Class MapsGeofenceEventProperties

    • Constructor Detail

      • MapsGeofenceEventProperties

        public MapsGeofenceEventProperties()
    • Method Detail

      • getExpiredGeofenceGeometryId

        public List<String> getExpiredGeofenceGeometryId()
        Get the expiredGeofenceGeometryId property: Lists of the geometry ID of the geofence which is expired relative to the user time in the request.
        the expiredGeofenceGeometryId value.
      • setExpiredGeofenceGeometryId

        public MapsGeofenceEventProperties setExpiredGeofenceGeometryId​(List<String> expiredGeofenceGeometryId)
        Set the expiredGeofenceGeometryId property: Lists of the geometry ID of the geofence which is expired relative to the user time in the request.
        expiredGeofenceGeometryId - the expiredGeofenceGeometryId value to set.
        the MapsGeofenceEventProperties object itself.
      • getGeometries

        public List<MapsGeofenceGeometry> getGeometries()
        Get the geometries property: Lists the fence geometries that either fully contain the coordinate position or have an overlap with the searchBuffer around the fence.
        the geometries value.
      • setGeometries

        public MapsGeofenceEventProperties setGeometries​(List<MapsGeofenceGeometry> geometries)
        Set the geometries property: Lists the fence geometries that either fully contain the coordinate position or have an overlap with the searchBuffer around the fence.
        geometries - the geometries value to set.
        the MapsGeofenceEventProperties object itself.
      • getInvalidPeriodGeofenceGeometryId

        public List<String> getInvalidPeriodGeofenceGeometryId()
        Get the invalidPeriodGeofenceGeometryId property: Lists of the geometry ID of the geofence which is in invalid period relative to the user time in the request.
        the invalidPeriodGeofenceGeometryId value.
      • setInvalidPeriodGeofenceGeometryId

        public MapsGeofenceEventProperties setInvalidPeriodGeofenceGeometryId​(List<String> invalidPeriodGeofenceGeometryId)
        Set the invalidPeriodGeofenceGeometryId property: Lists of the geometry ID of the geofence which is in invalid period relative to the user time in the request.
        invalidPeriodGeofenceGeometryId - the invalidPeriodGeofenceGeometryId value to set.
        the MapsGeofenceEventProperties object itself.
      • isEventPublished

        public Boolean isEventPublished()
        Get the isEventPublished property: True if at least one event is published to the Azure Maps event subscriber, false if no event is published to the Azure Maps event subscriber.
        the isEventPublished value.
      • setIsEventPublished

        public MapsGeofenceEventProperties setIsEventPublished​(Boolean isEventPublished)
        Set the isEventPublished property: True if at least one event is published to the Azure Maps event subscriber, false if no event is published to the Azure Maps event subscriber.
        isEventPublished - the isEventPublished value to set.
        the MapsGeofenceEventProperties object itself.