All Classes and Interfaces

Class representing Abnormal Time Period identified in diagnosis.
Defines values for ActiveRevisionsMode.
Address information for domain registration.
Describes main public IP address and any extra virtual IPs.
AddressResponse resource specific properties.
The configuration settings of the Allowed Audiences validation flow.
The configuration settings of the Azure Active Directory allowed principals.
Class Representing Detector Evidence used for analysis.
Definition of Analysis.
AnalysisDefinition resource specific properties.
Information about the formal API definition for the app.
The ApiKVReferenceCollection model.
Description of site key vault references.
ApiKVReference resource specific properties.
Azure API management (APIM) configuration linked to the app.
App Insights Web App stack settings.
The configuration settings of the Apple provider.
The configuration settings of the registration for the Apple provider.
Application logs configuration.
Application stack.
Collection of Application Stacks.
ARM resource for a ApplicationStack.
The AppLogsConfiguration model.
The configuration settings of the app registration for providers that have app ids and app secrets.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure app service certificate.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Grouping of all the site definition stages.
An app service certificate definition allowing region to be set.
An app service certificate definition allowing PFX certificate file to be set.
An app service certificate definition with sufficient inputs to create a new app service certificate in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
An app service certificate definition allowing resource group to be set.
An app service certificate definition allowing PFX certificate password to be set.
Collection of certificate order certificates.
Key Vault container for a certificate that is purchased through Azure.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure App Service Key Vault binding.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure App Service certificate order.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Grouping of all the app service certificate order definition stages.
An app service certificate order definition allowing resource group to be set.
An app service certificate order definition allowing auto-renew settings to be set.
An app service certificate order definition allowing SKU to be set.
An app service certificate order definition with sufficient inputs to create a new app service certificate order in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
An app service certificate order definition allowing domain verification method to be set.
An app service certificate order definition allowing more domain verification methods to be set.
An app service certificate order definition allowing hostname to be set.
An app service certificate order definition allowing more domain verification methods to be set.
An app service certificate order definition allowing valid years to be set.
The template for an app service certificate order update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the app service certificate order update stages.
An app service certificate order definition allowing auto-renew settings to be set.
Collection of certificate orders.
SSL certificate purchase order.
ARM resource for a certificate order that is purchased through Azure.
AppServiceCertificateOrderPatchResource resource specific properties.
AppServiceCertificateOrder resource specific properties.
Entry point for app service certificate order management API.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in AppServiceCertificateOrdersClient.
Key Vault container ARM resource for a certificate that is purchased through Azure.
Key Vault container ARM resource for a certificate that is purchased through Azure.
Entry point for certificate management API.
An immutable client-side representation of a domain.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Grouping of all the domain definition stages.
The first stage of the domain definition.
A domain definition allowing admin contact to be set.
A domain definition allowing auto-renew setting to be set.
A domain definition allowing billing contact to be set.
A domain definition with sufficient inputs to create a new domain in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
A domain definition allowing DNS zone to be set.
A domain definition allowing domain privacy to be set.
A domain definition allowing registrant contact to be set.
A domain definition allowing tech contact to be set.
The template for a domain update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the domain update stages.
A domain definition allowing admin contact to be set.
A domain definition allowing auto-renew setting to be set.
A domain definition allowing billing contact to be set.
A domain definition allowing DNS zone to be set.
A domain definition allowing domain privacy to be set.
A domain definition allowing tech contact to be set.
Entry point for domain management API.
Collection of App Service Environments.
Description of an App Service Environment.
ARM resource for a app service environment.
App Service Environment ARM resource.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in AppServiceEnvironmentsClient.
Entry point to Azure storage resource management.
The interface allowing configurations to be set.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure App service plan.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Grouping of all the site definition stages.
The first stage of the app service plan definition.
An app service plan definition allowing instance capacity to be set.
An app service plan definition with sufficient inputs to create a new website in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
An app service plan definition allowing resource group to be set.
An app service plan definition allowing the operating system to be set.
An app service plan definition allowing per site scaling configuration to be set.
An app service plan definition allowing pricing tier to be set.
The template for a site update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the site update stages.
An app service plan definition allowing instance capacity to be set.
An app service plan update allowing per site scaling configuration to be set.
An app service plan definition allowing pricing tier to be set.
Collection of App Service plans.
App Service plan.
ARM resource for a app service plan.
AppServicePlanPatchResource resource specific properties.
AppServicePlan resource specific properties.
Defines values for AppServicePlanRestrictions.
Entry point for App Service plan management API.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in AppServicePlansClient.
An immutable client-side representation of an app setting on a web app.
The ArcConfiguration model.
A wrapper for an ARM resource id.
The plan object in Azure Resource Manager, represents a marketplace plan.
Full view of networking configuration for an ASE.
AseV3NetworkingConfiguration resource specific properties.
The configuration settings of the platform of App Service Authentication/Authorization.
Actions which to take by the auto-heal module when a rule is triggered.
Defines values for AutoHealActionType.
Custom action to be executed when an auto heal rule is triggered.
Rules that can be defined for auto-heal.
Triggers for auto-heal.
The configuration settings of the Azure Active directory provider.
The configuration settings of the Azure Active Directory login flow.
The configuration settings of the Azure Active Directory app registration.
The configuration settings of the Azure Active Directory token validation flow.
Application logs azure blob storage configuration.
Http logs to azure blob storage configuration.
The azure resource error info.
Defines values for AzureResourceType.
The configuration settings of the Azure Static Web Apps provider.
The configuration settings of the registration for the Azure Static Web Apps provider.
Azure Files or Blob Storage access information value for dictionary storage.
AzureStorageInfo dictionary resource.
Defines values for AzureStorageState.
Defines values for AzureStorageType.
Application logs to Azure table storage configuration.
Collection of backup items.
Backup description.
BackupItem resource specific properties.
Defines values for BackupItemStatus.
Description of a backup which will be performed.
BackupRequest resource specific properties.
Defines values for BackupRestoreOperationType.
Description of a backup schedule.
Collection of Billing Meters.
App Service billing entity that contains information about meter which the Azure billing system utilizes to charge users for services.
BillingMeter resource specific properties.
The configuration settings of the storage of the tokens if blob storage is used.
Defines values for BuildStatus.
Defines values for BuiltInAuthenticationProvider.
Describes the capabilities/features allowed for a specific SKU.
Collection of certificates.
SSL certificate details.
SSL certificate email.
SSL certificate for an app.
Certificate order action.
Defines values for CertificateOrderActionType.
The CertificateOrderContact model.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in CertificateOrdersDiagnosticsClient.
Defines values for CertificateOrderStatus.
ARM resource for a certificate.
CertificatePatchResource resource specific properties.
Defines values for CertificateProductType.
Certificate resource specific properties.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in CertificateRegistrationProvidersClient.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in CertificatesClient.
Defines values for Channels.
Defines values for CheckNameResourceTypes.
Defines values for ClientCertMode.
Defines values for ClientCredentialMethod.
The configuration settings of the app registration for providers that have client ids and client secrets.
Defines values for CloneAbilityResult.
Information needed for cloning operation.
Defines values for ComputeModeOptions.
Defines values for ConfigReferenceSource.
Non versioned Container App configuration properties that define the mutable settings of a Container app.
An immutable client-side representation of a connection string on a web app.
String dictionary resource.
Defines values for ConnectionStringType.
Database connection string information.
Database connection string value to type pair.
Contact information for domain registration.
Container App container definition.
Container App collection ARM resource.
Container App.
ContainerApp resource specific properties.
Defines values for ContainerAppProvisioningState.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ContainerAppsClient.
The ContainerAppsConfiguration model.
Container App Secret.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ContainerAppsRevisionsClient.
The ContainerCpuStatistics model.
The ContainerCpuUsage model.
The ContainerInfo model.
The ContainerMemoryStatistics model.
The ContainerNetworkInterfaceStatistics model.
Container App container resource requirements.
The ContainerThrottlingData model.
The content hash.
The content link.
Collection of Kudu continuous web job information elements.
Continuous Web Job Information.
ContinuousWebJob resource specific properties.
Defines values for ContinuousWebJobStatus.
The configuration settings of the session cookie's expiration.
Defines values for CookieExpirationConvention.
The correlation property.
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) settings for the app.
Deployment status response payload.
Deployment status collection ARM resource.
CsmDeploymentStatus resource specific properties.
Object with a list of the resources that need to be moved and the resource group they should be moved to.
Collection of Azure resource manager operation metadata.
Description of an operation available for Microsoft.Web resource provider.
Properties available for a Microsoft.Web resource provider operation.
Meta data about operation used for display in portal.
Publishing Credentials Policies parameters.
CsmPublishingCredentialsPoliciesEntity resource specific properties.
Publishing options for requested profile.
Deployment slot parameters.
Collection of CSM usage quotas.
Usage of the quota resource.
Full view of the custom domain suffix configuration for ASEv3.
CustomDnsSuffixConfiguration resource specific properties.
Defines values for CustomDnsSuffixProvisioningState.
Defines values for CustomDomainStatus.
Custom domain analysis.
CustomHostnameAnalysisResult resource specific properties.
Defines values for CustomHostnameDnsRecordType.
Collection of custom hostname sites.
A hostname and its assigned sites.
CustomHostnameSites resource specific properties.
The configuration settings of the custom Open ID Connect provider.
Container App container Custom scaling rule.
Container App Dapr configuration.
Dapr component configuration.
Container App Dapr component metadata.
Database backup settings.
Defines values for DatabaseType.
Additional configuration for a data providers.
Class representing data source used by the detectors.
Column definition.
Data Table which defines columns and raw row values.
Defines values for DayOfWeek.
Defines values for DaysOfWeek.
The configuration settings of the Azure Active Directory default authorization policy.
App Service error response.
Exception thrown for an invalid response with DefaultErrorResponseError information.
Details about restoring a deleted app.
DeletedAppRestoreRequest resource specific properties.
A deleted app.
DeletedSite resource specific properties.
Collection of deleted apps.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in DeletedWebAppsClient.
Defines values for DeploymentBuildStatus.
Collection of app deployments.
User credentials used for publishing activity.
List of available locations (regions or App Service Environments) for deployment of App Service resources.
Deployment resource specific properties.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Web App deployment slot.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Grouping of all the deployment slot definition stages.
The first stage of the deployment slot definition.
A deployment slot definition allowing the configuration to clone from to be specified.
A site definition with sufficient inputs to create a new web app / deployments slot in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Web App deployment slot.
The template for a web app update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the deployment slot update stages.
A deployment slot update allowing docker hub credentials to be set.
A deployment slot update allowing docker image source to be specified.
A deployment slot update allowing runtime version to be specified.
A deployment slot update allowing docker startup command to be specified.
Entry point for Azure web app deployment slot management API.
The options for OneDeploy.
OneDeploy type.
Class representing Abnormal Time Period detected.
Class representing detector definition.
ARM resource for a detector definition.
Definition of Detector.
Collection of detector responses.
Class representing Response from Detector.
DetectorResponse resource specific properties.
Defines values for DetectorType.
Collection of Diagnostic Analyses.
Class representing a diagnostic analysis done on an application.
DiagnosticAnalysis resource specific properties.
Collection of Diagnostic Categories.
Class representing detector definition.
DiagnosticCategory resource specific properties.
Set of data with rendering instructions.
Collection of Diagnostic Detectors.
Class representing Response from Diagnostic Detectors.
DiagnosticDetectorResponse resource specific properties.
Class representing Diagnostic Metric.
Class representing Diagnostic Metric information.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in DiagnosticsClient.
Dimension of a resource metric.
Defines values for DnsType.
Defines values for DnsVerificationTestResult.
Domain availability check result.
Collection of domains.
A domain contact definition.
The entirety of a domain contact definition.
Grouping of domain contact stages applicable as part of a domain creation.
The first stage of a domain contact definition.
The stage of contact definition allowing 1st line of address to be set.
The stage of contact definition allowing 2nd line of address to be set.
The final stage of the domain contact definition.
The stage of contact definition allowing city to be set.
The stage of contact definition allowing country to be set.
The stage of contact definition allowing email to be set.
The stage of contact definition allowing fax number to be set.
The stage of contact definition allowing first name to be set.
The stage of contact definition allowing job title to be set.
The stage of contact definition allowing last name to be set.
The stage of contact definition allowing middle name to be set.
The stage of contact definition allowing organization to be set.
The stage of contact definition allowing phone country code to be set.
The stage of contact definition allowing phone number to be set.
The stage of contact definition allowing postal/zip code to be set.
The stage of contact definition allowing state/province to be set.
Single sign-on request information for domain management.
Information about a domain.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure domain legal agreement.
Collection of domain ownership identifiers.
Domain ownership Identifier.
DomainOwnershipIdentifier resource specific properties.
ARM resource for a domain.
DomainPatchResource resource specific properties.
Domain resource specific properties.
Domain purchase consent object, representing acceptance of applicable legal agreements.
Domain recommendation search parameters.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in DomainRegistrationProvidersClient.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in DomainsClient.
Defines values for DomainStatus.
Defines values for DomainType.
Enabled configuration.
A domain name that a service is reached at, including details of the current connection status.
Current TCP connectivity information from the App Service Environment to a single endpoint.
Defines values for EnterpriseGradeCdnStatus.
Container App container environment variable.
Body of the error response returned from the API.
The error info.
Routing rules in production experiments.
The expression.
The expression root.
The expression traces.
Extended Location.
The configuration settings of the Facebook provider.
Application logs to file system configuration.
Http logs to file system configuration.
The configuration settings of the storage of the tokens if a file system is used.
The access control configuration.
The access control configuration policy.
The flow endpoints configuration.
The endpoints configuration.
The configuration settings of a forward proxy used to make the requests.
Defines values for ForwardProxyConvention.
Defines values for FrequencyUnit.
The FrontEndConfiguration model.
Defines values for FrontEndServiceType.
Defines values for FtpsState.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Function App.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Grouping of all the function app definition stages.
The first stage of the function app definition.
A function app definition allowing resource group to be specified when an existing app service plan is used.
A function app definition allowing resource group to be specified when an existing app service plan is used.
A function app definition allowing resource group to be specified when a new app service plan is to be created.
A function app definition with sufficient inputs to create a new function app in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
A function app definition allowing docker registry credentials to be set.
A function app definition allowing daily usage quota to be specified.
A function app definition allowing docker image source to be specified.
A function app definition allowing app service plan to be set.
A function app definition allowing runtime version to be specified.
A function app definition allowing storage account to be specified.
The template for a function app update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the function app update stages.
A function app update allowing app service plan to be set.
A function app update allowing docker hub credentials to be set.
A function app definition allowing daily usage quota to be specified.
A function app update allowing docker image source to be specified.
A function app update allowing runtime version to be specified.
A function app definition allowing storage account to be specified.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Function App.
Function App stack major version.
Function App stack minor version.
Function App stack runtimes.
Function App runtime settings.
Entry point for web app management API.
Collection of Function app Stacks.
Function App Stack.
FunctionAppStack resource specific properties.
Function app authentication via x-functions-key
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Function App deployment slot.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Grouping of all the function deployment slot definition stages.
The first stage of the function deployment slot definition.
A function deployment slot definition allowing the configuration to clone from to be specified.
A site definition with sufficient inputs to create a new web app / deployments slot in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Function App deployment slot.
Entry point for Azure function app deployment slot management API.
An immutable representation of function Information.
Collection of Kudu function information elements.
Function information.
FunctionEnvelope resource specific properties.
Defines function app runtime for Linux operating system.
Function secrets.
Collection of geographical regions.
Geographical region.
GeoRegion resource specific properties.
The configuration settings of the GitHub provider.
The GitHub action code configuration.
The GitHub action configuration.
The GitHub action container configuration.
GitHub Actions Web App stack settings.
A Global SKU Description.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in GlobalsClient.
The configuration settings that determines the validation flow of users using App Service Authentication/Authorization.
The configuration settings of the Google provider.
The IIS handler mappings used to define which handler processes HTTP requests with certain extension.
Information needed to create resources on an App Service Environment.
Diagnostics for an App Service Environment.
Specification for an App Service Environment to use for this resource.
Defines values for HostingEnvironmentStatus.
Functions host level keys.
Details of a hostname derived from a domain.
An immutable representation of a host name binding.
The entirety of a hostname binding definition.
Grouping of hostname binding definition stages applicable as part of a web app creation.
The first stage of a host name binding definition.
The final stage of the hostname binding definition.
The stage of a hostname binding definition allowing domain to be specified.
The stage of a hostname binding definition allowing DNS record type to be set.
The stage of a hostname binding definition allowing sub-domain to be specified.
The entirety of a hostname binding definition as part of a web app update.
Grouping of host name binding definition stages applicable as part of a web app creation.
The first stage of a host name binding definition.
The final stage of the hostname binding definition.
The stage of a hostname binding definition allowing domain to be specified.
The stage of a hostname binding definition allowing DNS record type to be set.
The stage of a hostname binding definition allowing sub-domain to be specified.
Collection of hostname bindings.
A hostname binding object.
HostNameBinding resource specific properties.
An immutable representation of an host name SSL binding.
The entirety of a hostname SSL binding definition.
Grouping of hostname SSL binding definition stages applicable as part of a web app creation.
The first stage of a hostname SSL binding definition.
The final stage of the hostname SSL binding definition.
The stage of a hostname SSL binding definition allowing certificate information to be specified.
The stage of a hostname SSL binding definition allowing hostname to be specified.
The stage of a hostname SSL binding definition allowing key vault for certificate store to be specified.
The stage of a hostname SSL binding definition allowing SSL type to be specified.
The entirety of a hostname SSL binding definition as part of a web app update.
Grouping of hostname SSL binding definition stages applicable as part of a web app update.
The first stage of a hostname SSL binding definition.
The final stage of the hostname SSL binding definition.
The stage of a hostname SSL binding definition allowing certificate information to be specified.
The stage of a hostname SSL binding definition allowing hostname to be specified.
The stage of a hostname SSL binding definition allowing key vault for certificate store to be specified.
The stage of a hostname SSL binding definition allowing SSL type to be specified.
SSL-enabled hostname.
Defines values for HostnameType.
Defines values for HostType.
Http logs configuration.
Container App container Custom scaling rule.
The configuration settings of the HTTP requests for authentication and authorization requests made against App Service Authentication/Authorization.
The configuration settings of the paths HTTP requests.
Collection of hostname bindings.
Hybrid Connection contract.
Hybrid Connection key contract.
HybridConnectionKey resource specific properties.
Hybrid Connection limits contract.
HybridConnectionLimits resource specific properties.
HybridConnection resource specific properties.
Collection of identifiers.
A domain specific resource identifier.
Identifier resource specific properties.
The configuration settings of each of the identity providers used to configure App Service Authentication/Authorization.
Defines values for InAvailabilityReasonType.
Collection of Inbound Environment Endpoints.
The IP Addresses and Ports that require inbound network access to and within the subnet of the App Service Environment.
Container App Ingress configuration.
Defines values for IngressTransportMethod.
Defines values for InsightStatus.
The ip address.
The ip address range.
Defines values for IpFilterTag.
IP security restriction on an app.
Defines values for IssueType.
Defines values for Java versions.
The JSON schema.
The configuration settings of the checks that should be made while validating the JWT Claims.
Function key info.
Defines values for KeyType.
The KeyValuePairStringObject model.
Defines values for KeyVaultSecretStatus.
Defines values for Kind.
Collection of Kubernetes Environments.
A Kubernetes cluster specialized for web workloads by Azure App Service.
ARM resource for a KubeEnvironment when patching.
KubeEnvironmentPatchResource resource specific properties.
Specification for a Kubernetes Environment to use for this resource.
KubeEnvironment resource specific properties.
Defines values for KubeEnvironmentProvisioningState.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in KubeEnvironmentsClient.
Kudu web app authentication via basic auth
Result of Kudu deployment.
The configuration settings of the legacy Microsoft Account provider.
Linux Java Container settings.
Defines values for LoadBalancingMode.
Localizable string object containing the name and a localized value.
The LogAnalyticsConfiguration model.
The configuration settings of the login flow of users using App Service Authentication/Authorization.
The routes that specify the endpoints used for login and logout requests.
The configuration settings of the login flow, including the scopes that should be requested.
Defines values for LogLevel.
Log Definition of a single resource metric.
Defines values for ManagedPipelineMode.
Managed service identity.
Defines values for ManagedServiceIdentityType.
Retention policy of a resource metric.
Definition of a single resource metric.
MySQL migration request.
MigrateMySqlRequest resource specific properties.
MySQL migration status.
MigrateMySqlStatus resource specific properties.
MSDeploy ARM PUT information.
MSDeploy ARM PUT core information.
MSDeploy log entry.
Defines values for MSDeployLogEntryType.
MSDeploy log.
MSDeployLog resource specific properties.
Core resource properties.
Defines values for MSDeployProvisioningState.
MSDeploy ARM response.
MSDeployStatus resource specific properties.
Defines values for MySqlMigrationType.
Collection of domain name identifiers.
Identifies an object.
Name value pair.
Defines values for .NET framework version.
Full view of network features for an app (presently VNET integration and Hybrid Connections).
NetworkFeatures resource specific properties.
Network trace.
The configuration settings of the nonce used in the login flow.
Defines values for NotificationLevel.
AuthenticationPolicy of type Open.
Open authentication access policy defined by user.
Open authentication policy claim.
Defines values for OpenAuthenticationProviderType.
The authentication client credentials of the custom Open ID Connect provider.
The configuration settings of the endpoints used for the custom Open ID Connect provider.
The configuration settings of the login flow of the custom Open ID Connect provider.
The configuration settings of the app registration for the custom Open ID Connect provider.
Defines values for AppServiceOperatingSystem.
An operation on a resource.
The operation result definition.
The run operation result properties.
Defines values for OperationStatus.
Collection of Outbound Environment Endpoints.
Endpoints accessed for a common purpose that the App Service Environment requires outbound network access to.
Defines values for ParameterType.
Collection of performance monitor counters.
Performance monitor API response.
Performance monitor sample in a set.
Metric information.
Defines values for PHP version.
Defines values for app service platform architecture.
Premier add-on.
Collection of premier add-on offers.
Premier add-on offer.
PremierAddOnOffer resource specific properties.
ARM resource for a PremierAddOn.
PremierAddOnPatchResource resource specific properties.
PremierAddOn resource specific properties.
Defines App service pricing tiers.
Description of the parameters of Private Access for a Web Site.
PrivateAccess resource specific properties.
Description of a Virtual Network subnet that is useable for private site access.
Description of a Virtual Network that is useable for private site access.
The PrivateEndpointConnectionCollection model.
A request to approve or reject a private endpoint connection.
Private Endpoint Connection Approval ARM resource.
The state of a private link connection.
A private link resource.
Properties of a private link resource.
Wrapper for a collection of private link resources.
Collection of Kudu process information elements.
Process Information.
ProcessInfo resource specific properties.
Collection of Kudu thread information elements.
Process Module Information.
ProcessModuleInfo resource specific properties.
Collection of Kudu thread information elements.
Process Thread Information.
ProcessThreadInfo resource specific properties.
Defines values for ProviderOsTypeSelected.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ProvidersClient.
Defines values for ProviderStackOsType.
Defines values for ProvisioningState.
Azure proxy only resource.
Collection of public certificates.
Public certificate object.
Defines values for PublicCertificateLocation.
PublicCertificate resource specific properties.
Publishing Credentials Policies entity collection ARM resource.
Endpoints and credentials for publishing to a web app.
Defines values for PublishingProfileFormat.
Push settings for the App.
PushSettings resource specific properties.
Defines values for Python version.
Result for utterances query.
Suggested utterances where the detector can be applicable.
Container App container Azure Queue based scaling rule.
Routing rules for ramp up testing.
Collection of recommendations.
Represents a recommendation result generated by the recommendation engine.
Recommendation resource specific properties.
Represents a recommendation rule that the recommendation engine can perform.
RecommendationRule resource specific properties.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in RecommendationsClient.
Defines values for RecurrenceFrequency.
The recurrence schedule.
The recurrence schedule occurrence.
Defines values for RedundancyMode.
The access key regenerate action content.
Container App Private Registry.
Class representing certificate reissue request.
ReissueCertificateOrderRequest resource specific properties.
Hybrid Connection for an App Service app.
RelayServiceConnectionEntity resource specific properties.
A remote private endpoint connection.
Remote Private Endpoint Connection ARM resource.
RemotePrivateEndpointConnectionARMResource resource specific properties.
RemotePrivateEndpointConnection resource specific properties.
Defines values for remote visual studio version for remote debugging.
Instructions for rendering the data.
Defines values for RenderingType.
Class representing certificate renew request.
RenewCertificateOrderRequest resource specific properties.
The workflow run action repetition index.
The type of a repository.
A request.
The request history.
The list of workflow request histories.
The request history.
Trigger based on total requests.
Defines values for ResolveStatus.
Collection of resources.
Collection of resource health metadata.
Used for getting ResourceHealthCheck settings.
ResourceHealthMetadata resource specific properties.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ResourceHealthMetadatasClient.
Metrics availability and retention.
Collection of metric definitions.
Metadata for the metrics.
ResourceMetricDefinition resource specific properties.
Information regarding availability of a resource name.
Resource name availability request content.
Defines values for ResourceNotRenewableReason.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ResourceProvidersClient.
The resource reference.
Defines values for ResourceScopeType.
A response.
Message envelope that contains the common Azure resource manager properties and the resource provider specific content.
The ResponseMetadata model.
Description of a restore request.
RestoreRequest resource specific properties.
The retry history.
Container App Revisions collection ARM resource.
Defines values for RevisionHealthState.
Container App Revision.
Revision resource specific properties.
Defines values for RevisionProvisioningState.
Defines values for RouteType.
The workflow run action correlation properties.
The correlation properties.
Defines App service pricing tiers.
Sample utterance.
Container App scaling configurations.
Container App container scaling rule.
Auth Secrets for Container App Scale Rule.
Defines values for ScmType.
Container App Secret.
Container App Secrets Collection ARM resource.
Resource metrics service provided by Microsoft.Insights resource provider.
Configuration settings for the Azure App Service Authentication / Authorization feature.
SiteAuthSettings resource specific properties.
Configuration settings for the Azure App Service Authentication / Authorization V2 feature.
SiteAuthSettingsV2 resource specific properties.
Defines values for SiteAvailabilityState.
An app cloneability criterion.
Represents whether or not an app is cloneable.
Configuration of an App Service app.
Site config properties dictionary.
Collection of site configurations.
Web app configuration ARM resource.
Collection of metadata for the app configuration snapshots that can be restored.
A snapshot of a web app configuration.
SiteConfigurationSnapshotInfo resource specific properties.
Collection of Kudu site extension information elements.
Site Extension Information.
SiteExtensionInfo resource specific properties.
Defines values for SiteExtensionType.
A web app, a mobile app backend, or an API app.
Metric limits set on an app.
Defines values for SiteLoadBalancing.
Configuration of App Service site logs.
SiteLogsConfig resource specific properties.
MachineKey of an app.
ARM resource for a site.
SitePatchResource resource specific properties.
Used for getting PHP error logging flag.
SitePhpErrorLogFlag resource specific properties.
Site resource specific properties.
Defines values for SiteRuntimeState.
Site seal.
Site seal request.
Source control configuration for an app.
SiteSourceControl resource specific properties.
Description of the App Service plan scale options.
Description of a SKU for a scalable resource.
Collection of SKU information.
SKU discovery information.
Collection of SKU information.
Defines values for SkuName.
Names for connection strings, application settings, and external Azure storage account configuration identifiers to be marked as sticky to the deployment slot and not moved during a swap operation.
Slot Config names azure resource.
Collection of slot differences.
A setting difference between two deployment slots of an app.
SlotDifference resource specific properties.
The status of the last successful slot swap operation.
Trigger based on request execution time.
Collection of snapshots which can be used to revert an app to a previous time.
A snapshot of an app.
Snapshot resource specific properties.
Specifies the web app that snapshot contents will be retrieved from.
Details about app recovery operation.
SnapshotRestoreRequest resource specific properties.
Class Representing Solution for problems detected.
Defines values for SolutionType.
Collection of source controls.
The source control OAuth token.
SourceControl resource specific properties.
Defines values for SslState.
Application stack major version.
Application stack minor version.
Defines values for StackPreferredOs.
Defines values for StagingEnvironmentPolicy.
Collection of stamp capacities.
Stamp capacity information.
A static site.
Static Site ARM resource.
Static Site Build ARM resource.
StaticSiteBuildARMResource resource specific properties.
Collection of static site builds.
Build properties for the static site.
Collection of static sites.
Static Site Custom Domain Overview ARM resource.
StaticSiteCustomDomainOverviewARMResource resource specific properties.
Collection of static site custom domains.
Static Site Custom Domain Request Properties ARM resource.
StaticSiteCustomDomainRequestPropertiesARMResource resource specific properties.
Static Site Function Overview ARM resource.
StaticSiteFunctionOverviewARMResource resource specific properties.
Collection of static site functions.
Static Site Linked Backend ARM resource.
Static Site Linked Backend ARM resource.
StaticSiteLinkedBackendARMResource resource specific properties.
Collection of static site linked backends.
ARM resource for a static site when patching.
Static Site Reset Properties ARM resource.
StaticSiteResetPropertiesARMResource resource specific properties.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in StaticSitesClient.
Preview for the Static Site Workflow to be generated.
StaticSitesWorkflowPreview resource specific properties.
Request entity for previewing the Static Site workflow.
StaticSitesWorkflowPreviewRequest resource specific properties.
Template Options for the static site.
Static Site User ARM resource.
StaticSiteUserARMResource resource specific properties.
Collection of static site custom users.
Static sites user roles invitation resource.
StaticSiteUserInvitationRequestResource resource specific properties.
Static sites user roles invitation link resource.
StaticSiteUserInvitationResponseResource resource specific properties.
A static site user provided function.
Static Site User Provided Function App ARM resource.
StaticSiteUserProvidedFunctionAppARMResource resource specific properties.
StaticSiteUserProvidedFunctionApp resource specific properties.
Collection of static site user provided function apps.
A static site zip deployment.
Static site zip deployment ARM resource.
Identify the status of the most severe insight generated by the detector.
Trigger based on status code.
Trigger based on range of status codes.
Defines values for StatusOptions.
Options for app content migration.
StorageMigrationOptions resource specific properties.
Response for a migration of app content request.
StorageMigrationResponse resource specific properties.
Defines values for StorageType.
String dictionary resource.
String list resource.
Defines values for SupportedTlsVersions.
Provides access to OneDeploy.
Defines a unique Support Topic.
Swift Virtual Network Contract.
SwiftVirtualNetwork resource specific properties.
Container App versioned application definition.
Collection of top-level domain legal agreements.
Legal agreement for a top level domain.
The configuration settings of the token store.
Options for retrieving the list of top level domain legal agreements.
Collection of Top-level domains.
A top level domain object.
TopLevelDomain resource specific properties.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in TopLevelDomainsClient.
Traffic weight assigned to a revision.
Collection of Kudu continuous web job information elements.
Triggered Web Job History.
TriggeredJobHistory resource specific properties.
Triggered Web Job Run Information.
Collection of Kudu continuous web job information elements.
Triggered Web Job Information.
TriggeredWebJob resource specific properties.
Defines values for TriggeredWebJobStatus.
Defines values for TriggerTypes.
The configuration settings of the Twitter provider.
The configuration settings of the app registration for the Twitter provider.
Defines values for UnauthenticatedClientAction.
Defines values for UnauthenticatedClientActionV2.
Defines values for UpgradeAvailability.
Defines values for UpgradePreference.
Collection of usages.
Usage of the quota resource.
Usage resource specific properties.
Defines values for UsageState.
User Assigned identity.
User credentials used for publishing activity.
User resource specific properties.
App properties used for validation.
Resource validation request content.
Defines values for ValidateResourceTypes.
Error details for when validation fails.
Describes the result of resource validation.
Virtual application in an app.
Directory for virtual application.
Virtual IP mapping.
Specification for using a Virtual Network.
The Virtual Network gateway contract.
VnetGateway resource specific properties.
Virtual Network information contract.
Virtual Network information ARM resource.
The required set of inputs to validate a VNET.
VnetParameters resource specific properties.
Virtual Network route contract used to pass routing information for a Virtual Network.
VnetRoute resource specific properties.
A class that describes the reason for a validation failure.
VnetValidationFailureDetails resource specific properties.
A class that describes a test that failed during NSG and UDR validation.
VnetValidationTestFailure resource specific properties.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Web App.
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
Grouping of all the web app definition stages.
The first stage of the web app definition.
A web app definition allowing resource group to be specified when a new app service plan is to be created.
A web app definition allowing resource group to be specified when a new app service plan is to be created.
A web app definition allowing resource group to be specified when an existing app service plan is used.
A web app definition allowing container image source to be specified.
A site definition with sufficient inputs to create a new web app / deployments slot in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
A web app definition allowing docker registry credentials to be set.
A web app definition allowing app framework on Linux operating system to be specified.
A web app definition allowing app service plan to be set.
A web app definition allowing docker startup command to be specified.
A web app definition allowing app framework on Windows operating system to be specified.
The template for a web app update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the web app update stages.
A web app update allowing app service plan to be set.
A web app update allowing container image source to be specified.
A web app update allowing docker hub credentials to be set.
A web app update allowing built-in container image on Linux operating system to be specified.
A web app update allowing docker startup command to be specified.
A web app update allowing runtime stack on Windows operating system to be specified.
A web app authentication configuration in a web app.
The entirety of a web app authentication definition.
Grouping of web app authentication definition stages applicable as part of a web app creation.
The first stage of a web app authentication definition as part of a definition of a web app.
The final stage of the web app authentication definition.
A web app authentication definition allowing detailed provider information to be specified.
A web app authentication definition allowing the default authentication provider to be set.
A web app authentication definition allowing branch to be specified.
A web app authentication definition allowing token store to be specified.
The entirety of a web app authentication definition as part of a web app update.
Grouping of web app authentication definition stages applicable as part of a web app update.
The first stage of a web app authentication definition as part of a definition of a web app.
The final stage of the web app authentication definition.
A web app authentication definition allowing detailed provider information to be specified.
A web app authentication definition allowing the default authentication provider to be set.
A web app authentication definition allowing branch to be specified.
A web app authentication definition allowing token store to be specified.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Web App or deployment slot.
The entirety of the web app base definition.
Grouping of all the site definition stages.
A web app definition stage allowing app settings to be set.
A web app definition stage allowing authentication to be set.
A web app definition stage allowing setting if client affinity is enabled.
A web app definition stage allowing setting if client cert is enabled.
A web app definition stage allowing connection strings to be set.
A site definition with sufficient inputs to create a new web app / deployments slot in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to specify.
A web app definition stage allowing diagnostic logging to be set.
A web app definition stage allowing host name binding to be specified.
A web app definition stage allowing SSL binding to be set.
A web app definition stage allowing System Assigned Managed Service Identity to be set.
The stage of web app definition allowing to configure network access settings.
A web app definition stage allowing setting if SCM site is also stopped when the web app is stopped.
A web app definition stage allowing other configurations to be set.
A web app definition stage allowing disabling the web app upon creation.
A web app definition stage allowing source control to be set.
The stage of the System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity enabled web app allowing to set access role for the identity.
The stage of the web app definition allowing to add User Assigned (External) Managed Service Identities.
A web app definition stage allowing Java web container to be set.
The template for a site update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
Grouping of all the web app update stages.
A web app update stage allowing app settings to be set.
A web app definition stage allowing authentication to be set.
The stage of the web app update allowing setting if client affinity is enabled.
The stage of the web app update allowing setting if client cert is enabled.
A web app update stage allowing connection strings to be set.
A web app definition stage allowing diagnostic logging to be set.
The stage of the web app update allowing host name binding to be set.
The stage of the web app update allowing SSL binding to be set.
A web app definition stage allowing System Assigned Managed Service Identity to be set.
The stage of storage account update allowing to configure network access.
The stage of the web app update allowing setting if SCM site is also stopped when the web app is stopped.
The stage of the web app update allowing other configurations to be set.
The stage of the web app update allowing disabling the web app upon creation.
A web app update stage allowing source control to be set.
The stage of the System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity enabled web app allowing to set access role for the identity.
The stage of the web app update allowing to add User Assigned (External) Managed Service Identities.
The stage of the web app update allowing Java web container to be set.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Web App.
Collection of App Service apps.
A web app diagnostic log configuration in a web app.
The entirety of a web app diagnostic log definition.
Grouping of web app diagnostic log definition stages applicable as part of a web app creation.
The first stage of a web app diagnostic log definition as part of a definition of a web app.
A web app diagnostic log definition allowing application log level to be specified.
The final stage of the web app diagnostic log definition.
The final stage of the web app diagnostic log definition, plus extra settings for application logs stored in a Storage blob.
The final stage of the web app diagnostic log definition, plus extra settings for web server logs stored in the file system.
The final stage of the web app diagnostic log definition, plus extra settings for web server logs stored in a Storage blob.
A web app diagnostic log definition allowing detailed error messages to be specified.
A web app diagnostic log definition allowing the log source to be set.
A web app diagnostic log definition allowing failed request tracing to be specified.
A web app diagnostic log definition allowing web server file system logging quota to be specified.
A web app diagnostic log definition allowing retention days to be specified.
A web app diagnostic log definition allowing application log storage location to be specified.
A web app diagnostic log definition allowing web server log storage location to be specified.
The entirety of a web app diagnostic log definition as part of a web app update.
Grouping of web app diagnostic log update stages applicable as part of a web app update.
The first stage of a web app diagnostic log update as part of a update of a web app.
The final stage of the web app diagnostic log update.
A web app diagnostic log update allowing application log level to be specified.
The final stage of the web app diagnostic log update, plus extra settings for application logs stored in a Storage blob.
The final stage of the web app diagnostic log update, plus extra settings for web server logs stored in the file system.
The final stage of the web app diagnostic log update, plus extra settings for web server logs stored in a Storage blob.
A web app diagnostic log update allowing detailed error messages to be specified.
A web app diagnostic log update allowing the log source to be set.
A web app diagnostic log update allowing failed request tracing to be specified.
A web app diagnostic log update allowing application log storage location to be specified.
A web app diagnostic log update allowing web server file system logging quota to be specified.
A web app diagnostic log update allowing retention days to be specified.
A web app diagnostic log update allowing application log storage location to be specified.
A web app diagnostic log update allowing web server log storage location to be specified.
Collection of app instances.
Web App stack major version.
Web App stack minor version.
Web App stack runtimes.
Web App runtime settings.
Defines web app runtime stack on Windows operating system.
Entry point for web app management API.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in WebAppsClient.
An immutable representation of a web app source control configuration in a web app.
The entirety of a web app source control definition.
Grouping of web app source control definition stages applicable as part of a web app creation.
The first stage of a web app source control definition as part of a definition of a web app.
The final stage of the web app source control definition that binds to a GitHub account.
The final stage of the web app source control definition.
A web app source control definition allowing branch to be specified.
A web app source control definition allowing GitHub access token to be specified.
A web app source control definition allowing branch to be specified.
A web app source control definition allowing repository type to be specified.
The entirety of a web app source control definition as part of a web app update.
Grouping of web app source control definition stages applicable as part of a web app update.
The first stage of a web app source control definition as part of an update of a web app.
The final stage of the web app source control definition that binds to a GitHub account.
The final stage of the web app source control definition.
A web app source control definition allowing branch to be specified.
A web app source control definition allowing GitHub access token to be specified.
A web app source control definition allowing branch to be specified.
A web app source control definition allowing repository type to be specified.
Collection of Web app Stacks.
Web App stack.
WebAppStack resource specific properties.
Defines values for Java web container.
A client-side representation allowing user to deploy to a web app through web deployment (MSDeploy).
The entirety of web deployment parameters definition.
Grouping of web deployment definition stages.
A web deployment definition stage allowing adding more packages.
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
A web deployment definition stage allowing specifying whether to delete existing deployments.
The first stage of a web deployment definition.
A web deployment definition stage allowing specifying parameters.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Web App deployment slot.
Collection of Kudu web job information elements.
Web Job Information.
WebJob resource specific properties.
Defines values for WebJobType.
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Web App or Function App.
The WebSiteInstanceStatus model.
WebSiteInstanceStatus resource specific properties.
The interface for WebSiteManagementClient class.
Windows Java Container settings.
Worker pool of an App Service Environment.
Collection of worker pools.
Worker pool of an App Service Environment ARM resource.
Defines values for WorkerSizeOptions.
The workflow type.
The workflow output parameter.
The workflow parameters.
The workflow properties.
Defines values for WorkflowProvisioningState.
The base resource type.
The workflow run action.
The list of workflow run actions.
The workflow run action properties.
A collection of workflow run action repetitions.
The workflow run action repetition definition.
The workflow run action repetition properties definition.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in WorkflowRunActionRepetitionsClient.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in WorkflowRunActionRepetitionsRequestHistoriesClient.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in WorkflowRunActionsClient.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in WorkflowRunActionScopeRepetitionsClient.
The workflow run.
The list of workflow runs.
The workflow run properties.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in WorkflowRunsClient.
The workflow run trigger.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in WorkflowsClient.
The sku type.
Defines values for WorkflowSkuName.
Defines values for WorkflowState.
Defines values for WorkflowStatus.
The workflow trigger callback URL.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in WorkflowTriggerHistoriesClient.
The workflow trigger history.
The list of workflow trigger histories.
The workflow trigger history properties.
The workflow trigger.
Gets the workflow trigger callback URL query parameters.
The list of workflow triggers.
The workflow trigger properties.
Defines values for WorkflowTriggerProvisioningState.
The workflow trigger recurrence.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in WorkflowTriggersClient.
The workflow version.
The list of workflow versions.
The workflow version properties.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in WorkflowVersionsClient.