPermission
    extends MicrosoftGraphEntity
    • Constructor Detail

      • MicrosoftGraphCalendarPermission

        public MicrosoftGraphCalendarPermission()
    • Method Detail

      • allowedRoles

        public List<MicrosoftGraphCalendarRoleType> allowedRoles()
        Get the allowedRoles property: List of allowed sharing or delegating permission levels for the calendar. Possible values are: none, freeBusyRead, limitedRead, read, write, delegateWithoutPrivateEventAccess, delegateWithPrivateEventAccess, custom.
        the allowedRoles value.
      • withAllowedRoles

        public MicrosoftGraphCalendarPermission withAllowedRoles​(List<MicrosoftGraphCalendarRoleType> allowedRoles)
        Set the allowedRoles property: List of allowed sharing or delegating permission levels for the calendar. Possible values are: none, freeBusyRead, limitedRead, read, write, delegateWithoutPrivateEventAccess, delegateWithPrivateEventAccess, custom.
        allowedRoles - the allowedRoles value to set.
        the MicrosoftGraphCalendarPermission object itself.
      • emailAddress

        public MicrosoftGraphEmailAddress emailAddress()
        Get the emailAddress property: emailAddress.
        the emailAddress value.
      • isInsideOrganization

        public Boolean isInsideOrganization()
        Get the isInsideOrganization property: True if the user in context (sharee or delegate) is inside the same organization as the calendar owner.
        the isInsideOrganization value.
      • withIsInsideOrganization

        public MicrosoftGraphCalendarPermission withIsInsideOrganization​(Boolean isInsideOrganization)
        Set the isInsideOrganization property: True if the user in context (sharee or delegate) is inside the same organization as the calendar owner.
        isInsideOrganization - the isInsideOrganization value to set.
        the MicrosoftGraphCalendarPermission object itself.
      • isRemovable

        public Boolean isRemovable()
        Get the isRemovable property: True if the user can be removed from the list of sharees or delegates for the specified calendar, false otherwise. The 'My organization' user determines the permissions other people within your organization have to the given calendar. You cannot remove 'My organization' as a sharee to a calendar.
        the isRemovable value.
      • withIsRemovable

        public MicrosoftGraphCalendarPermission withIsRemovable​(Boolean isRemovable)
        Set the isRemovable property: True if the user can be removed from the list of sharees or delegates for the specified calendar, false otherwise. The 'My organization' user determines the permissions other people within your organization have to the given calendar. You cannot remove 'My organization' as a sharee to a calendar.
        isRemovable - the isRemovable value to set.
        the MicrosoftGraphCalendarPermission object itself.